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Courtesans not answering emails


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Oct 19, 2003
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It`s a known problem.

Moreover, I`m sure it`s a particular problem where Lolita is concerned. Lolita is very popular, and for good reason. If you`re a first-timer, she may be waiting to see whether she is completely booked with ``regulars``. It`s just a guess, but I suspect that Lolita will be fully booked in Boston with or without you, in fact she can probably pick and choose between her potential clients.

That`s not a defense of the behavior, by any means, it`s just a recognition of reality. In any business relationship, there`s a balance of power, and in this case it appears that the balance of power tips toward Lolita`s side, because there are no consequences to her if she doesn`t respond promptly to e-mails.

Once you manage to set things up, I find that it`s worth it, and I find that it`s easier to deal with the companions as the date approaches. So, it`s a disadvantage to dealing with the companions, but it`s not enough of a disadvantage so that I won`t use them any more. Much as the fact that Asservissante won`t book in advance is a disadvantage, but there are other good things about the agency that make them worth using.


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
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Helpful post, BigHugo, and I think you have stated the case just right. The power issue is an important one, as you say. Clients` power rests primarily in our wealth, our regularity, and our influence in the hobby overall. As an international hobbyist with a good reputation in the US, Canada, England and on the Continent I suppose I`m accustomed to better treatment from agencies. I`m quite sure that if I persisted, became a regular client of the companions, and continued to add significant sums to their coffers I, too, could become someone who gets special attention.

But this thread is about the kind of basic service that an agency should offer to all clients, whether VIP or not. I wasn`t put out that I wasn`t getting ``special`` service; I have been irritated that I wasn`t getting the kind of ``basic`` service that I think all clients and potential clients deserve. And the fact that many clients share this feeling but are afraid to state it publicly for fear of retribution is especially troubling.

The good news is that if I ever get a chance to see another companions girl, I will happily make the appointment, and will undoubtedly enjoy the service. The even better news is that I have long-standing relationships with many of the FKS girls, so I`m never at a loss for high-class company in Montreal. Still, I wish Lolita and company would provide better, more respectful, service to their clients, especially those of us who, because of our international travel schedules, have to rely on advance email bookings.


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Oct 19, 2003
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I agree, Max. However, it's apparently wishful thinking to hope that Lolita will have a policy of "first to e-mail, first to get an appointment". It seems as if that's not going to happen, regardless of our carping. And it seems that we are willing to swallow hard (poor imagery in an escort thread I suppose :) ) and live with it.


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
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Final report: since declining to see Axel and asking again about Lolita`s availability I have heard nothing from the companions. I know that Lolita still has availability, because a friend of mine, who has never before been a companions client, has booked her during her Boston visit. So I suppose those who feared that criticism of the way she runs her agency might lead to ``blacklisting`` are right. End of story.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It could also be that the tone of your email and/or posts here pissed Lolita off. I am not suggesting that you need to be an ass kisser in order to get good service, but I know some agency owners in the past have blacklisted clients who, instead of making reasonable efforts to work out an issue privately, attempted to use the Board as leverage to demand something. The owners see this as blackmail.

Madmax, for all I know you were a total gentleman in your emails, and assuming you were, Lolita may have figured out who you were by your MERB posts and gotten pissed off. Especially since it was her you wanted to see. Lolita has racked up great reviews on TER, is in high demand and she can afford to be picky, so the moral of the story is that your leverage is not so great by coming on this Board and posting as you did. Lolita does not need your business. And your posts are not going to hurt her. I have chatted with several posters who have booked with companions recently and have had absolutely no problems. Nor have I ever had any problems with them.

Madmax, please don`t view this as personal criticism. I do feel that agencies should be held accountable for bad service and not responding to emails but there is a more tactful approach, I believe, than the one you took. First and foremost you never should have gotten into the details such as you wanted to see Lolita and where you wanted to see her......this was not too smart. And second you have given everyone here the impression that your efforts to resolve this issue privately were probably less than diligent. So I am not really surprised to hear that your emails have been ignored.
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Oct 19, 2003
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I'm not surprised either, but I don't think it has anything to do with madmax.

Based on her responses here, Lolita seems to interpret every bit of criticism as "bashing", which she does not like. As I said, like any in-demand service provider, she probably has the stronger negotiating position ... she probably has as many clients as she wants or needs. And yes, because you gave the details, she was able to figure out who you are. So you've been blacklisted.

This is a perfect example of why I never post sufficient details in my reviews to allow the agency or the escort to identify me. I'm not eager to be blacklisted for speaking my mind.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I would agree that it is prudent policy not to self identify with one's posts, as Madmax did.

However, I don't agree with your assessment of Lolita's sensitivity to criticism. She's been around for a long time, and in fact she has in the past posted on her website reviews I have written which contained some negatives as well as positives. I think if you look at the reviews on her website, they are not all unmitigated raves. It's a question of the tactfulness with which the review is written, I believe.

The bottom line is as you said, that she has a much stronger negotiating position than someone like Madmax, and he miscalculated this.....and put too many details into his posts. Perhaps there is more to the story that we don't know......such as rude or inappropriate emails.........or not. We just don't know. But clients get blacklisted all the time, usually for good reasons, and sometimes for simply not being tactful. The burden is on the client to behave and be tactful if he wants to continue to be a client.


