Am I the one who made the posts in the other thread stating disbelief that Shatner was from Montreal? It's fairly evident he is viewed as being American and some posters came right out and said as much. Obviously there is something deeply wrong when the man is not even recognized for being a Quebecer.
The conclusion I draw is that there is prejudice when a person who should be celebrated as a native son isn't. I have no explanation for it.
Well, if you as an American closer to Quebec didn't know the information, what chance does anyone in much of Europe, Africa, India, China, Indonesia, or Australia have? If lack of recognition taints polls and indicates some kind of shady prejudice then it's just as rampant or more so far away if those closer should know more easily and don't.
No explanation? How about the lack of interest in knowing. If my former Jewish friend hadn't pointed to Shatner as being Jewish I would never have checked into it because I'm not that curious for one thing about the origins of actors, and I'm not a racist or xenophobe who has to categorize everyone to be sure it's safe to like someone. I've never checked into where any of the actors in any of the related brand films came from. Does failure to check origins make anyone prejudiced or xenophobic. NO! That is silly.
Your inference is counter-productive. If not knowing where Shatner is from makes anyone guilty of something then you are as guilty as most of the rest of the world. Really, why is your lack of information free of alleged prejudice and Quebecers/French Canadians not???
Since this is about Quebecers I find it strange that ACTUAL Quebecers are getting a bad rap when they are the ones closest to the celebrities in question.