Ok i was too tired this morning to answer this, and i do not want to go point by point, it would be pointless anyway. But Merlot you show me exemple of pretty much any armies conquering... The american raped Japanese women, the German probably did the same to Russian while they invaded, in a set up of War there is al sorts of shit happening, no need to go as far as WW2, just think the US troops in irak/afghanistan and there you go...
As for ennemies at the gates, yeah its one of my favourite movie, and that movie is part of why i got so much into soviet russia. Sure they shot the soldier that turned around and wanted to retreat, thus the famous quote NO RETREAT COMRADES !!! (wich is one of my ring tone for text by the way
You could give me 150 exemples of bad behavior of Soviet Russia and i could give you nearly as much on why i dislike half the countries i know in the world... Won't change my point of view.
To each its own, but comparing the flag of the Nazis to the one of the soviet is completely irrelevant to me. As much as the Confederate Flag.
Oh and since you somehow dismish the russian role to a degree, i hate that USA always get the best role when they actually entered the war very late, BECAUSE they where attacked by Japan. They could had join the war effort much sooner against a very evil ennemy. I think every country involved at its own merit, including Canada, but too often the blindness patriotism of the states make them believe they where the sole victor...