Merlot, i don't understand... you had already spent 300$ on her but not in the private booth? What you paid for then? Personally when i did go to stripper clubs(i don't anymore) i was always saying first hand "i pay you first, then when the money is done, you stop" so therefore i would never end up owning a big sum of money i don't have. I would often put 20-30$ up front or 40$ for a 20$ place, then if i really like the girl i would go to my wallet and put back more money, but once the dance was over, it would be to me to decide to keep going and pay or not.
One time i got to a very weird place, not sure how to say it in english but more or less "Une place miteuse en criss" called La Broussaille in quebec city. It was our second time in quebec but first at a stripper bar, we didn't knew the lady mary ann or folichon or other good places, we basicaly took a cab from the place of the show and ask the driver to take us to the nearest stripclub, and he droped us there. We where shocked how it looks even less apealing than our places in sherbrooke... after all it was a big city and all but we decided to go in, girls where ok, some attractive but not crazy, others not, but decent enough to remain there, especially since it was a thuesday so well... not a big night for that. I took a couple dances from a couple girls, had fun, but at the end of the night i had a 10$ left on me(it was 10$ dances) and i was already drunk and tired, so i said hell why not spending it on a girl i was looking at for a while, a black girl with huge boobs, not the best looking of the place, but i didn't take dances much from black girls and never with huge boobs like that, so i got there and asked her... paid her the 10$ up front, she dance and then when the song is over, she keep going for maybe 10 secs, usually girls don't stop BAM like that, they finish softly and it can go for a couple seconds more, but she didn't seem to want to stop at all, so i tell her "but the song is over right?" she says yes, so i say "sorry but 10$ was all i had left" and she kinda looked at me with a disapointing look... hey i know 10 bucks aint much, and usually i don't ask a stripper for only 1 dance, but thats all i had left and she actually made in these 3 minutes what i make in an hour of work... so well...
My friend was in the booths for a long time, i kinda lost him for like an hour, and eventually i had to call him before it was closing, i asked the doorman so i could go at the booth and call his name cause i was ready to leave, bar was closing in 10 mins, he said yes no prob, i call his name and the stripper pull her head out of the booth and tell me it won't be long.. Im like WTF !!! then 3 min before 3 am he comes out and ask me if i have any money left on me... i say no... sorry man all spent, he is like " shit shit shit" the girl actually gave him a handjob, he was high on speed and didn't saw the time goes by, he lacked 60$, at least there was an ATM in the club so he was able to take it and pay, but damn i didn't like that, thats the kind of place i promised myself i would not go again...
What if the client don't have the money period? The doorman will beat his ass? That won't give the girl the money, these kind of scam are just stupid, they know the guys are drunk and horny, there is other ways to try to make them spend moneys instead of scamming them over what they have on them...