Montreal Escorts

Draft of review template, comments and suggestions welcomed

Fred Zed

Mar 11, 2003
Reviewers Age : (Optional)
Years Hobbying :
Number of escorts visited :
Escorts Name :
Agency / Indy :
Link to her ad :
Is this a repeat session: Yes , No, multiple repeats
........................................................Pick One
Appearance: ..................Disappointed, Satisfied, Pleasantly surprised

Tattoos:....................d Body Art, Many, few small, none

Piercings:..... .................Many, few, none , not sure

Smoker:.........................Yes Noticeable, Yes Unnoticeable, None smoker, not sure

Hygiene:........................Needs work, satisfied, Extremely happy

Resemblance to photos:..Heavily photoshopped, no resemblance, satisfied, Better than Photos

Value for the Money:.......Overpriced, Worth the cost, A Bargain at her rate

Location/ Atmosphere:.....Needed work/Dirty, Acceptable, Very Clean

Supplies:.........................None or missing, The basics, Fully stocked

Chemistry:......................None, somewhat, Satisfied, Off the charts

Personality:.....................Terrible, Businesslike, Pleasant, Off the charts

Service Level:..................Extremely Restrictive, Safe GFE, GFE, GFE+, PSE, PSE+ BDSM

Satisfied with session:......Complete rip off, disappointed, satisfied, better than I expected, Awesome

Would you Recommend:.. Yes, No , Maybe

Would you Repeat:......... .No, After long TDL, Absolutely

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New Member
Nov 15, 2013
I don’t use these acronyms to describe my services (I just have what some call a “menu” on my website), but I do provide Safe GFE, GFE, GFE+, PSE and Fetishes... All at different rates.

If someone meets me for a Safe GFE session, either because he doesn’t want more, or because he doesn’t have the money for more, then I wouldn’t want other guys to think that I ONLY & STRICTLY play safe, and that I do NOT provide GFE, PSE or Fetishes, etc, just because the reviewer could only pick 1 of the choices listed... There should be an option to add or explain that there were other services offered, but that the gentlemen declined them for XYZ reason(s)... And a Fetish option should be added as a choice.

Same for rates... I have several different rates for different services. I wouldn’t want everybody to think my “full package” is 200$ if a reviewer mentioned paying that price to see me.

As for Location & Atmosphere, I don’t think "needs work” and "dirty” should come together... An Incall could perhaps need better/more decoration, lighting, music, comfortable mattress, be in a safer neighbourhood, etc, without necessarily being dirty...

Reviewer’s age shouldn’t be optional... Some escorts are known to be YMMV based on age, and some have age restrictions... It would also be great for us escorts to be able to have an accurate age for Merb members reaching out to book, as some members do lie, and that is never fun for us when we have such restrictions due to personal taste or privacy.

And how will we know for sure if the number of escorts visited is accurate ? Will reviewed escorts have to vouch or confirm they actually have met with reviewers ? I think that would be nice. It would help escorts screen guys better, and know which other escorts to contact for references on certain guys. Being a Merb member doesn’t make a guy a perfect gentleman nor an ideal date.

Information on the escort’s real or perceived age would be a good idea. If we look the age we advertise, or if we look younger or older. I wouldn’t mind, but maybe some ladies would.

