Montreal Escorts

Eleganza en train de disparaitre . Elengaza slowly fading away ????


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Alexandre, tu oublie des petits détails...

- Bouche-à-oreilles
- Clients satisfait qui reviennent en grand nombre
- En encore, bouche-à-oreilles...

Il y a un resto près de chez-moi qui ne fait absolument pas de publicité pourtant, y entrer un vendredi ou samedi soir est quasi impossible! Voici leur site web:
C'est comme ça depuis plus d'un an: en construction.

Si on suit ta logique, ce resto devrait être vide et sur le bord de la faillite! D'autres restos de mon voisinnage ont des sites web et certains de ceux-ci battent des records de courte longévité, malgré des sites qui comportent un menu complet, coupons-rabais et tout. Alors, pourquoi ils disparaissent alors qu'un resto sans site survit?

Un indice? Le web n'a pas toujours existé! Il existe d'autres moyes de se faire connaitre. Le bouche-à-oreilles et la qualité sont deux de ces méthodes qui sont très efficace.

PS. je n'ai jamais fait affaire avec Eleganza, pour aucunes raisons particulières, seulement que les filles qui me tentaient étaient ailleurs.


Oct 30, 2003
Visit site
Alexandre Le Grand said:

Estimated number of visits for
Less than 10 visits per day

Statbrain only gives you an idea of the visibility of the site on the web for new visitors, in other words how many pages link to the site, and guess the number of (new) visitors based on that.
As agency sites are not typically linked from other sites (they don't link
between themselves, and not many hobbyists have sites), the visibility is not surprisingly directly related to the level of advertisement.

Now when I picked my first escort, I didn't use the banners or agency ad section: I read the reviews, selected who I was interested in, and only then looked for the agency website.
Let say a new visitor comes on merb. He may notice some "all time fuck" thread, see that many eleganza girls are listed, and then do a search for "eleganza" "escort": he'll find the site.

So your stats only relates to casual visitors, not to repeat offenders or considerate first timers, who'll find the number to call regardless of the banners.

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
Alexandre Le Grand said:

Estimated number of visits for
Less than 10 visits per day

I don't know if his shop is going so badly and you might want to check
rather than the intro page that no one has bookmarked. The page
you indicated is probably more useful in gauging new customers while
the index is probably more pertinent for repeat customers.

Frankly, you just sound like a Devilish employee/shill.
Various tactics by PM are also being put out there to hurt MTL GEMS business.
I personally am happy for the variety of business models (adv. booking at Eleg and MSC)
and the competition. I am sure Devilish/GOF would LOVE to be able to set quasi-monopolist prices!
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

I have had it with these constant shill accusations being made on MERB. This one goes too far, even accusing an agency of being involved. If anyone has any suspicions of shilling bring it to a moderator. Any similar posts by any other member will result in the same suspension.

If anyone wants to play moderator, do it someplace else.

Mod 8


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
jeff jones said:
Perhaps the rumors of an eleganza comeback were a bit premature. On there schedule for this week on friday nite one sp listed as a please call and on sat nite there is only one sp on the schedule. John can recruit all the hotties he wants but once again it seems they either never work or quickly move to another agency.

Hello Jeff,

Have you tried becoming one of their "Club" members? I can't say what I have been told by a few board members is entirely accurate, but it seems they do a pretty good business through the "Club" backdoor. That would have to be true considering the unavailability so often of nearly all of their ladies listed if there is any legitimacy to the claims of some that they are still a good agency. A few years ago selection was ample, high quality and available. Since then available ladies listed on the schedule have been scarce and reports about the inability to book ladies by non-member callers fairly common. Looking at the Eleganza schedule right now they have about 11 ladies and over 4 days from today there are 4 time frames and 1 other "please call" possibility. That's 5 out of 44 possible chances. Still some say the agency is good for them.

