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Emergency Help Please

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
forget escorts

Salinar after reading your PM , I would in all sincerity advise you to get your life in order by seeing a therapist and or psychologist.
Trying to see escorts and getting advice on this(or any other) board will only just make matters worse and more confusing for you.
See someone you trust and whose advice you respect, maybe a minister....get professional advice and eventually find a good woman.
I don`t want to sound like Dear Abbey, but she`ll give you better advice than any of us (except maybe Ronnie).


Aug 18, 2004
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@cloudsurf exactly what I wanted to do. No time like now. Any recommendations for that?

@voyager I'll be there 100% I think. Link please.

@lgna69 you guys have all been terrific but you're not professional therapists
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
i dont agree at all., i think he would get great advice here, why would you say he wont? we are here to help each other not only to NOT get ripped off but answer concerns as well, as first hand experience turns into the best advice one can get ? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

cloudsurf said:
Salinar after reading your PM , I would in all sincerity advise you to get your life in order by seeing a therapist and or psychologist.
Trying to see escorts and getting advice on this(or any other) board will only just make matters worse and more confusing for you.
See someone you trust and whose advice you respect, maybe a minister....get professional advice and eventually find a good woman.
I don`t want to sound like Dear Abbey, but she`ll give you better advice than any of us (except maybe Ronnie).


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
lgna69xxx said:
i dont agree at all., i think he would get great advice here, why would you say he wont? we are here to help each other not only to NOT get ripped off but answer concerns as well, as first hand experience turns into the best advice one can get ? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Igna you surprise me man.....without knowing the contents of the PM that I received from the f can you make such a stupid statement?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Salinar said:
@cloudsurf exactly what I wanted to do. No time like now. Any recommendations for that?

I`m not qualified to give you any advise except to suggest that you see a minister of your faith.
Since your issues go well beyond ,and are much more complex than this single incident that you raised on this board have to find a professional councillor to talk to.
Good Luck


Aug 18, 2004
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My personal beliefs do not conform to any major faith (the thread would go way off topic if I got into this). As for my traditional faith, I have not attended services for over 15 years and I have no minister.

I have already taken steps to improve myself in many areas but I do not feel comfortable discussing this in open forum.


Aug 18, 2004
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@Voyager Ok Cleo's is a SC. I searched and it doesn't look like there's a specific gathering tomorrow so I will pass for now.

@my_dingaling I'm sorry you weren't entertained. May I suggest Russian roulette?


Mar 26, 2004
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Salinar you should leave the goats in the closet until the girl can get comfortable. The plastic tubes running from your ass to your nostrils and the bed pan on your head may have inadvertently been off putting.

As far as seeing a psychiatrist goes why not see the one you were in long term counseling with after your mother cut your sandwich the wrong way.

Anyone else here skeptical?


Aug 18, 2004
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@Dee I see you've been sticking food up your ass all night - that explains the shit coming out of your mouth.

Really if you're just a vile human being then go ruin someone else's thread.

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
Salinar said:
@Dee I see you've been sticking food up your ass all night - that explains the shit coming out of your mouth.

Really if you're just a vile human being then go ruin someone else's thread.

Ummm, so this is another hoax?

OK, but it is a pain in the ass for those of us who put effort into writing last night with the thought that they might be helping someone. I mean, wtf
is the gain to you? There's really zero value added and it just adds to the general cynicism of the boards which means when some guy DOES need friendly advice, he is less likely to get it. Anyway, vile human being would
be strong but pathetic loser seems just about right on. Ciao.
Apr 16, 2005

Well suck me dry and call me dusty! Now this couldn't be our favourite hoax player could it! Naw that would be too much of a stretch. I thought he had passed into legend.:confused:


Aug 18, 2004
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This is in no way a hoax. At the beginnig of the thread I said I wouldn't give out the agency name and now nobody believes me because of that. That's fine ... I got some good advice from cloudsurf and one other member in pm. Having lurked here for a while the level of trust on this board has gone way down ... it's sad. I'm probably gonna go over to the casino now ... At least people have to pay if they don't believe that I have aces. No such satisfaction here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
this has gone too far...

