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Complaint Department....

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
OK, i am sure we all have our complaint, well, lets let them all out here, im sure you will feel better, i know i will and i have a few complaints, but lets start with my first complaint:
1: Being cut short of our time with the ladies by that ever annoying alarm clock that goes off and cuts our time short, we pay for an hour so stop cheating us, is it the agencies fault or the ladies? Is it the agencies who impose this rule on the girls? Why do we pay for the ladies to take showers alone(don't get me started on the shower alone shit)? I love Indy's, especially Florence, there is no clock visible with this lady, why cant they all be like this.

If it is the agencies fault then they should really re-address this rule, but from past experiences, its not the agencies for most parts, except for one, they practically drag their ladies out, with all the texting they do to let the girls know, 20 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes get in the shower, 5 minutes im outside.

Their are agencies who its the girls who impose this alarm on the clients cause as far as i can see we allow it, well i would never repeat with a girl who imposes an alarm on me and i sure in hell will let the rest of you know about this alarm in my review.

One agency that i use more then others its definitely the girls, cause out of all the ladies i have seen in this agency, only one had an alarm and even looked at the clock and boy was it not fun, it was loud and as soon as it went off, she jump off of me and asked if i wanted another half hour or should we continue another time, to business like for me. And i was maybe 1 or 2 minutes away to finish. No repeat for this lady and i will always include this in my reviews.

So, what do you guys think about our time being cut short? Especially when they are showering on our time. Yes i am glad they shower before coming to see me, but lets call it as it is, cheating the clients. If i charged one of my clients for a job and they pay me for eight hours and i leave after seven and half, im sure i would here about it, but i don't do that and if a client has questions and my eight hours are up, ill stay a few minutes more to answer them. We not only want sex, we want intimacy, cuddling, talking, its not that bad to be paid to cuddle and just talk is it?

If the agencies are pushing their girls to get out fast like one agency does, then the ladies are getting cheated also, cause they will have less repeats.

What do you think? And our next rant will be about the showering issue. If you have a topic you wish to complain about, this is the place to do it.

Peace out and happy hobnobbing.

Thor Jr

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
One agency that i use more then others its definitely the girls, cause out of all the ladies i have seen in this agency, only one had an alarm and even looked at the clock and boy was it not fun, it was loud and as soon as it went off, she jump off of me and asked if i wanted another half hour or should we continue another time, to business like for me. And i was maybe 1 or 2 minutes away to finish.

Damn, i would be pissed if that happened.
As for the shower issue there is a thread already.

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
Thor you bring good points, and it has happen to me quiet often. It usually happens when I meet an Agency lady and it was incall, I also did meet 1 an agency lady who stayed for the hour and after we had a shower together and not once did I feel pressured or that she was watching the clock.

90% of the Indy ladies never last less that 1 hour, it usually goes about 15 minutes past or even more at times.

I also have been through where the lady sets an alarm clock and while we are still getting it on the alarm goes off and so does she and thank you have a nice day, that pisses the hell out of me, at least give me the chance to do my deed. And once I had a lady that when the alarm went off, very low, and she gave me the look of "do not worry" and she just continued until she was done and even after that she even cuddled next to me for like 10 minutes. Amazing.

I also hate the last minute cancellations, you know we get the call 20 minuted before the appointment and says that she can't make it, with no excuse and no apology. And the worst is that I know most of us hobbyists are usually there like 20 minutes earlier just to make sure that we are not late or if there is traffic.


New Member
Jun 25, 2011
I'm always considerate of the SPs time-- perhaps overly so. The best reactions I've had from SPs is this: "don't worry about the clock!". Although I never try to keep them past the time for which she is being compensated, I really appreciate the thought and it made me want to see them again.

I have, a couple of the rare times I've used an agency, told the booker that I won't keep the SP past the hour but I expect her to stay the entire time allotted. She's welcome to shower while she's here, but it's on her time not mine. If the booker balked I would have simply moved on to the next agency since that would have been a really bad sign of things to come.

Some guys, I take it, would just as soon have the girl leave as soon as he gets his rocks off. I just make sure that they know up front that I'm not one of them. With Indys it's not necessary since my email overtures generally imply that I'm far from in a hurry, I book long sessions, and I only choose Indy SPs that are clearly not the "do the job and out the door" types anyway.

On a related note: I had a session some time ago with last year's SP of the year. It wasn't great, which I didn't write about here because, well, YMMV is one of the immutable laws of the universe. Plus, my French sucks and I'm in my mid-50's so maybe I'm just an old American dinosaur to her or something. At any rate, while I expect no chemistry with an SP half my age, the vibes I was getting were all negative. One reason why it wasn't great was after the main attraction she immediately asked to use the shower and pretty much dashed into it, then made obvious motions that she was leaving despite having 20 minutes left. Now I'm nothing if not a squeaky-clean, respectful, considerate guy. My breath is fresh, I don't slobber all over women (or put any other bodily fluid on them), I don't ask for anything that isn't pretty tame. I felt like she wanted to clean herself of me, then rid herself of me, and that pretty much capped off a generally mediocre experience with this rising superstar. However, the general MERB opinion of her approaches goddess-worship, so maybe she was just having a bad night-- to which all of us are entitled.

It's worth stating that my time with the utterly charming Amelie Gray, who came in second place, remains one of my life's terrific experiences-- despite that she found herself taking ill toward the end of the appointment.
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