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Does it mean anything if a SP


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Juliana said:
Futhermore i would like to know if he enjoys serving women, or he is just another self-serving boring guy as many males are socialized to be.

Interesting quote, although I don't exactly know what you mean by "serving women." To me, championship calibre DATY = "serving women." :D


Dec 15, 2004
Dee said:

Juliana said:

I would ask him precise questions to know if he has another sexual/emotional/romantic relationship. If he has to me, he is out of my list.

If he asked the SP the same question she could answer, "Apart from the 100 guys I have sex with, no I don't."

That's a pretty good point.
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Juliana said:
That was my first post, this may be the second and the last for you guys can be so cruel and destructive. But thanks for giving me a taste of what kind of people some of you may be.

You first post was informative and interresting, and it was nice to read your own point of view. You shouldn't have removed it.

It's really too bad you felt guys were destructive and now feel the need to get away from Merb. Merb is unfortunately mainly populated by us gents, and it's always refreshing to read what women have to say. We don't only love you in the flesh, we love your opinion too! We love you for ALL what you are!

Please, PLEASE! Don't take all of this too seriously... and STAY! I am even ready to beg you knee down in person (will you be standing naked in front of me? LOL - Just kidding!)

Take care



New Member
Feb 12, 2005
the thing is that yes some of us are just pervert or cruel. But other just don't have the time or patience to get a steady GF. And since booking rendez-vous with a SP is better than using your hand...



Hey guys,

Give her a break. :eek: She is taking the time to post her real opinion here. I for one can't wait to meet this woman in person, as she seems very honest and down to earth. She basically expressed what she's looking for in a man, and I think her opinion is very valuable.


From what I read in your posts, you seem to have had some bad experiences with men who were not ready to grow with you and get along. I know the feeling. A successful relationship must be based on a common ground and both person must then "move on" at the same speed, otherwise they lose sight of each other. Been there, done that.

I am sure you are not doing this business in the hope of finding a man. Some of us are hopeless sex addict, in this hobby for fun with no chance of getting out of it. At least with the men you will get to know here, you know what to expect! :p But let's not generalize: Some of us would definitely stop doing this if they were to find true love. At least, if you don't find a man to love here, I am sure you will meet wonderful persons and become friend with a few. After all, we are all human beings! :)

Take care, and welcome back!



Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
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CoolAmadeus said:
Merb is unfortunately mainly populated by us gents, and it's always refreshing to read what women have to say. We don't only love you in the flesh, we love your opinion too! We love you for ALL what you are!

Well said CA! I might add that I recognize it must be particularly difficult for an SP to be an opinionated subject as well as the object of reviews, grading systems, and so on all at once. The girls who have the guts and the wherewithall to walk this edge deserve our respect.

Cela dit -- et ceci est pour toi Juliana en particulier -- c'est pas parce que j'apprécie la présence ici de femmes de tête que je vais me mettre à approuver béatement tout ce que vous dites. Je n'ai pas vu dans les commentaires ci-haut de propos déplacés à ton endroit et nous devons tous nous attendre à avoir des détracteurs. C'est dans la nature de forums comme celui-ci.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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juzt_a_girl said:
Cool Amadeus said:

We don't only love you in the flesh, we love your opinion too!

This is the subject of some controversy and difference of opinion.

Although personally I am open minded and willing to discuss political viewpoints different than my own, some hobbyists have privately complained to me about SPs pontificating political opinions they did not share. I have always questioned whether it is appropriate for an SP to bring up politics on her own without being invited to do so. Generally, it is my experience that the subject will not be brought up unless by the hobbyist. I am an American, and I think SPs in Montreal are told and/or trained to avoid discussion of American politics with Americans. Canadian politics is a different story, because most Americans either don't know or don't care much about them, and I have had high end SPs pontificate endlessly on touchy Canadian political issues like Quebec separatism. On the other hand, no SP I have ever met has ever once opened her mouth to criticize or even discuss American policy, nor have I ever invited them to share their opinion on the subject.

However, rest assured that I have received complaints from some American hobbyists that political opinions were brought up that they did not like. While on the one hand these guys may not be the most open minded individuals in the world and are set and stubborn in their way of thinking, on the other hand this is to be anticipated and an SP should always behave in a way that will get her repeat business with the client, unless she does not want repeat business.
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Dec 15, 2004
hehe, she asked "Do you mind if i ask you you voted for?" and then I answered "what if I said I voted for Bush"?? She said "then that conversation would have quickly ended and I would have said 'that's nice'"

regnad said:

You're absolutely right that it is bad business for an SP to initiate a political discussion with a client.

On the other hand, I have no problem doing so myself, knowing that by sharing the embarassment I feel living in a country run by thugs and looters, I will distance myself from said thugs and looters. I've yet to meet an SP who didn't appreciate knowing that I wasn't personally complicit in the atrocities currently being commited in the name of my homeland.


Dec 15, 2004

Okay, what's your input on this?

SP I saw in Toronto, the entire time she was praising me, which I'm sure they do with everyone. But she had suggested we see a concert together in the next couple months. I got an email from her asking for a pic of me, and asked if I still wanted to see the concert with her.


New Member
Jan 10, 2005
if u want

if u want to keep paying keep your BF attitude
if u want her to go crazy about u learn the pipm attitude
if u dont know i can teach u that s eazzzzy...


Dec 15, 2004
hobby11 said:
if u want to keep paying keep your BF attitude
if u want her to go crazy about u learn the pipm attitude
if u dont know i can teach u that s eazzzzy...

huh? I believe she's implying she's not going to work that weekend and wants to see me on her own time.


Oct 13, 2004
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Niceguy, I have to comment on your comment - "problem is there are not many smart ones who can impress us". You ARE kidding, yes? I have to say that a good number of women I've met who work in the biz are phenomenally sharp, great conversationalists and supremely sophisticated. I could never with any degree of seriousness make the sort of comment that you just did. I actually find it shocking. Either you've had very bad luck in the SP's you've gotten or... 'nuff said! :rolleyes:


Dec 15, 2004
mack said:
Niceguy, I have to comment on your comment - "problem is there are not many smart ones who can impress us". You ARE kidding, yes? I have to say that a good number of women I`ve met who work in the biz are phenomenally sharp, great conversationalists and supremely sophisticated. I could never with any degree of seriousness make the sort of comment that you just did. I actually find it shocking. Either you`ve had very bad luck in the SP`s you`ve gotten or... `nuff said!
Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)

I`ve been very impressed with the SPs I have met. But then again, everyone with an accent sounds very intelligent. But I`ve had some in depth conversations with even young ones.... The American counterpart at that age would only be able to discuss shopping....


New Member
Mar 16, 2005
smart ones

Mack, lets not generalize completly. Of course there are some who can impress us, and again - impress - not to have civilized conversation about "how is life, and how disapointed they were during last relationship etc'
(which is better than talking about shopping to Americans). Thanks God for variety and diferances we can expirience in Montreal, but lets not be to happy. In conclusion (my subjective jugement, and belive me I was not unlucky as you - with all the respect-have sugested) I think that 40 % of Sp's You can have conversation with, another 50% are "usable "only for service, and 10% we can BE realy impressed with. Hope it clears the subject. Anyway, as I've mentioned before I've been deeply impressed (and plesently supprised) with level of inteligence and aproach of one of Sps (from incall ABC Soft) and I think puting on the side all sarcazm associated with most of MERB comments - this girl has made an impact on my life, and it is still going on. So dont be pesimistic - there is a light at the end of the tunel...........
have to finish, I"m flying to London now (before they will spot me with this laptop) but will be back soon................
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