Then there is the policy consistency issue. I have been told, sometimes rudely, they don't pre-book and I have to book on the same day when they know which ladies are working that day. Then when I have called as soon as they open I am told some ladies are booked for the week, not just for the day. I did get in as a Club member also, but responses to requests either take too much time or go unanswered. This is is part of the reason I take my business to MontrealXXXTASE, Devilish, Girls On Fire, Montreal Sex City and Independents.

Good luck,

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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
JJ, maybe all other ladies on duty these nights are already booked? No point in advertising ladies that are already busy elsewhere! If John have a solid base of customers who keep the ladies busy, there's no point for him to advertise somebody who's not available.

As you probably know, some agencies likely advertise ladies who aren't available so the customer call and then, since the guy is already on the phone, they kindly offer him somebody else... Maybe John doesn't want to go that "borderline false advertisement" route?

P.S. I never booked any Eleganza ladies, I don't know John either. I'm just tired of peoples who only see what they want to see. There's a shitload of agencies/indies who don't use the web, don't advertise much or even not at all but yet, they do very good to their taste so, why always try to see something that might not even exist, without any serious hint you might see something besides the fact you want to see it?

Hey! Even if you really want to see the real Santa, you can hope and hope, peek all you want, look upside-down, you'll never see the real Santa because he doesn't exist. How do we know this? Because there's no FACTS proving he does. Same thing with the rumors about Eleganza going down, it's only a rumor without any FACTS behind it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Merlot said:
Hello Jeff,

Have you tried becoming one of their "Club" members? I can't say what I have been told by a few board members is entirely accurate, but it seems they do a pretty good business through the "Club" backdoor.

I have been told, sometimes rudely, they don't pre-book and I have to book on the same day when they know which ladies are working that day. Then when I have called as soon as they open I am told some ladies are booked for the week, not just for the day.

I think what you bring up Merlot is very accurate. I believe it is one of the reasons people find Eleganza "elitist" and get pissed off at them. I have tried a few times to get into their Club a few years ago, at a time when I was using Eleganza on a more frequent basis. To no avail, after a multitude of emails, PMs, etc.

One cannot rely on simple monitoring of internet traffic to deduce agency-girls' occupation rate. The best example is JDM/ Monsieur Jacques' outfit which has been quite successful without any form of internet advertisement.

Now, if their girls get recruited regularly elsewhere--and don't return-- there must be some reason, of which we can only speculate unless someone actually speaks to one of these ladies. Lack of business because of too high rates? Lesser proportion of money earned given to the girls? Or simple marauding by other agencies, which is probably one very common reason for multiple defections. "And then she told 2 friends... and they told 2 friends... "


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
metoo4 said:
P.S. I never booked any Eleganza ladies, I don't know John either. I'm just tired of peoples who only see what they want to see. There's a shitload of agencies/indies who don't use the web, don't advertise much or even not at all but yet, they do very good to their taste so, why always try to see something that might not even exist, without any serious hint you might see something besides the fact you want to see it?

Well Metoo,

The problem is others would like to book but can't seem to. Why advertise to the general public if the situation is: "If you are known to them for a while as a repeat and enjoyable customer, you can make special arrangements to see anyone you wish. Quite a few guys, known-to-them, do that instead of looking at schedules etc." The source of that statement on another board has lousy credibility, but the statement itself is exactly what I have been told on the side by very credible board members. If any agency wants to run their business that way that's fine. But the problem is deception. I and other members have reported being told there are no "special arrangements". The owner says it's "first come first served", only same day appointments available. So the inconsistency and deception is the issue here. If Eleganza stated their policy was...preferred repeat clients get preferred would spell out what to expect and save wasted effort.

hormone said:
I think what you bring up Merlot is very accurate. I believe it is one of the reasons people find Eleganza "elitist" and get pissed off at them. I have tried a few times to get into their Club a few years ago, at a time when I was using Eleganza on a more frequent basis. To no avail, after a multitude of emails, PMs, etc.

