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Chris Cuomo Fired By CNN


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As reported by Brian Stelter of CNN, Cuomo acted as "an unpaid staffer" of former Governor Andrew Cuomo at the same time that he was a paid reporter for CNN:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
The scumbag brothers are now both gone.
Good riddance.
I guess Andrew Cuomo won’t be the next President after all.
The arrogance and entitlement of these two was so overbearing only a blind man wouldn’t notice.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Wetnose, good question, it's a blatant conflict of interest and listening to his explanation suggesting that there are exceptions to conflict of interest for family members is quite ridiculous. This is why as an attorney you sometimes don't take cases from family members. I once threatened to fire my father as a client on a real estate deal because of the concessions the other side was asking him to make and to which he was giving into. When emotions get in the way you need to step aside and he didn't do it. It was stupid as he lost a huge salary and also saw his reputation as a journalist get flushed down the toilet.
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Jul 31, 2011
Chris Cuomo is a lawyer by training. He should certainly know better. What the hell was he thinking???
A lawyer...mais surtout un animateur réputé/agitateur en prime time à CNN à tous les soirs qui jouait au JUGE vis-à vis les politiciens au comportement qui lui semblait en beurrait épais ;) ...alors côté éthique professionnelle..on repassera....

aucune lecon à servir à hâte si son cher DON ---- 2 bodies inséparables qui se louangeaient tous les soirs----va oser commenter la situation.....j'en doute fortement.;)
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
What I find remarkable in Chris Cuomo's actions is the false assumption that all the legwork he did for his brother was NOT going to come out, especially given the heavy scrutiny his brother was facing. The fact that Cuomo had a show at all, which goes for all the prime time opinion shows on CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc, is part of the rot of modern media.
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
He, like his brother, is a gregarious Italian-American straight male who tries to get laid at work.

That doesn’t work in today’s workplace, especially in the television industry. Ask Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose.

Don Lemon will likely survive because he is an African-American who allegedly pursued men at work.

What better way to promote #metoo and the principle that the pursuit of dating and sex is now off-limits in the workplace than the occasional high-level lynching?

I know posters will come along and say that doesn’t apply to me because my company is different, and there is no power imbalance, but that is only true until there is a complaint or a problem.

Yes, the Cuomo‘s we’re both arrogant pricks, but Andrew was a centrist who fought the Leftists (which certainly didn’t help him survive this), and Chris sometimes had something useful to say, at least in comparison to Don Lemon. I believe Chris recently defended the Thanksgiving Holiday when it was attacked by a University Professor who said it should be changed to a day of fasting and atonement.

Now CNN can create one more time slot for a female, a nonwhite, a Leftist, a homosexual, or preferably a combination of those four characteristics. Anderson Cooper should be safe, being two out of four. Chris Cuomo was never really Left enough to suit them.

None of which has any connection to the news, but CNN has never been about the news. When it first started, one of its first stories involved having a reporter follow a child around a school. This child had fundamentalist religion parents, and the child did Bible Preaching at school. The child was suspended for informing the principal that he was likely to go to hell. The principal was justifiably outraged at the presence of CNN. Their coverage, in general, has gone downhill since then, and they now compete with MSNBC for left wing viewers. FOX is equally biased in ignoring news and catering to Right Wingers. Now there is nothing but propaganda and people with agendas.

CNN had one white guy who was an asshole but a centrist who went to FOX and he shifted hard right. I can’t remember his name, but he is a good illustration of how nothing is about news in the supposed news industry. It is just getting like-minded people to watch, so they will buy the products being advertised. There are now more left-wing and right-wing product advertisements. Gillette, for instance, is the shaving company for left-wingers. Apparently, you shave differently if you lean to one side of the political spectrum.
I'm only touching one thing in this doozy of a post and that's the first thing about trying to get laid at work.

