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Why are there not more straight male escorts, and what does that say about human sexuality?


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
It's a well-known fact that female sex workers outnumber male sex workers by a very large number. But why? Why are there not male escort agencies aimed at female clients? Why is there virtually no market for straight male escorts?

These may sound like dumb questions, but they're not. The answers may reveal deep insights into psychology, sociology, human nature and human sexuality.

I'm feeling philosophical tonight.



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
These may sound like dumb questions…
I agree.

Go back to your High School biology textbook for an explanation.

Rosie Sparkles

Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2016
Here are my theories:

- Women are afraid to meet with a stranger for sex. Not all of us, of course, I am talking in generalisations. I would be afraid to meet a man that would traumatized me, not listen to my consent, etc... But weirdly on the client side of things. I guess the expectations of having my needs filled but then having a bad experience would be terrible and I the risk outweight the benefits, I will therefore not pay for it.
- It is not something that we're told we can do, hire someone. Hiring someone for a man is often seen or heard about, especially in medias and movies. However we see little to no representation of women clients. This contributes in making it seem taboo or not even a possibility.
- Stigma. As a woman you are being told that you can get any man, that it's easy or should be easy for you. So to have the need to hire someone can feel very embarrassing and you can face incomprehension.
- Salary. Even in a more egalitarian society, women are often more represented in lower income jobs of care like social work and health (not doctor). This leads to less disposable income to pay for a luxury service like escorting.

I did have a few women clients, I offer a discount for them but I know it's still very expensive. My clients were not ugly, they were beautiful. Most of my clients are beautiful, men also. I think we should stop seeing hiring a sex worker as something shameful. My clients have multitude of reasons for hiring me. Sometimes I go to the restaurant even if I can cook at home, I just want a different experience or the simplicity of it. I guess it's a bit of the same with clients of sex work. Of course it's such a diverse industry with diverse realities that mine is really privileged, I know.
As for male escorts, I think it takes more soft skills than female escorts. It's not about the beauty standards for men escorts more than being able to present as safe, easy going and comfortable for your clientele. You are often dealing with something more fragile and walking a thin line between needing to be arroused (to perform) but being only there to serve the desires of your client. My male partner (sex worker) had women clients on his own but it's far from being his main or even secondary income contrary to myself.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Here are my theories:

- Women are afraid to meet with a stranger for sex. Not all of us, of course, I am talking in generalisations. I would be afraid to meet a man that would traumatized me, not listen to my consent, etc... But weirdly on the client side of things. I guess the expectations of having my needs filled but then having a bad experience would be terrible and I the risk outweight the benefits, I will therefore not pay for it.
Excellent texte. Le jour ou la religion et la morale cesseront de controler la sexualité, on pourra parler calmement du sexe comme service social . Comme n'importe quel autre service social.
Mais pour l'instant,les clients sont des pervers, les escortes soit des salopes, soit des victimes, le concept meme de monnayer des services sexuels est considéré
dégradant et criminel.
Pourtant, ou est le probleme si ca se passe entre adultes consentant? Si chacun y trouve son compte sans que qui que ce soit ne soit lésé en aucune facon?
Je suis a 100% contre les pimps de tout acabit et l'exploitation des mineur(e)s , mais pour le reste ca ne regarde personne d'autre que les gens concernés.
Libérée de la religion et d'une certaine morale, il y aurait probablement une hausse de la demande tant chez les hommes que chez les femmes pour des services sexuels rémunérés.
Mais ca n'arrivera pas de sitot, je reve évidemment!


Only for demanding women and couples.
Actually people think there is no market but there is a market for str8 male escorts
. I am str8 and have my clients. There are many women and couples out there wanting to book a str8 male escort.
Yes, women can fake it but that's the last of the reasons why there are no male escorts.
One big reason here is that women are different than men. A woman needs a special connection and a higher level of trust to open herself and most men don't understand that. Most men are just looking for basic sex but most women need a connection and they are afraid to not find that in a man.
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New Member
Jul 1, 2023
A girls that is rated a 2 out 10 in terms of look can pick up any man for a one-night stand any day of the week. Why pay for an escort when they get multiple offers day in and day out...


Only for demanding women and couples.
Male escorts need to be more charming and romantic and sensual whereas female escorts need a more sexually charged energy
In the case of male escorts, it is getting to know the person that leads to sex, while for female escorts its the sex that leads to getting to know the person.
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