Covid-19 has changed the game for better or worst, depending on who you ask... Maybe adding links to OnlyFans, JustForFans, PornHub, ManyVids, and other clips stores could be nice... for lurkers and guys that want to see more before they make the big move.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
1. I’d combine the repeat and recommend section into one
2. I’d add a “speaks English section” with none, basic, intermediate and advanced as options
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I think it should be simplified/optimized not to become too heavy:
- "Would you Recommend " and "Would you Repeat " for me could be merged to "Would you Recommend"
- "Personality" and "Chemistry" could be merged for "Attitude" ? Or enthousiasm or "Into it factor".
- "Appearance" and "Resemblance to photos"... Only Appearance could do the job? maybe with choices: Disappointed (Fake Pics), Disappointed, Satisfied, Pleasantly surprised.
- Remove "Value for the Money" (I agree with Melania)
- Add: Incall or Outcall (Did the reviewers saw her In or Out?). Here I assume the Incall and Outcall sections would be merged...
- Correction: "Link to her add" should be "Link to her Ad" ?
- I agree with Mocha, that Service type should be re-thinked and Prices too...
A Customer might ask for safe GFE and be satisfied by such service. Or Expecting GFE but received Safe GFE and still be GFE.
Usually services offered are presented in Lady's ads but not all the time.
As a client, It's a very important aspect in a review to know if GFE was offered or not, even if the reviewer prefers SGFE...
So maybe items to find in the template:
Service Offered (Check all that applies)
Service Received
- Also I would find practical at the beginning of a review thread, to see each type of service acronyms with the number of reviews that received them.
Safeg GFE (1), GFE (5), GFE+ (1), PSE (2), BDSM (0).
- I know people don't like numbers by I personally prefer them as we learn over time the reviewers. So It would be great maybe to have some of the items in the template to be evaluated with numbers or stars like in amazon to be able to make stats and present them at the beginning of the thread.
As a minimum, I would like to see an Overall Appreciation (Satisfied with session item?) averaged and shown at the beginning of the thread and/or shown in the list of reviews...
- Most of the items should be optional or have default value to N/A...
- Price and "time of the session"...
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New Member
Nov 15, 2013
Reliability... Late, on time, ready in advance, no show, had to postpone, was mindful enough to notify in advance for cancellation or delay. Both for Incall and Outcall.

Time of appointment, or escort’s usual schedule... Maybe that would help prevent guys from texting in the middle of the night even though our ad specifies day or evening schedule.

420, party friendly, or likes a drink... I don’t do drug, not even weed, but I can enjoy some wine, judt not at every single date, and I usually prefer drinking with guys I actually know and like spending time with, otherwise I see it as destroying my liver for absolutely no reason other than the guy’s entertainment.

Language spoken during appointment. If it was native, fluent, comprehensible, limited, not existent, unilingual.

Communication skills or type of vocabulary... I know some guys might not care about this as long as they had a great time, but information on how a lady speaks can be useful when being out with family, friends or in public together, and when a client is looking for a smart & interesting conversationalist... Some people have a certain way of expressing themselves, and it can be a annoying or even mortifying to others... Vulgar and “Street” language is very unappealing to me, and I decline guys that speak this way. I associate it with younger or up-to-no-good guys (sounds nice when rappers do it, but not when regular people do)... Limited vocabulary with constant use of “Yo” “Like” “Genre” “Comme” “Live” “Dead” etc, is also a deal breaker for me, I know we won’t have much in common. Automatically tells me how old the guy is, which is definitely not the age bracket of my clientele... Loud people in public that don’t seem to notice or care about other people around... All of this can be applied to ladies and gents, and not just in the escort sex work business. Very important for social dates, at least to me.

Client’s race or ethnicity... To help identify which escorts are open to all ethnicities, instead of reading “NO this” and “NO that” in every couple ads... Would also help escorts screen guys, as some guys and Merb members lie about this aspect too in the hopes of having ladies agree to meet once face to face.

Escort’s race or ethnicity... Some care about this. Mixed should not be an option unless it’s possible to specify what mix it is. Mixed alone is too broad, can mean anything, but nothing specific.

Enhancements... Breasts, lips, butt, other parts of the body. Noticeable scars.

Hair... Real or not, and if it was possible to pull it, play with it, run fingers through scalp... This may seem silly, but Black women are always assumed to be wearing fake hair, clip-ins, weaves or wigs all the time, and to be highly restrictive when it comes to touching their hair, when the reality is that women of other races do that too, especially if they spent money or hours getting them done, and if they have other appointments afterward... I get asked this question a lot when booking. Some guys want to know what I have on my head, if they can touch, or if I can wear my natural hair when meeting them.

