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Does Bill C-36 make you lose any sleep?

Will Bill C-36 make you lose any sleep?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 18 50.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 10 27.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I don't lose a second of sleep thinking of Bill C-36. I personally don't think anything will change. It will be extremely difficult to enforce, and i have a feeling that the cops don't really care & find it as ridiculous as most of us. I also believe that they are quite aware that it doesn't stand a chance to stick when it'll be challenged at the Supreme Court level since it fails to provide what the Supreme Court had asked them to do last time. And most observers close to the business realize that it makes the sex workers less safe than before since it will likely for many to go underground.

And what will happen if they charge a john? They'll send him to prison? Come on! The prisons are already full & that's why hardened criminals often wind up with a short sentence or with a slap-on-the-wrist. It likely will be a fine, or the charges will be dropped as soon as a john will appeal his sentence.

I may however lose a bit of sleep if i'd be an agency owner. But it wouldn't prevent me from remaining in business.

By the way, i still miss Eleganza. The Mtl scene hasn't been the same since they left. :(


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Great question, and no. You should make this a poll :lol:

Hey Halloween Mike, have you gotten any sleep this week? ;)

EDIT.... you read my mind, poll added!


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
I don't lose a second of sleep thinking of Bill C-36. I personally don't think anything will change. It will be extremely difficult to enforce, and i have a feeling that the cops don't really care & find it as ridiculous as most of us. I also believe that they are quite aware that it doesn't stand a chance to stick when it'll be challenged at the Supreme Court level since it fails to provide what the Supreme Court had asked them to do last time. And most observers close to the business realize that it makes the sex workers less safe than before since it will likely for many to go underground.

And what will happen if they charge a john? They'll send him to prison? Come on! The prisons are already full & that's why hardened criminals often wind up with a short sentence or with a slap-on-the-wrist. It likely will be a fine, or the charges will be dropped as soon as a john will appeal his sentence.

I may however lose a bit of sleep if i'd be an agency owner. But it wouldn't prevent me from remaining in business.

By the way, i still miss Eleganza. The Mtl scene hasn't been the same since they left. :(

The new law is only to please conservative mind and religious people.For myself nothing will changeand i not scare.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
No, I'm not thinking much will change really. And I'm certainly not going to start calling myself a "cuddler" or a "masseuse", I intend to remain an escort! :). Perhaps business will slow down for a bit but ultimately I'm sure everything will be fine.


Nov 11, 2012
I personally don't think anything will change. It will be extremely difficult to enforce, and i have a feeling that the cops don't really care & find it as ridiculous as most of us.
Agreed. I think the biggest issue will be with the new restrictions against advertising; identifying what services are or are not available is going to be difficult and frustrating.


Nov 12, 2007
And I'm certainly not going to start calling myself a "cuddler" .

Not that there is anything wrong with being a cuddler. It is a perfectly legitimate career option. And also pretty awesome.

I was hoping to get some last minute hobby action before Dec 6 but sadly my finds don't allow it and it has me oddly depressed at times.
I don't know how much of an inpact it will have, it will depend on how much they send the pork after us.
As for the law being over turned, as I understand it, it will require someone to appeal the law to the SCC, someone with the funds and the desire to push it. Last time it was a provider but they are pretty much in the clear. What sort of John wants to be both the public face of prostitution as well as be willing to front the money to send something that far.
I can't see any party actually making it an election issue as most people don't think highly of us anyways and as we all know those vet gave their lives to allow us to force our fellow citizens to live as we want them to.


Jul 28, 2011
I think for me there are three main items that concern me or caught me off-guard.

1. Customers are now breaking the law, while escorts are not. None of the provisions that were struck down even came close to this, but I guess that since the Tories were in there they figured that they'd muck around with the current laws. This one concerns me because even if some of the provisions are challenged on the basis that they do not respect the original decision, this provision is brand new and while I'm no legal expert, I don't imagine the courts would strike it down. I don't like it for two reasons:
a) It completely precludes the thought that escorts are in this business for reasons of their own choosing. The government is essentially saying that they aren't mentally capable of making decisions for themselves, so the government has to step in and do it for them. Personally I'd be insulted.
b) It puts everyone involved in the transaction in more danger. The clients will now be fearful that, if they catch an escort in a bad mood they might be blackmailed and since the escorts have full legal immunity they have no reason to fear the police and so the playing field is fully theirs. Conversely, escorts will now have to deal with paranoid clients who might get aggressive if they fear that the escort might decide to get police involved in a situation that previously could have been resolved.

2. Emails and any form of communication are now completely illegal (for the customers of course, apparently escorts just don't know any better according to the government). Personally, I know what I like, and not every provider meets my needs. Emails were a primary method of finding out what was offered, but now they leave a paper trail, so that's out. The only option left is to find out in person (still illegal btw), which means time wasting (the ladies and yours). I could even envision scenarios where some ladies might do things they're not comfortable with in order to avoid another customer walking out after finding out that she doesn't provide such and such a service. I also leads even more customer paranoia and consequently a more dangerous work environment for the ladies.

3. Lap Dances are now illegal! I just re-read the detailed provisions, lap dances are now considered a sexual service, I couldn't believe my eyes! What the fuck are all the strippers going to do for cash? This one was easily the most bizarre item in the list.

All in all, I have no idea why the status quo had to be challenged as the situation we're in now seems to be worse for everyone involved.


Nov 12, 2007
3. Lap Dances are now illegal! I just re-read the detailed provisions, lap dances are now considered a sexual service, I couldn't believe my eyes! What the fuck are all the strippers going to do for cash? This one was easily the most bizarre item in the list.


Lap dances were always against the law in Hamilton. At least civic law. Recently a girl got nailed for giving a platonic hug on the floor to some guy. Once in a blue moon the cops show up which is why the bouncers come around to test the dancers, they are supposed to get off the patrons when they come around.
However the lap dances still go on. Before anyone bitched that I am telling the cops something they don't know... really? Think about it. I am sure off duty pork goes to the rippers and they fully know what goes on where.

What was really funny is that back in the mid 90s when there were 4 or so clubs, only one had lap dances. Only one club had signage and IIRC newpaper clippings indicating that touching the dancers was a no no. Guess which one, yep the one that allowed it and which all dancers gave lap dances. As you can tell from the above it was the only club to survive to today.

The rules are on the books but the odds of anything coming from it seems to be dismissed as a part of the trade.

Now I don't know if clients have ever been charged or fined as they very well could be.

One change of this is that in effect there is absolutely no reason for the strippers not to turn the place into a brothel, all the risk goes onto the customer.


Jul 28, 2011
Big issue Mocha is that the bill's stated purpose is to eliminate prostitution and the selling of sexual services as a whole. I think you're right though, not everyone knows about the bill and even those who do, aren't fully aware of its contents.

About the advertising, advertising your time is still legal, but sexual services are not, so no posting about services or extras or the like on MERB, because apparently Fred Zed is here to take advantage of you and pimp you out according to the government. However a lady's website is excepted from the new law, so you can post whatever you want there.

As for me, I likely won't be seeing any ladies I haven't spoken with previously, at least not in the first few months after the law comes into effect.


New Member
Jun 26, 2013
Do you think the authorities will waste their time setting traps in websites such as merb to catch a few solicitors? Do you think they would be able to use an actual escort in order to entrap people? By the way, what would a solicitor face as legal punishment if he got caught?
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