Montreal Escorts

Commenting the thread from John Dark and subsequent debate with Nadya of Nadya VIP's


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Halloween Mike said:
Anyway thats just my 2 cents, i guess if she dosen't do BBJ it should be advertised in big red letter


or something like that, as a new user of the SP services of montreal i am believing its included in every prices of every agencies...

I think that is a bit much. The area of contention was that the agency website said she does it; removing it from the advertisement and site is quite sufficient.

PSE/GFE will always be subject to interpretation and attempts at definition here and elsewhere, and even more so the actual situation; a girl can decide on the spot that a party hat will be worn, despite pressure from an agency, or advertisements saying otherwise, or historical BBJs having been given. We may not like it, and can comment here about it, but that is her ultimate right.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

I have moved the pertinent posts from the review thread into this one. If anyone wishes to continue this discussion, it may be done here. I will remind everyone that MERB rules state that this and all discussions be conducted with respect for all persons involved. Any insults or direct attacks will be removed and the poster suspended.

As long as this discussion remains respectful, it will remain open. If this changes, it will be closed.

Mod 8


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Malika, you are so right.


In the encounter here, the guy booked the girl with the info he had available. He wasn't made aware of the changes when he booked or made aware before the session started and he wasn't offered to cancel at no cost. THAT's false advertising.

As far as the website not being updated, it's possible Nadia can't do it but, in this case, if she warn peoples when they book, it's no big deal.

But, in this case, the guy was promised a service, paid with the impression he would get what he was promised but the promises weren't met. He kept his part of the deal, the SP/Agency didn't.

He didn't book the girl as an indy, he booked her via the agency so, the agency is responsible for the services offered by the girl. If the agency don't communicate properly with the SP in order to know her conditions, that's the agency's problem, not the customer. If the girl decided to change her mind after she talked to the agency, guess what? It's still the agency's problem! As far as customers are concerned, they deal with the agency, not the girl! What the agency decide to do with a girl who doesn't keep them posted is their problem, not the customer's.

Now, when the agency owner can't admit their responsibility, that's called "digging your own hole". When the owner keep denying even if shown there no sense in doing so, it's called "begging to get a bigger shovel"... Any business analyst will tell you that a customer who had problems and saw these problems solved promptly and to his favor is worth a lot in free publicity. A customer who is handled poorly when there's problems will cost way more in bad publicity.

Nadia, we all understand it's not PERSONALLY your fault that Lolita changed her mind but, COMMERCIALLY, she's working with your agency so, COMMERCIALLY, your agency is responsible for her actions. NOT YOU personally, your agency! That's just the way a business is run!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
SexyNadya said:
Dear SK,

First :

The last comment made by the thread starter is pure fabrication.
I changed Lolita's services 10 days ago here on Merb.

Second :

jippprock ... this man claims he met me ??????????
Give me a break !

Third :

The rules are no longer in effect ! So should I just stand there and watch
after what happened to me when Vicious Escorts then Montreal Outcalls
tried to put me out of business last year ????
Of course not !

Hello Nadya,

Just an overview of this entire thread's progress:

I don't know all the details Nadya, but responding to every post here is just prolonging what has become bad publicity. Sure, defend yourself. There is no reason any agency owner or escort should have to put up with "lies" or attacks. But at some point this has become very shrill and is doing you and others who pursue such posts in this way absolutely no good. And IF there was a mistake in your ads then admitting them would be to your credit, as well as take the ire out of others; and it exposes those who have no other motive than to flame you and your agency when they continue after the problem has been explained and accepted. Right now...this is not good for you to keep fighting back at every post.

For those who are trying to hold Nadya to ads that have expired and been duly modified so that options she may have advertised are no longer available...GET OVER IT. Things change. If any escort no longer offers some services you want then go elsewhere. There are plenty of others that provide them.

If there was a misunderstanding about which services were still available when the appointment was made and the encounter proceeded, then try to correct the mistake like a gentleman. Surely any agency should try to understand their mistake or your misunderstanding and you should both deal with the circumstance like adults. A genuine misunderstanding should be handled with a little give and take on both sides.

Take care,

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