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Eugenie Bouchard


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
...hope it will work ;) CHEERLEADER we can't ask for does he have any chance????


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Jul 11, 2003
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He split time in 2019 with Devlin "Duck" Hodges (now with Ottawa Rough Riders of the CFL) and the Steelers liked him better. His stats and familiarity with the system suggest he should be the first guy to get a shot at starting, unless the Steelers can pull off a trade for one of Aaron Rodgers, Russell Wilson or DeShaun Watson, or sign Jameis Winston, all of whom would be better options. Barring one of those options happening- Rudolph is da guy


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Bonne nouvelle :) ...elle va jouer à WASHINGTON à compter du 30-07....sûrement en préparation de la Coupe Rogers qui va suivre à Toronto....pas de grandes attentes MAIS la savoir de retour est déjà le fun.:)


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Bonne nouvelle :) ...elle va jouer à WASHINGTON à compter du 30-07....sûrement en préparation de la Coupe Rogers qui va suivre à Toronto....pas de grandes attentes MAIS la savoir de retour est déjà le fun.:)

Moi c'est Leila que j'ai hâte de revoir jouer. Mais bon, un petit peu de Genie, c'est pas désagréable pour les yeux. :cool:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Genie tente de se qualifier pour le US OPEN....a gagné son 1er match de qualif.........mais il n'y en aura pas de facile....quand même le fun de constater qu'elle a repris goût à la compétition....faudra que le mental et le body suivent....pas évident...on va lui souhaiter
d'y parvenir. :)
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I hope she retires. She sucks as a tennis player. She was a one-hit wonder, nothing more. Maybe she should give broadcasting a try & work as a tennis analyst.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
She did with TENNIS CHANNEL dans le passé....and she was excellent.... agree qu'elle pourrait avoir une belle carrière comme pourquoi pas chez nous---ici au Québec ----ou nous avons besoin de sang nouveau ???
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
She did with TENNIS CHANNEL dans le passé....and she was excellent.... agree qu'elle pourrait avoir une belle carrière comme pourquoi pas chez nous---ici au Québec ----ou nous avons besoin de sang nouveau ???
The problem with her working in Quebec is that she’d be on french tv (TVA Sports or RDS) and she struggles when she speaks french. French is her second language & she has a strong english accent when she speaks french. I’m not saying that it can’t be done but there are a lot more people qualified & better than her for that job. I see her more comfortable in the role doing it in english. And she’d likely prefer to do it in the States, which is where she lives permanently now.

Or maybe she could consider doing full-time show as part of a panel on a talk show. But seriously i think she’s wasting her time trying to make a comeback in tennis. Yes she had major shoulder surgery & seems to have fully recovered from it. But in my opinion her problems have always been between her two ears.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Et elle perdu today en 2 petits sets / moins d'une heure......vs la #87......peut-être mieux effectivement de penser à se recycler..... ;)
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Et elle perdu today en 2 petits sets / moins d'une heure......vs la #87......peut-être mieux effectivement de penser à se recycler..... ;)
I’m absolutely shocked that she lost…again. lol

She’d probably end up losing a set to her twin sister, who isn’t a tennis player. I mean…it’s really gotten that bad!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Genie Bouchard's biggest problem throughout the years has been her poor judgment. When she was on a roll earlier on she decided to part ways with her first pro coach Nick Saviano. She then went through a parade of coaches & at one point even Jimmy Connors was coaching her!

Then when she was starting to play better again she slipped after taking a bath in the women's dressing room at the US Open & later sued the Open & US Tennis for causing her concussion at the Open. Not very good optics, if you ask me. Another spoiled brat, i told myself. The daughter of a multimillionaire hedge fund banker born with a golden spoon in her mouth!

And for the past few years she's dating Mason Rudolph of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Mason Fucking Rudolph! A third-stringer who would have trouble starting in the CFL!!! Fucking Mason Rudolph who'll NEVER be an NFL starter even if his life depended on it! Why couldn't she chose a Josh Allen? An Aaron Rogers? A Joe Burrow? A Justin Herbert? But no!!!!!! Mason Fucking Rudolph it is!!!!

No fucking judgement!!!!!! And when people have her type of judgement....THEY FAIL!


Active Member
Feb 10, 2019
Genie Bouchard's biggest problem throughout the years has been her poor judgment. When she was on a roll earlier on she decided to part ways with her first pro coach Nick Saviano. She then went through a parade of coaches & at one point even Jimmy Connors was coaching her!

Then when she was starting to play better again she slipped after taking a bath in the women's dressing room at the US Open & later sued the Open & US Tennis for causing her concussion at the Open. Not very good optics, if you ask me. Another spoiled brat, i told myself. The daughter of a multimillionaire hedge fund banker born with a golden spoon in her mouth!

And for the past few years she's dating Mason Rudolph of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Mason Fucking Rudolph! A third-stringer who would have trouble starting in the CFL!!! Fucking Mason Rudolph who'll NEVER be an NFL starter even if his life depended on it! Why couldn't she chose a Josh Allen? An Aaron Rogers? A Joe Burrow? A Justin Herbert? But no!!!!!! Mason Fucking Rudolph it is!!!!

No fucking judgement!!!!!! And when people have her type of judgement....THEY FAIL!
Don't forget her famous super bowl bet !

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Don't forget her famous super bowl bet !
Is that the one where she promised to fuck the kid as a graduation present if the Pats ended up coming back against the Falcons to win the Superbowl? I remember the kid winning the bet & being a hot-looking kid. No wonder she accepted the bet! lol

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The other day i heard that she was single again & has been for a while. I guess she finally realized that Mason Rudolph would never accomplish anything & was literally an NFL reject. So she’s back on the market! Her twin B also sucks at relationships with men. For a while she was seeing a young doctor but that didn’t last. I guess he kind of got sick at her taking photos all the time. It must get on someone’s nerves after a while. Anyways she’s always been more comfortable with women so she’s better off. Their younger sister Charlie seems more stable & has been with her European boyfriend for a couple of years now & things seem to be going well for her. As for Wills who knows.


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Jan 28, 2004
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When Genie almost won Wimbledon she became a celebrity and as such was sought out for modelling gigs, that spelled the end of her career as a tennis pro. She slowly slipped into tennis obscurity and became an Instagram influencer. No doubt she is a beautiful young woman but it was her tennis that earned her the modelling gigs, not her looks, there are plenty of beautiful young women out there. This doesn't seem to happen to the male athletes, just the women. Some of the best female athletes who are not the most beautiful have amazing careers and remain on top of their sport because of their talent, they don't become distracted by the glamour. Her sister, now there is a real ditz , I met her downtown on one occasion and what real dumb ass. More interested in the pics she was taking for Instagram that anything else. Her claim to Instagram fame......she's Genie Bouchard's twin sister. No talent, no career zip. Why these people are idolized by young people on social media is beyond me ?
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
. Her sister, now there is a real ditz , I met her downtown on one occasion and what real dumb ass. More interested in the pics she was taking for Instagram that anything else. Her claim to Instagram fame......she's Genie Bouchard's twin sister. No talent, no career zip. Why these people are idolized by young people on social media is beyond me ?
Now B’s off to Portugal for another vacation & will stop in England to visit her kid sister before flying back in two weeks. It seems like she’s either travelling, shopping or out for an expensive dinner all the time. Where is she getting her money? Is she still getting supported by her wealthy father? I mean she’s in her late 20’s now. Will her dad support her lifestyle forever?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 qualifie pour le tableau principal de MADRID.......à
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