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Current best discreet hook up app (based on experience)


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Apr 23, 2004
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Hey guys

So based on RECENT experience, what's the best app out there for discreet sex hookups? Tinder is not working out so looking for alternatives.



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Remember: one way or another, it’s going to cost you. MERB is still the cheapest, easiest and safest option.

If Tinder is “not working out,” then there’s a good reason. Look in the mirror for the answer why. :D

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Good sense of humor, 2am, after last call, low expectations.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Remember: one way or another, it’s going to cost you. MERB is still the cheapest, easiest and safest option.

If Tinder is “not working out,” then there’s a good reason. Look in the mirror for the answer why. :D

Haha absolutely hilarious :)

Once when younger, 18 or 19 I think, I asked my brother for some condom and he answered "why your face is your best protection". hahah fucking ass hole!!!! ;)


Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
That's some funny shit, Jalimon.

But The Captain is right. Unless you get some pushy indy, there will be no weird texts at odd hours from SPs. Add to that, SPs won't rifle through your phone looking for evidence of shady business. In the last few years, I've been bored so I did the whole Bumble/OK Cupid thing. I met people but the work required just to get to sleeping together--which is not guaranteed, of course--was too much. In the end, cutting to the chase with an SP was still cheaper and I always get what I want.

I understand that a woman liking you for yourself feels damn good. I also understand that if you're actually looking for long-term companionship, you have to play the dating game. But if you're just looking for a physical, short-term fling do yourself a favor and skip the apps. If you do get a app match, check to see if you have common interests. If you don't have interests in common but she said yes, she might just be there for the free food and drinks https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2019/07/dating-free-food/594070/ (That article definitely belongs in the "Everything that is wrong with modern society" thread if it's not already there)

Only thing I won't completely agree with is the whole looks thing. Although some apps place a high value on physical appearance by design (and your age), your personality also matters. I went out with this grad student out of my league a few years ago by having a profile that made her laugh. (Incidentally, what made her laugh was a layered Trump joke long before he was President). I met a woman on Bumble last year in part because I mentioned I was learning French. My younger brother is less good-looking than myself (my highly unbiased opinion) but he's always batted way out of his league. Looks matter, but they're not everything.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2004
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Lol to the joke. I am good looking so stupid jokes aside, Tinder is not discreet and that's the problem. I was looking for discretion and hence an app that would good and that works is my question. Thanks


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
SeekingArrangement can be very discreet. It's really time consuming but the quality of girl is impressive. And yes you can bring them to sex without social bla bla session. Look for advice in the SA thread.

Still if your number one priority is discretion SP are by far the best option.



Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
That's some funny shit, Jalimon.

I understand that a woman liking you for yourself feels damn good. I also understand that if you're actually looking for long-term companionship, you have to play the dating game. But if you're just looking for a physical, short-term fling do yourself a favor and skip the apps. If you do get a app match, check to see if you have common interests. If you don't have interests in common but she said yes, she might just be there for the free food and drinks https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2019/07/dating-free-food/594070/ (That article definitely belongs in the "Everything that is wrong with modern society" thread if it's not already there)

lol, yes. and this brought memory to a gay man who recently had with me a conversation. in 'his world' lets say, they use a app to hookup, and aside from that their rules of courtship are far and few, in his words, in contrast to 'ours'. they mutually wanna fcuk first and get onto it. that readily happens inside their bars, whereas we blow money on drinks and chat a game in hopes of it.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
I've tried plenty of fish and tinder, I think it is a lot of effort to just bang. Going on dates, talk, bla bla bla, build a "connection". Man, I just wanna fuck, take my 240, I don't want to know how your day went.
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