Value for money should be removed... But if it remains, then it would be great if reviewers took the time to explain in details why they considered the escort or service to be overpriced, so we can all understand their point of view... Escorts can set whichever price they want for their services, and comparing two girls is like comparing apples and oranges, no two women are the same, look the same, do the same, think the same, etc... Some people are just too picky/demanding to be satisfied with anything, and some are too cheap or too broke to afford something they want, and then go out and complain/bash about rates.

I agree with UncleBob... Being able to check all services provided would be great.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Reviewers Age : (Optional)
Years Hobbying :
Number of escorts visited :

Love that part!! Instead of Age optional maybe put Age bracket? (less then 30, 30-50,50-70,70+)

Knowing the years of hobbying and number of sp visited will completely change the way you read a review and what to get out of it.


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
# of years make no difference to me

1. Some guys like to think MERB is like La Cosa Nostra, it’s not. Sometimes the newbies come and give refreshing, honest and shill free reviews. They speak their mind more freely.
2. Some of the most prolific reviewers who have a # of years under their belt and it’s same old story “so and so text me about a new gem on their roster and I could not resist. she was awesome”. Sound familiar? Same story, just name of SP changed. This template may be no different as some veterans are held by the gonads by SP’s and agencies alike in this town

Therefore my advice, keep it simple, theres already enough guys who lurk, I wouldn’t make a template tedious to fill out.

I’d absolutely lock the review section to anyone who has not reviewed min once a year
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Neverbored yes it could be a bracket. Indeed it does not need to be that accurate. We certainly do not review the same way for the first sp we see then we do for the 50th!

The first agency girl I ever saw completely took me for granted. She did the minimum. She was well known. But she saw I was a complete newbie and went the easy way while satisfying me. I was happy... I didn't know shit. In my mind I tough I had a great session. Well.. Compared to the session I am having now 5-6 years later by god that first session was a t-shirt session ;)

The review I would have wrote back then compared to now would have been totally different but that would not have been understood if the reader did not knew about my years of experience and number of girl seen.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Some items in the template should be in our profile and showing on the left with the avatar...
We used to have the Registered Date there...
I certainly do not want to repeat some info about me at every reviews...

I also have no idea how many escort I've seen... I do not keep a record at all.
For me age is irrelevant. This is a Ageless hobby... At least on the client side :)
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Active Member
Jan 6, 2020
Value for money is very vague. If an SP provides a fulfilling experience at $250 while another provides the same at $350 or $550, who provides more value for money? It might make fiscal sense to avail the $250 service, but you might have better chemistry with the $550 SP. Putting chemistry aside, value for money is also a function of how much money the client is willing to part with, which is itself a function of his budget and passion for the hobby. It says more about the client than the SP. Hence, I think this criteria should be excluded.

Number of escorts seen : nobody keeps a tally, certainly not hobbyists who have been doing this for years. Years Hobbying is sufficient to gauge a review.
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Mar 6, 2017
Thinking of what would be helpful to a hobbyist vs. info that’s just meh.
To add :
A-level service?

To subtract:
Value for money - too nebulous
Supplies - are you there for that?
Chemistry - that could be inferred from personality. High YMMV factor.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Reviewer’s age shouldn’t be optional... Some escorts are known to be YMMV based on age, and some have age restrictions... It would also be great for us escorts to be able to have an accurate age for Merb members reaching out to book, as some members do lie,

Found this funny ... for two reasons ... never knew our age created a YMMV situation for performance and experience .... I for one don't know why age for reviewer is important.

And "we" lie?? WOW ... have met several ladies who "volunteered" during the evening their 'real' names and also 'real' ages ... funny how some are in the hobby for 10 years yet profile still says they are 22!

Think the Supplies for infall is good for planning in advance - especially if going on home or back to work from there - it has value to know.

The "number of escorts seen" ... not sure the importance there ... is the person;t review less good if that was his first experience?

Great to allow the input and dialogue on this instead of just creating .... thanks merci !
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Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
MochaLaMulata had great ideas.
I especially agree about the concern about services labeling but don't know how to solve it. I respect and seek more the Safe providers and think its a great idea to have different rates depending on the medical risk you take, although not great. The unsafe stuff just doesn't interest me, but I know I am odd.