I was also moving toward Eleganza frequently and being a pretty reliable client. I wrote very positive and honest reviews about my encounters and about how well John handled the business. Then they employed the "Club" method. I support businesses if they want to be more exclusive. If that's how they profit then more power to them. There are plenty of other choices. But don't tell callers we only make same day appointments by first come first served, then use another method of "special arrangements" that causes other callers to waste their time. That's dishonest.

Doc Holliday said:
I find it rather easy to book his girls, to tell you the honest truth. It's all about timing.

Would explaining why and how be possible??? Timing has not included calling at the opening of business as Eleganza suggests, though all the other agencies I call work pretty well with that "timing".


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Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
Visit site
This happens every 2 years or so with every agency...a sudden departure of some of the ladies and its doom and gloom. Then they have to rebuild, recruit new talent...and they are back in the game. Two years on top, one year at the bottom...two years on top....the cycle continues. Not sure if this happened all that much 10 years ago, most of the girls didnt have access to the internet as much as they do today. Even if they don't have a computer, they know someone who can get google on their phone. And off they run to another agency hoping for a better deal.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2005
breadman said:
This happens every 2 years or so with every agency...a sudden departure of some of the ladies and its doom and gloom. Then they have to rebuild, recruit new talent...and they are back in the game. Two years on top, one year at the bottom...two years on top....the cycle continues. Not sure if this happened all that much 10 years ago, most of the girls didnt have access to the internet as much as they do today. Even if they don't have a computer, they know someone who can get google on their phone. And off they run to another agency hoping for a better deal.

I wouldn't write off John just yet....something tells me he is busy behind the scenes prepping for a major comeback....with "the best of the best" talents...just be patient...;)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Saw there website and there price is 200$, 20$ more than other agencies, and some of them include a special of 160 for downtown area, so its 40 more...

Then they dosen't advertise much here comparing to WOP, GOF. MSC and such...

That certainly dosen't help, lack of reviews either, more review = more dude willing to try, then more reviews and cycle continue... ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I posted this on the Eleganza club web site this morning. I just wanted to post this in defense of eleganza.

"John is not perfect. He can be short with you on the phone and sometimes rude. [He rarely returns emails.] His girls often arrive late but here are the big three reasons why Eleganza is #1!

1. Girls can reserved early in the week - You can reserve a girl for Thursday night on Monday afternoon. The exact same girl you reserved will arrive every time. She may be late but she will be there!

2. Liberal GFE services - You dont even have to check reviews on Johns girls (i do anyway because I like to read reviews). Everyone of them will do all that I need them to do and more than any of my ex-wives! I remmeber Victoria telling me over and over "You have the perfect size cock." then she says "would you like to try anal?" No extra charge. CIM? Everyone of them. John your girls truely understand the hobbyists definition of GFE.

3. Young beautiful "Debutantes" - John has the youngest, freshest, sexiest girls in Montreal and dare I say the world! These are the girls you would kill to get a date with in college.

If I can add one more comment. I have asked John's opinion a few time and so far he has always given me honest advice...."

I posted this this morning. I have had real good luck with Xxxtase as well and Martin is a nicer guy than John. One of his girls was over an hour late and he contacted me twice with updates and finally discounted the girl $40 bucks at his insistance. This was a nice gesture. My experience with Devilish was also good. I tend to book through Eleganza for the reasons listed above.


Dec 21, 2008
hungry101 said:
I posted this on the Eleganza club web site this morning.

well, now i can read it... i applied there over a mounth ago, and it seems i'm still "awayting validation":rolleyes: i didn't put much credit to this thread title and subject when it was posted... but eleganza defenitely went downhill since... if john is really the master of finding new talent... now would be about time to see this skill at work...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
hungry101 said:
I posted this on the Eleganza club web site this morning. I just wanted to post this in defense of eleganza.

"John is not perfect. He can be short with you on the phone and sometimes rude. [He rarely returns emails.] His girls often arrive late but here are the big three reasons why Eleganza is #1!

1. Girls can reserved early in the week - You can reserve a girl for Thursday night on Monday afternoon. The exact same girl you reserved will arrive every time. She may be late but she will be there!

