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D'où viens ce "uh uh" ?


Dec 18, 2008
Salut à tous! :)

Voila. Allez voir ce video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLCfGwdi_2Y et à partir de 1min01, lorsque le chanteur dit "let me hear you say" on entend un "uh uh". Jaimerais donc savoir exactement d'où provient ce "uh uh" ? peut-etre une autre chanson connue, ou un film je sais pas mais chaque fois que je vais dans un club ou un party, un moment donné la foule commence à crier ce maudit "uh uh" (qui tape sur les nerfs lol) avec le meme ton, le meme air.... et là la foule commence à répliquer et à se repeter ce "uh uh"...

Je suis sure que ca viens de quelque part (sinon je ne verrais pas pourquoi les gens s'ammuserais à crier ceci dans les club... en plus de la meme facon que le videoclip, sur le meme air), jai entendu dire que ca viens de la fin d'une chanson à madonna mais jsuis pas sure...

merci d'avance! :)


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Come on! Does it have to "come from somewhere"? :(

Are we going to start debating on where a "human sound" used in a sentence was first used? :confused:

There's probably a few thousand songs, maybe a few hundred thousands if we think of all the languages used on this planet, who use various "human sound" like this. Who was the first to do so? Probably some old soul in prehistoric times, unless it was his great-great-great grand father... Now, talk about a complicated copyright infringement lawsuit! :eek:

Pretty cool! A newbie's first post on an escort review board and his post have nothing to do whatsoever about sex and sp... :rolleyes:

:p :D


Dec 18, 2008
metoo4 said:
Come on! Does it have to "come from somewhere"? :(

Are we going to start debating on where a "human sound" used in a sentence was first used? :confused:

There's probably a few thousand songs, maybe a few hundred thousands if we think of all the languages used on this planet, who use various "human sound" like this. Who was the first to do so? Probably some old soul in prehistoric times, unless it was his great-great-great grand father... Now, talk about a complicated copyright infringement lawsuit! :eek:

Pretty cool! A newbie's first post on an escort review board and his post have nothing to do whatsoever about sex and sp... :rolleyes:

:p :D

1- the snark alrady answered me so... no need your stupid post.

2- I just wanted to know where this from since in all night club I go evryone sing this "human sound" so I wanted to know what song or where it comes from.

3- this is the lounge section where you can talk whatever you want that dont talk about sex and escorts. there is many thread that talk about things that dont link to sex or escorts so....


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Let's see here...
Dragonatic said:
1- the snark alrady answered me so... no need your stupid post.

Stupid post? Now, look who's talking! You have no clue what I mean with my explanation, don't you? Have you tried to understand what I said or are you replying the same way you originally posted: on instincts only, without thinking that deep? Anybody who would stop and think about all the songs he heard since he's born would have realized this "uh-uh" as you call it. is present quite often, quite a lot, and in songs from all era.

2- I just wanted to know where this from since in all night club I go evryone sing this "human sound" so I wanted to know what song or where it comes from.
It comes from peoples being peoples and art being art. Why do we call a chair a chair? Same concept: it can't be explained and the origins can't be found.
3- this is the lounge section where you can talk whatever you want that dont talk about sex and escorts. there is many thread that talk about things that dont link to sex or escorts so....
No question about it, this is the lounge. But a first attempt, with no relation to "the trade", with no real toughs to possible answeers before asking the question, that's pretty weird, don't you think? ANY attempt at identifying where "it" comes from is doomed to fail because of the nature of the subject. It's probably possible to find examples of this "uh-uh" (that's not what I ear either...) in a few songs from the 1940', in english, french, german, italian, name it... Saying "This is where it comes from" is useless since the true origin can't be found.


Dec 18, 2008
metoo4 said:
No question about it, this is the lounge. But a first attempt, with no relation to "the trade", with no real toughs to possible answeers before asking the question, that's pretty weird, don't you think? ANY attempt at identifying where "it" comes from is doomed to fail because of the nature of the subject. It's probably possible to find examples of this "uh-uh" (that's not what I ear either...) in a few songs from the 1940', in english, french, german, italian, name it... Saying "This is where it comes from" is useless since the true origin can't be found.

Well, after many research, this "uh uh" really come from the Michael Zager song "Let's All Chant" like told before. They created it. And I'm not talking about the word or the sound "uh uh" but the WAY or the MELODY or call it whatever you want, it is done. Yes, there is many songs with a "uh uh" in it, but not the way I'm talking about........

well, finally, one of my dj friend told me that when the people are starting singing this "uh uh" in the clubs, this is for the "lets all chant" verion of DJ VALIUM.....

after this, if you really think there is this "uh uh" in many songs then I dare you to find one... that did not get copied from this "lets all chant"! :D


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
The spelling is many.

Just with "Ooh Ooh" http://www.lyricsdownload.com/michael-zager-band-let-s-all-chant-lyrics.html you get almost half a million hits on Google: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&a...=&as_occt=any&cr=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&safe=images

Now with "uh-uh", over half a million! http://www.google.ca/search?num=100&hl=en&as_qdr=all&q="uh-uh"+lyrics&btnG=Search&meta=

And this is likely forgetting those who were never famous or existed before it there was known recording methods.

So you can really sift trough all this and say you know the absolute origin? I don't think so! Michael Zager song, "Let's All Chant" might have been a known and rememberd user of this form. He might not know if he was the first or not, he might think he was! But, saying this was the absolute first time and nobody ever used this without referring to Zager's, I don't think so because it can't be proved.

The same "discovery" can be made multiple time by multiple peoples, at different periods or at the same time, it's only that the most notorious will be the one remembered. Science see this happen all the time so, for something as "profane" as lyrics in a song, where anybody without any special formation or talent can give it a shot, saying these "uh-uh" were never used before or without referencing to Zager is pretentious.


Dec 18, 2008
Well, I know there is may results with "uh uh" or "ohh ohh" or whatever lolll thats not what I needed help for. I was searching the song where the sound "uh uh" was made LIKE THE WAY in "lets all chant". And, it seem that its the only (well, the first) song that these "uh uh" was singed this way.

little confusion, maybe you thought I was asking where the name "uh uh" came from loll :)
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