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
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Interesting exchanges, and I appreciate the various points of view. I think one difference is that I bring the experience of being a member of a pay site, Captain 69, that exists solely for the purpose of providing honest and accurate information to those of us who spend significant amounts of money in this hobby. While escorts can be members of the site if they buy a subscription, the site accepts no advertising and has a strict "no touting" policy. The kind of remarks I made in this thread would have been received there with appreciation and support from my fellow "punters."

As I've come to learn, sites like MERB and TERB which rely on advertising from escorts for their revenue tend to be much more oriented to the needs of the agencies and independents and less so to the needs of the clients. There have been many recent threads discussing this trend on TERB.

That said, it was unwise of me to identify myself so clearly in both my posts and my emails. I don't regret a single word I wrote, in either place, and as I said before I'll happily share my emails with anyone who asks. I was a perfect gentleman in all of them.

I do tend to speak my mind candidly but I believe respectfully. People who know me on TERB and Captain 69 (where I use a different moniker) can attest to that. My point here has simply been to bring attention to a practice of email neglect that in most other markets would have significant consequences for an agency that did business in this way. Evidently the Montreal market is different, perhaps because it does not rely upon international clientele in quite the way some agencies in the UK and Europe do.

I will continue to come to Montreal and to enjoy the many wonderful things the city has to offer, including some of the most beautiful escorts in the world. My only aim in starting this thread was to bring an issue that I still think is important to attention of my fellow MERBites. I had no other way of bringing it to the attention of the agency, since the emails I was sending were not being answered!

My views obviously line up more clearly with those of Big Hugo than those of EagerBeaver, but I'm glad for the honest and open exchange that the thread engendered. I do not accept the suggestion that I was not "tactful." I was critical, candid, but IMO always respectful. Cheers!


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Oct 19, 2003
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I hear what you`re saying, EB, but I think it ignores Lolita`s posting history, in this very thread.

This thread was about responses to initial e-mails. Madmax started it, I agreed with him, there was back and forth and so on, and eventually Lolita said this:

``I don`t understand the bashing here.``

It was legitimate questions, concerns, perhaps even criticism about her response rate to initial e-mails. I don`t think anyone said anything bad about the companions generally, their service, their dealings with Lolita once contacted. Yet, she interpreted it as ``bashing``.

As I said, I`ve had the same problem as madmax, and it`s not because my e-mails are impolite. After delays in initial responses, I have booked appointments successfully with the companions a couple of times, so it`s not as if they aren`t responding because they don`t like the tone of my e-mails.


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Lolita will just interpret that compilation as more bashing, I`m afraid.

I think you have to accept the lack of attention paid to e-mail communications with the companions as something that isn`t going to change. As some of those links indicate, they have lost potential customers because of it, but they don`t seem willing to do anything about it. My own guess is that they are happy with the level of business they have, and aren`t hungry to increase by adopting more customer-friendly approaches.

To me, it`s no different than a beautiful, high class escort who won`t do one of the things that you wish she`d do. She`s made her judgment about what she`s willing to do and what she`s not willing to do, and you can either live with that, or choose not to see her.

The companions` operation amounts to the same thing. The companions in all likelihood will not be changing the way they prefer to be contacted, and in all likelihood will not get any better at reading and responding to incoming e-mail. You can either accept that dealing with them is going to be a bit more difficult than dealing with the other top-notch agencies, and see the companions ladies anyway, or you can decide it isn`t worth the effort and go elsewhere (like I-N, where I haven`t experienced the same communication problems). Do I wish it were otherwise? Yes, of course. But is my carping about it going to change anything? Probably not. So, really, all we can do is provide a public service by making sure that potential clients have all the information, the good and the bad, so they can make intelligent decisions about how they choose to spend their money.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If memory serves me correctly, the thread started by E.B. Samaritano (cited above in post by Captain Renault) resulted in the ``emergencies only`` telephone number being put on the companions website.

So the assertion that The companions does not respond to fair criticism is simply incorrect. In fact, contemporaneously I believe I had written a private email to Lolita at that time making the same suggestion EBS had made.

In addition, a suggestion I had made more recently with respect to the description of the one of the ladies on the companions site, although indirectly made to the lady herself and not Lolita, has in fact appeared on the site.

So it is not fair and patently incorrect to say that the companions have not listened to or acted opon constructive criticism and suggestions.
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Oct 19, 2003
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So they have listened and responded. Just not in an effective fashion, because the same (or similar) complaints are ongoing.

Makes you wonder whether the changes were mere palliatives, doesn't it?


Mar 2, 2004
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is this agency for real????? trying to book an appointement i got replied once and told a date i said yes no more replies just wondering if its normal guess so she has the kind of girls i like does anyone know if crystelle at platinum is in the same league?..or ill take any suggestions on higher $$$ girls just wanted the best thought companions was probably is if cant reply must be very busy...anyways damm that MELISSA is HOT....lolita please book me with MELISSA....ILL PAY EXTRA...
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