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EB's Great William Shatner versus Celine Dion Showdown.

Who is the Most Famous Quebecer???

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
How many of you guys were able to bring your girlfriend to see a Star Trek movie vs. how many of your girlfriend made you listen to Dion or even brought you to see the damn Titanic movie because it was the movie of the year ?

I've seen strippers dancing to the Titanic title song (back in the days), but never to the Star Trek theme song. One more point for Celine.:D

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Shatner is 81 years young, still on tv, still entertaining people and still as well known as ever and still popular among the masses. Celine will be long gone and finished way, way before that. The way Shatner looks he is not going away anytime soon. In 100 years from now he will be remembered for his iconic role as James Kirk and in 30 or 40 years time or less no one will know who Celine was outside of quebec . Her fame will be fleeting.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Shatner is 81 years young, still on tv, still entertaining people and still as well known as ever and still popular among the masses. Celine will be long gone and finished way, way before that.... and in 30 or 40 years time or less no one will know who Celine was outside of quebec . Her fame will be fleeting.
Very well spoken, as always. I wholeheartedly agree! :thumb:

Lily from Montreal

Wow! The nerds and the trekkies (Shatner's fans) against the schmaltzy Dion's fans!

Even if I really don't like her, I'll cast my vote for Céline...
I resent that comment, I am a huge trekkie fan and a nerd to boot,I totally assume my nerdiness , make me cringe to realize I have so much in common with you know who,..the ''one that cannot be named'' but still I vote for Dion...fair is fair...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I vote for Dion...fair is fair...

There is nothing at all "fair" about your vote, or this poll. There is prejudice in Quebec in favor of Dion and against Shatner which has already been discussed. Do a truly international poll, including the USA and Asia, and then get back to me.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
There is nothing at all "fair" about your vote, or this poll.

C'mon Beav,

As wonderful as guitar players are, and I still want to marry all of the Bangles girls :), have you really shown fairness by citing a guitar poll to represent the Earth (no offense T-man). Yeah right, and Rumples Aunt Mildred will win the Triple Crown next year. If you understand so much better then create your own international poll, maybe with hot dog vendors, basket weavers, and naked sky divers...just kidding buddy.

What I see as somewhat significant about the choices is some real Trekkies who don't like Celine much recognize her popularity. I'm just happy James T Kirk didn't vote against James T Kirk. :D :lol:




Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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The derogatory qualificative «nerd» doesn't come from me. A couple of weeks ago there was a tv report on nerds and geeks and it was mentioned during the airing that trekkies identifyed themselves as nerds or geeks.

I'm not sure that it was this TV reportage

(because I saw it TV5 America Latina - which is a French chanel in Brazil and the rest of America Latina - and I cannot remember the name of the reportage).

I must admit, in total honesty, that nerds, geeks and treekies took pride of being that way. They even stressed the fact that they were more inteligent than the average John.

When I was young I was not a fan of Star Trek or other Sci-Fi TV shows. I was more attracted to The Avengers (1961-1969); The Saint (1962-69); Green Acres (1965-1971); Man in a Suitcase (1967-1968); Land of the Giants (1968-1970) and especially The Fugitive and Advenntures in Paradise (1959-1962).


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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There is nothing at all "fair" about your vote, or this poll. There is prejudice in Quebec in favor of Dion and against Shatner which has already been discussed. Do a truly international poll, including the USA and Asia, and then get back to me.

Oh, come on! Do you really think that including the USA in this survey will add fairness???? USA are totally oblivious to other cultures. They are only aware of their massive and bland cultural productions!!!!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
There is prejudice in Quebec in favor of Dion and against Shatner which has already been discussed.

Bullshit. The fact that you have made this unsubstantiated, racist and derogatory claim time and time again in your adoring praise of the Shat does not make it valid.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Bullshit. The fact that you have made this unsubstantiated, racist and derogatory claim time and time again in your adoring praise of the Shat does not make it valid.

Am I the one who made the posts in the other thread stating disbelief that Shatner was from Montreal? It's fairly evident he is viewed as being American and some posters came right out and said as much. Obviously there is something deeply wrong when the man is not even recognized for being a Quebecer.

You can spin it however you want, but it is what it is, a failure to recognize your own as your own. Many have already admitted to it, both on this board and in person to me. You can draw whatever conclusion from that as you wish. The conclusion I draw is that there is prejudice when a person who should be celebrated as a native son isn't. I have no explanation for it.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
The problem with Shatner is even though people are familiar with Star Trek, unless you're a fan, you don't even know the name of the actor. Whereas Celine, whether we want to or not, we know her and her life. I'm not sure who is the most famous worldwide, but the most Quebecois now is definitely Celine. If you go back in the 60s, I'm sure Shatner will have more recognition then Céline (but maybe not as much as René Angélil and Les Barronnets)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Am I the one who made the posts in the other thread stating disbelief that Shatner was from Montreal? It's fairly evident he is viewed as being American and some posters came right out and said as much. Obviously there is something deeply wrong when the man is not even recognized for being a Quebecer.

The conclusion I draw is that there is prejudice when a person who should be celebrated as a native son isn't. I have no explanation for it.


Well, if you as an American closer to Quebec didn't know the information, what chance does anyone in much of Europe, Africa, India, China, Indonesia, or Australia have? If lack of recognition taints polls and indicates some kind of shady prejudice then it's just as rampant or more so far away if those closer should know more easily and don't.

No explanation? How about the lack of interest in knowing. If my former Jewish friend hadn't pointed to Shatner as being Jewish I would never have checked into it because I'm not that curious for one thing about the origins of actors, and I'm not a racist or xenophobe who has to categorize everyone to be sure it's safe to like someone. I've never checked into where any of the actors in any of the related brand films came from. Does failure to check origins make anyone prejudiced or xenophobic. NO! That is silly.

Your inference is counter-productive. If not knowing where Shatner is from makes anyone guilty of something then you are as guilty as most of the rest of the world. Really, why is your lack of information free of alleged prejudice and Quebecers/French Canadians not???

Since this is about Quebecers I find it strange that ACTUAL Quebecers are getting a bad rap when they are the ones closest to the celebrities in question.




New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Unlike Celine, Herr Schattner is not considered among the 100 most important quebecers of the XXst century.

His work had no influence on our local culture or politic (unless you're a trekkie) so why should we know he was born here?
This is true of many famous people: St-Patrick and John Jameson may be big in Ireland, but they were both from Scotland.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I appreciate the feeling, but I would prefer if you refrain from using that line. Only ladies may say that.

I think this question is a bit moot anyway. It’s like asking who is the most famous german, Beethoven or Einstein? I suggest we award Celine in the Female Singer category and Shatner in the Male Actor category so everyone can be happy.
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