Hello Hungry 101,

I stayed out of this thread until today. BUT...........John himself told me, I and everyone must make appointments on the same day only. He never said when I spoke to him during a few must make an appointment on the same day unless you are a "Club member". So if what you posted here is true you must realize what that implies about him. :(

Mr.Jean.Chretien said:
I wouldn't write off John just yet....something tells me he is busy behind the scenes prepping for a major comeback....with "the best of the best" talents...just be patient...;)

Waiting for John to fulfill a promise he has already made is getting to be like the coming of that promised expose' we've all heard about. Can I have a popcorn allowance big enough for all the movies I'll see before this actually happens. ;)

Seriously, I really don't care if I ever see an Eleganza girl again. The ones I wanted are gone anyway. But if a comeback doesn't include a few ladies regularly available to those outside the "Club" instead of a nearly naked schedule the alleged comeback is already a failure.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Merlot said:
Hello Hungry 101,

I stayed out of this thread until today. BUT...........John himself told me I and everyone must make appointments on the same day only. He never said when I spoke to him during a few attempts to make an appointment...unless you are a "Club member". So if what you posted here is true you must realize what that implies about him. :(

Waiting for John to fulfill a promise he has already made is getting to be like the coming of that promised expose' we've all heard about.


What I posted is true. I am a club member so this must make a difference. All I did was click on the web site and sign up. There was no annual fee, monthly dues, or waiting list like some country clubs. There was no problem signing up. Again I have had good luck so you keep going back until you get screwed over, correct? So far, my luck has been better than good. I have had the loving of my life. What can I say? I hope to get back to Montreal this summer.


Nov 19, 2006
To be fair to John, he promptly removes the girl from the web site once she leaves or if he knows she won't be available for a long time. Contrast this with GOF, XXXTASE where they show girls like Dolce in the former and Kelly in the latter on their site as active but they never seem to work. Often you will find that the good ones that leave Eleganza are soon lost to the community completely or they come back to Eleganza itself .... think Emily of yore and more recently Britanny/Lynn, Karyna, Dolce (dormant / lost ... am in mourning for that). Nicole was lost and then she returned to Eleganza.

In my mind, there is an automatic association between Eleganza and good quality.

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
prophetofdoom said:
To be fair to John, he promptly removes the girl from the web site once she leaves or if he knows she won't be available for a long time. Contrast this with GOF, XXXTASE where they show girls like Dolce in the former and Kelly in the latter on their site as active but they never seem to work.

This is a good point and, as has been said elsewhere, he also uses very effective, naked shots that give you a good idea of what the girl looks like without being dressed up in any way.

PS: Come to think of it though, I don't know that Paris has been working lately. Not as blatant as with Kelly though. Hope Vicky works!

I would stick to the assertion that he has pretty much been the king of recruitement from what I've seen. Most girls he has brought into the biz also look like natural girls : less died hair, tatoos, piercings, etc. I also think he has been less patient with poor performers than other agencies, all this suggests quality.

Now, no one would suggest John is a charmer on the phone and he frequently doesn't answer his mails. Consistent with this, he doesn't
seem very cooperative about admitting new people to his club.

Anyway, I appreciate the advanced booking option (though I have had a number of cancellations over the two years I have been calling him) and hope that he manages to re-fill his stable with new hotties.

As mentioned in another thread, I wonder if $200/h (esp for extra hours) isn't now too high for this market. He has a lot of American clients whose currency is likely to keep eroding in value. For local hobbyists, this could be really good news because the American visitors will no longer have an implicit "discount" leading to downward pressure on rates.
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Jul 19, 2008
Retaining talent

benxxx said:
... if john is really the master of finding new talent... now would be about time to see this skill at work...

I agree with ben. Elegenza will not simply disparaitre without a fight. Lets say things as they are. John's number one problem is not finding talent,but retaining talent.

But like the pheonix they will stick around. Their massive client base will keep
them in loop until everything is up to snotch.

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