Age question interesting. I wonder if more for escorts or us as customers. Wonder if more companions prefer to eliminate older or younger guys. It seems that many who have age limits want to avoid younger guys, but since I am an old guy am biased. The age of reviewer is of interest to me since when I am doing trip research tend to follow us old guys that have my similar interests.

The number of escorts - your kidding. While I keep decades of my reviews, I am not really inclined to count from 40 years ago! Maybe just an experience questions like Relatively new Moderately active, Lots of experience.

I believe Chemistry (which is important to me) is different from personality. Can have a great personality, but you have no chemistry.

For us, only English speakers like the idea of how fluent are in English.

With all the questions seems reviews will wind up much longer than just long reviews have now (I tend to write lots but more on personality than sex acts), yet I do like the targeted information in most of the proposed questions.

Now we need to get the virus risk reduced so we can feel safe meeting companions. And for us in the US even being able to get to Canada. I had to cancel two trips booked before the virus thrust itself upon us to my usual Toronto trips for two decades and to return to Montreal after about a decade of absence.
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Charlie Smart

Active Member
Jun 12, 2015
The Godswoods
Delete "Value for the Money"...readers are going to be smart enough to cross reference rates and the comments in the review and make their decision about rates and "value".

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Here is my opinion on everything...

Reviewers Age : (Optional) : Optional yes maybe... certainly not mandatory.
Years Hobbying : Should be optional as well. I count but not everybody does or wanna disclose it
Number of escorts visited : Same as years of hobbying
Escorts Name : Yes
Agency / Indy : Yes
Link to her ad : This should remain in the first post of the thread and be updated by mods if its a merb link. Other links tend to expire anyway like Leolist.
Is this a repeat session: Fine with this
Price: Yes
........................................................Pick One
Appearance: .................. Generally speaking yes

Tattoos:.................... Should be combined with piercing and just be a yes or no. Honestly i sometimes won't really remind/notice a few discreet tatoos and i don't notice much piercing unless its very obvious (nipples)

Piercings:..... .................See above

Smoker:.........................I always disliked that question on TER. I have no freaking idea in 90% of my meetings. During all my years i had ONE SP only that had a slight cigarette taste while kissing (masked by gum) and maybe 2 SPs who smoked while with me because we were done, they were regulars and at ease, and i had a room that allowed it on that rare exeption. But most of the time i just couldn't tell if they are smokers or not, im not one myself so i usually go to non smoking rooms and do not go outside to have one.

Hygiene:........................fine with this

Resemblance to photos:.. Fine

Value for the Money:.......This one you open a pandora's box a bit... not sure its a good idea. Could be added by member if they want later but making mandatory nah...

Location/ Atmosphere:..... Would prefer just to name where it happened. Precisions can be added if the incall was dirty or something but it shouldn't be part of automatic template. Some of us book at our hotel or home anyway...

Supplies:.........................Thats incall only so N/A option should be allowed for sure.

Chemistry:...................... Thats again very person to person... should be disclosed at will

Personality:.....................Same as above.

Service Level:..................This one YES YES YES but we would need to define PSE and GFE+ etc clearly. Is CIM GFE+ or PSE? etc

Satisfied with session:......That one im fine

Would you Recommend:.. Fine as well

Would you Repeat:......... .Fusion with recommand

In conclusions reviews must not become a chore otherwise you will see them dwindle down even more than they already have. Honestly i started reviewing on TER only because i wanted to see some reviews (get the VIP) because otherwise man its not fun to be a first time review. So many questions, take forever to answer them all and most of my replies end up being "no idea"


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Very good comments Halloween Mike, for me as I am a little at risk I will meet only girls on this site and who didn't advertise during the crisis.

So I wouldn't have to fill out this template, if I understood correctly. I imagine that if I had to meet news girls often in agencies, it would have been a little bite boring.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Great project!

I wonder how previous reviews would fit in this.
I guess it's a subject yet to come :)
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