Dr Edgar Who said:
OK, but it is a pain in the ass for those of us who put effort into writing last night with the thought that they might be helping someone. I mean, wtf
is the gain to you? There's really zero value added and it just adds to the general cynicism of the boards which means when some guy DOES need friendly advice, he is less likely to get it. Anyway, vile human being would
be strong but pathetic loser seems just about right on. Ciao.

Salinar, I could not agree more with Edgar here... Let's say for a minute this is all genuine-- as I think anyone deserves a little benefit of the doubt... Witholding agency name is not the reason I am skeptical.

WHat was your initial question, your call for help for last nite? Never was made clear...

You said you need an emergency therapist-- but you're in town for only 2 days more you worte yesterday! WHat good is that-- therapists are useless as a one shot deal... unless you're suicidal or totally schizophrenic at the moment: then by all means, go to a hospital ER and tell them about it so they can help you stay alive! Or call Suicide Action hot line...

You don't want to reveal the SP or agency name... why withhold? Is it because you think you're at fault? Well, then, sorry, but don't complain about what happened.

The SP turned you down... many reasons possible, at least half having nothing to do with who you are, what you're worth really. The other half, well, I think they have been adressed pretty well by the group. Again, if you have a particular physical aspect or behaviour (short of being truly dangerous to the SP), it would be god to know which escort and agency, so that others in the same situation as you could avoid this lady or mention it specifically to the agency to make sure they're going to get what they want without such surprises.

A bunch of guys were ready to go out for drinks and talk to you about "the problem" and you turned them down...

So, after trying to figure out what you want/ need/ how we can help, we're left with pretty much nothing... No wonder some guys are getting a bit challenging...

OK, that's it. Now back to reality. As per the level of trust gone down, I think it has simply to do with the number of hoaxes we've seen over the years. Dont take it personnaly... but as I tried to point out, too many weird aspects or inconsistencies in your story.
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Aug 18, 2004
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@hormone good post. I still would like to talk this over with the guys but there was no specific offer just "show up at cleo's"

As far as a therapist you're right it's not a one shot deal.

I willing to reveal the agency name in person. I'm gonna go play poker for a few hours now so if anybody wants to stop by drinks are on me. I'll post the table # when I get there.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Sorry, but I don't play cards... :cool:

And for Cleo's, many are regulars, so just ask them

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Salinar said:
I willing to reveal the agency name in person. I'm gonna go play poker for a few hours now so if anybody wants to stop by drinks are on me. I'll post the table # when I get there.

Hopefully you will win back that $20. she took from you then everything will be better:D


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
I can't help but think our collective leg is being pulled here...

If the situation is real:
  1. Being nervous, what if he miscounted wrong first and had $20 missing? None of us was there to count before and after.
  2. Some peoples who are totally normal look like psychos when stressed or nervous. That could be a clue?
  3. Maybe since he was so nervous, he was sweating a lot?
  4. He never replied on his ethnic origin. As we all know, that's a show stopper for some SP.

Now, why do I think we're being taken for a ride?
  1. The agency name is missing and he refuse to provide it in public. That sound like it never happened and he doesn't want to get any agencies pissed by inventing a story involving them.
  2. The need for a psycologist fast, like he'll die without it.
  3. He will forget his problems at the casino. How ironic...
  4. After all the requests for a psychiatrist, he still not interested to go to the ER and ask help.

If it's real, go and ask professional help quickly. Do not waste time here because you do need help. I'm not being pejorative here, anybody might need help someday and taking the decision to get some is the hardest part. You might be the best guy around but it's ok to seek help, it doesn't make you less of a man for than.

If this is a hoax, whoever is doing so is cruel and insensitive and I must say, low life. This action only creates cynicism and might someday cost the life of somebody who was "dead serious". and really was reaching out for what was, in his mind, his last resort. Impossible? Look at the thread in the Quebec lounge section, "Un merbiste vous quittes". It's a sticky...


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Silver lining

I must say that if this is a hoax then I along with many got caught.
At least there were some sad but comical posts as well as some very intelligent and wise comments.
If this is not a hoax then our friend needs to find himself some psychiatric help, and if he can be believed .....a good sexual therapist. It may not be an emergency but the timing is certainly critical.
Read his posting history and you`ll understand better.
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