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christine montreal companion

Apr 16, 2005

I thought you'd find that interesting that the girls could ajust as they want to the laws of the offer and demand, do special package for more hours... Christine has calls, she had two in two days for 7 hours, and for now she's very satisfied with this. Sorry if you feel insulted but there are other girls that did the opposite of her and lowered their prices.
Well then, Kevin, best wishes to her and we wish her every success. Please don't misunderstand us here. We are not insulted. I, for one, am pleased that the new price structure is working out for Christine. She obviously has made an assessment that her beauty and service are so exceptional that first, she can command such a fee, and that, second, she can sustain that fee for her whole career.
I believe that the others here are merely voicing their opinion about what they believe may not have been a wise choice given the present state of the economy. Just how big is the pool of clients who are able to sustain a fee of $3500 for one session of 7 hours(if that is what you indicated) and more to the point, will they be inclined to repeat? Or will they spread it out a bit. There is a fair pool of independents whose beauty and service both rival and even surpass that of Christine (e.g.Maria Divina, Lilly Lombard, Karyna Klein - well you get the idea). And many have a lower rate.
It's not hard to bump up a rate. Harder to lower it after and deal with the attitude of those who tend to put a value on an SP's services (i.e. every member of merb). Perhaps trying a more modest price hike to start out with might have been a wiser choice. The message here is that she is probably a write off for many guys here not that they are insulted.
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Jul 24, 2007
I've tried to book her couple times during the last 2 weeks without any result.
If you guys are more lucky than I'm, Could you just please let us know???

For some reasons, I've a strange feeling...

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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thebitchelor said:
Everybody has a price and i had mine too..But now, but i aint single...and my fidelity, as for it, doesnt have one (price):cool:

Awww, that statement just warms my cockles. :p Lol.

La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Corleone said:
Kevin (or whoever), did you know that there are professional web designers who could build a decent website for you, and marketing consultants who could help you set your prices?
And guess what... they make a living doing that. ;)

I think his website is nice.

The only problem is that there is too much going on.


most of the time
Jan 9, 2009
Some SP's believe that getting good reviews means they can exponentially rise their rates and Christine is just one among many.After some time they realize their shoulders were holding an oversized head.Only a few,an elite,are able to charge whatever they want and live off it.


New Member
Aug 2, 2008
Hmmm Looks like she's gone from the Geisha website. does anyone know where she is at?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Christine? Who's Christine?

Who is Christine exactly? This is the first time i've ever heard about this girl. Does she have a website?


Dec 2, 2004
Too late Doc

I think Christine is gone for now. Her pictures aren't on Geisha's site anymore.

Anyone, have you seen or tried their new recruit Shelby ?
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Apr 16, 2005

Doc Holliday said:
Who is Christine exactly? This is the first time i've ever heard about this girl. Does she have a website?

Doc, Christine was a rather attractive addition to the Geisha lineup. If you read this thread she engendered quite a bit of controversy over more than one thread when she upped her rates to $500/hr per Kevin's new policy of letting the girls set their own rates among other sundry embellishments they might feel they would like to add to their profiles. Several merb members were quite incredulous at this bold move and Kevin defended her right to do so as fitting in with a new mission statement which he made concerning his radical new approach to managing an agency. She subsequently lowered her rate unilaterally and now seems to have left the agency's website.


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
High buck hotties may be hurting the most.

This is not a matter of Mercedes vs. Hyundai. It is more like you can got to the $180 per person restaurant more than once or go to the $500 restaurant once. This is a luxury rather than a nessecity.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Thanks guys. I wasn't aware of any of this. Now, as i look back at post #20 of this thread, i must admit i'm very surprised that an agency/website owner would blatantly post how the finances of a 'call' involving acts of prostitution actually work. I was always under the impression that in Canada, prostitution itself wasn't illegal, but living off the avails of someone else prostituting themselves was what was illegal. Of course, it's irrelevant here since LE has no interest in reading the boards, right?

Thanks again for the explanation.
Apr 16, 2005

Doc Holliday said:
Thanks guys. I wasn`t aware of any of this. Now, as i look back at post #20 of this thread, i must admit i`m very surprised that an agency/website owner would blatantly post how the finances of a `call` involving acts of prostitution actually work. I was always under the impression that in Canada, prostitution itself wasn`t illegal, but living off the avails of someone else prostituting themselves was what was illegal. Of course, it`s irrelevant here since LE has no interest in reading the boards, right?

Thanks again for the explanation.

Well Doc, if you are looking for the rationale behind it, you might read post #42 of the following link:

In this post Kevin explains his position and why he believes in taking a new approach to managing an agency.
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