We're on a board that exists because of women, how delicious they are, how irresistible they are and how we turn into 16 years old boys again at the sight of breasts perfectly conglobated by genetics and callipygian asses. That is all to say we men think with our dicks all the time, so yeah we sometimes try to get laid at work too. If you're not abusing your power at work to get laid and if you're not too forceful and attraction is mutual, you can do without negative repercussions. I've slept with women from work ranging from when I worked retail in my 20s to my current job. The timing of a second sexual impropriety allegation (he had previously apologized for something he did at ABC) seems interesting to say the least, but this new allegation was probably icing on the cake for his unprofessional conduct in defending his brother anyway.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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He, like his brother, is a gregarious Italian-American straight male who tries to get laid at work.
Actually,, this is the defense that Andrew Cuomo made to breast fondling charges: because he is Italian and gregarious, he tends to get touchy-feely with people. The comment outraged many people, particularly hard working Italian men who are able to keep their hands to themselves at work and do not use their ethnicity to excuse the making of unwanted sexual advances.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Don Lemon will likely survive because he is an African-American who allegedly pursued men at
Patron, your comment reminded me of the gay character on Mad Men. Although a slightly different situation, as I recall he worked in the creative department of the Ad agency and was a typical closeted gay man of the 1960s (unlike Lemon). Unfortunately for him, the owner or CEO of the tobacco company that is the agency's biggest client, sensing his homosexuality and being attracted to him, begins to pressure him to suck his cock. However he resists the advances and because he resists the advances, he is fired. It was kind of odd because he was portrayed as someone who slept around with other men, and had some random gay hotel rooms trysts, but when it came to pressured, non consensual sex, he drew the line. I was saddened by his termination on the show because I thought the actor did a wonderful job playing that character. He was not portrayed as flamboyantly gay and seemed very authentic and like some of the gay men I have had as coworkers in my life. You also reminded me I need to rewatch that entire show because it's a fucking great show.

My guess is that Don Lemon will never in his life be pressured to suck anyone's dick due to his station in life. It wouldn't surprise me if he sleeps around with lots of men though, and maybe even some of his coworkers.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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CNN fired Cuomo, apparently, for his violations of journalistic ethics and for lying to CNN about the extent of them, and not due to the sexual assault claim.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The original report from Brian Stelter of CNN- which I watched live and I started this thread shortly after watching his report- made it clear that CNN fired Cuomo for his breach of journalist ethics and for lying to CNN about the extent of that breach. I should add that Stelter mentioned the sexual assault allegation as well. As I watched that live breaking report from Stelter I had a very distinct feeling that there was no love lost between Stelter and Cuomo, even if there was between Cuomo and Lemon. The normally objective Stelter had an unmistakeable tone of pleasure in announcing the termination and the reasons for it, and my sense as a stunned viewer was that he was reveling in the news. Whether Cuomo's termination opens up some air time for Stelter I do not know, but if so, he should have felt as conflicted reporting on that breaking news as Cuomo did being an "unpaid staffer" (the exact words Stelter used) for Andrew while working for CNN.

Stelter mentioned the sexual assault allegation as a piece of information but not a dispositive one. I also got the sense that Stelter may have been acting as a tool for CNN management in order to please them.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That was indeed a great episode. Don Draper was bewildered that the gay man was so choosy, if I recall correctly.
This was a pivotal point in the development of the Draper character. Himself a philanderer, he saw absolutely no problem for a gay man to not be choosy in which cocks to suck when it came to business and making the agency's top client happy. The gay character, however, though not opposed to random gay affairs in hotel rooms, did draw a line in the sand with pressured, non-consensual sex. Drawing that line got him fired.

This episode aired around 5 years before MeToo was invented and developed, yet it was amazingly prescient about the change that was coming, even if it depicted what the likely outcome would be 100% of the time in the 1960s. It was one of the most important and memorable episodes of the series. That episode watched now become even more powerful in light of the before and after MeToo significance.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
How could CNN not have seen these ethics violations coming? They really thought Fredo was going to be unbiased in reporting on his powerful brother and not use his insider knowledge to help Andy do spin control?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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How could CNN not have seen these ethics violations coming? They really thought Fredo was going to be unbiased in reporting on his powerful brother and not use his insider knowledge to help Andy do spin control?
Excellent question, and one that was going through my mind when the original Andrew Cuomo controversy was being reported on.

It's almost like CNN set him up to be fired, although who knows what conditions they imposed on him to allow him to remain on the air.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I agree with just about everything that has been said in this thread: about CNN and cable news being generally not about news, about the Chris C. should have known better, his gov brother being ultimately an jerk with women...etc.

However, I still enjoyed watching Chris C as i found him to be an excellent orator with amazing political analytical abilities...he knows his stuff and is very good in front of the camera conducting interviews or doing political commentary, which i always found inciteful and me he is/was the best on that network. oh well, the taller they are, the harder they fall
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