tried dating one never worked out. learned the hard way most are not attracted to black men and prefer white men
one research says only 32% of Asian women are open to black men
i was with an Asian woman for 10 years 5 as an FWB and last 5 years a relationship that quickly became one sided
my experience
one time when i try to get things serious she used the "we are a different culture" excuses seconds later she claimed to want a white man
so i decided to stick to FWB phase with sex once a week
after the FWB phase she asked me to pay for a cell phone plan she liked and help her male cousin with free ESL help
after this it went downhill sex once a week turn to every 2-3 week
constantly says she is busy and making excuses every time I try to plan a hangout
lack of responses when texting and calling her
my mother repeatedly asked to meet her she refused
refuses to tell me her birthday
don't want both of us to go out in public
one time after sex at her place we were walking on a sidewalk holding my hands and let go claiming that Chinese people in the area(Chinese enclave) don't like "our union"
ended when she left the country without telling me and no means of contacting her no email no facebook, no phone number. i called her male cousin he said she left for hong kong. i thought she left Canada permanently
when i got a new phone 1 year later. i saw her on my whatsapp uploaded a picture of herself. she returned to Canada i google her number and she posted an ad in
a local Chinese language newspaper for students looking to rent rooms.
me and the male cousin are still friends on facebook.
i mostly gave up on civilian or non SP Asian women after this(i will still visit Asian SPs )
White/European, Latina and Middle Eastern women are more open to dating and marrying black men
Asian American women’s racialized dating choices have drawn widespread attention both in academic and public spheres. However, little empirical research has examined racially relevant sociocultural factors that may affect this population’s dating and physical attraction preferences. To further...