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CleanseBot - Portable robot that sanitizes

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
Saw this CleanseBot this Morning on TV.

CleanseBot: Portable robot that sanitizes your hotel bedsheets
Francesca Street, CNN • Updated 15th February 2019

(CNN) — “Ever spent a sleepless night in a hotel room freaking out about all the germs you might be sharing a bed with?
Chances are you're going to want to get your sanitized hands on a new invention that promises to expunge all bacteria from between the sheets in a matter of minutes....”

“ statistic that that hotel room light switches had an average of 112.7 colony-forming units of bacteria per cubic centimeter.”
"We realized that even though we couldn't control how well hotels cleaned their rooms, we could create a way to control our own health and safety while staying there," says Yang...”

“CleanseBot is designed to glide over and between the bedsheets in your hotel room, apparently eradicating bacteria in its wake.
There are robotic vacuum cleaners about, but CleanseBot isn't one of them -- it doesn't suck up debris but instead uses ultraviolet light in what's called the C-spectrum, a wavelength at which light has disinfectant properties and that is often used in hospitals.”
"CleanseBot works by using four UV-C lamps to inactivate and kill bacteria, germs, and dust mites," explains Yang.”

"It can go remotely under the blankets and sanitize sheets, but then you can pick it up in Handheld Mode and hold it over literally any surface, toy, item, anything you want to disinfect," says Yang.“

Found this -
CleanseBot 2.0
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Worried about the germs on the bed at hotels?

CleanseBot is designed to glide over and between the bedsheets in your hotel room, apparently eradicating bacteria in its wake.

Customer Review
Roger B. *****
Feb 12, 2020
I have been waiting for this back in stock for more than 2 months. I ordered it immediately once I knew they were back in stock. Initially I bought it for flu and bacteria prevention when I'm travelling. Now I'm glad I bought it during the coronavirus outbreak! I use this for sterilization on my clothes and mobile. Thanks God!”

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