When you are with the right girl (meaning she likes it and begs for it) it is really fun and good. First time it was with a SP. She din't like it, did it for the money. It was not a
good experience. Second time, 12 years later, starting a new relation ship, I am kissing legs, pussy, ass of my loved one and she asked me If I do anal. I obliged and she was screaming and squirting of appreciation. I remember, we were having the breakfast and she told me "We will do it again, he"? Sure! We were together for about 2 years and anal was usually part of our intercourse. I had five other stable relation ships and one was with a sex appreciative woman. She needed sex as much as me and even when we had our bad times (it happens to every one) she felt that it was stupid not to make love which we both enjoyed and needed. A lot of woman have to feel in good harmony to make love, not her. And she also had no problem with anal. In fact it was turning her more horny. So, out of 6 stable relation ships, I met 2 women loving anal. For STN, when each one is clean and willing, a dick is not restricted to a vagina. Following your logic, one might think that a warm mouth isn't a place for a dick... I'm sure it was not your point. I do agree it is not for every one and I never "requested it" to get satisfaction and I never saw it as a way to dominate my partner. Both time they asked for it. My first time I did it, the SP told me it was not a problem but I felt she just wanted me to finish, bad experience. Oh, by the way I remember 2 or 3 "one night stand" that also enjoyed it. I have no idea what pourcentage of women likes anal. I would say 10-20% . What do you think?