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Ever get injured?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Have you ever gotten injured during an encounter with an SP/Client?
Injured to the point where you had to stop what you were doing and have to go the clinic or the hospital.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Yes it happened a few times with Mistress Cruella. :D

Why would anybody get injured when meeting an SP?

Maybe fall of the bed & break an arm, Slip in the tub, going at it so intensely you break your penis or even tear a muscle.
Maybe i'm just running out of ideas to post lol
Have you ever gotten injured during an encounter with an SP/Client?
Injured to the point where you had to stop what you were doing and have to go the clinic or the hospital.
Your question brings back memories...

A regular client and I decided to meet half way between his home city and mine. As always, our evening started with a lovely dinner before retiring to his suite. After some more chit chat, it was time for that most anticipated fun and sexy shower for two. Unfortunately, the end result was everything but fun and sexy when my partner fell and hit his head on the edge of the toilet seat and blood started pouring out (the noise of the impact is something that has been etched in my memory forever--truly gruesome). Luckily, he was still conscious so I was able to walk him back to the sofa where I performed some basic tests for speech, vision, memory, ect. but since I'm not a doctor, I called 911 to be on the safe side.

The medics decided it was time for a cool bumpy ride to the hospital.

Instead of enjoying an intimate evening together in the comfort of his suite, we spent it at the hospital waiting to be seen by a doctor and having some tests done... Long story short, it turned out he was ok. Although the outcome was a positive one for him, that's an experience I'll never forget!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Instead of enjoying an intimate evening together in the comfort of his suite, we spent it at the hospital waiting to be seen by a doctor and having some tests done... Long story short, it turned out he was ok. Although the outcome was a positive one for him, that's an experience I'll never forget!

Oh boy! Well it was nice of you to go to the Hospital and with him.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Broken penis

Many years ago i was with an sp friend named 'Aria'. She was no longer in the biz at the time, but we had an arrangement where i'd pay her for time in the bedroom & afterwards we'd go out 'as friends' to either a restaurant or concert. Except for one other time. Since it was my last day in Mtl, she volunteered to come & see me later that Monday night after her classes. I told her that i'd be busy watching Monday Night Football, so she might find me a tad boring. I also told her that i was not interested in any hanky-panky for the same reason (plus i had already blown my hobbying budget on that trip). She said no problem, but she really wanted to see me before i left. So i told her fine, she could come and see me.

She arrived at around 9pm or so. She wanted to tell me that she had taken up my advice & had applied to work for FKS. By that time, she was ready to come back to the business. She added that she had met the FKS girls for dinner & they accepted to take her in. I was very happy for her. I then gave her some tips & explained to her what type of clientele she'd be seeing with that agency. Generally speaking, an older, more refined clientele. She would therefore have to tone down on her 'performance'. Aria (later named Naomi) was a very high-energy, accrobatic type of lover. First of all, i told her that she would have to slow down her bbbj technique. It wasn't a car take things slow, nice n' easy. She said "okay, show me." I was a bit bewildered and asked her what she meant. She then began to unbuckle and unzip my jeans and said "i'll give you a blow-job and tell me how i'll have to do it. Just show me how."

So how could i say no? She'd be blowing me, and making noises like "Uh-huh?? Uh-huh??" And i'd go "yes, this is perfect...okay, a bit slower, eye contract, slower....yes."

Then next thing you know, we're in 69. Like 10-15 minutes later, she goes "Oh my God! Is this normal?" I didn't know what she was talking about, so i took a pause and looked up and she was holding my penis and showed it to me. "OMG!!!" It looked like i had a broken penis. There was a purple bulge that was coming out from its side. I was shocked. "What did you do?", i asked her. "Nothing, i swear!", she said. "Does it hurt?", she asked. "No, not really....but i hope this isn't permanent."

A few days later, the purple turned into yellow and then back to its normal color again. The bulge eventually disappeared after a few days. However, i refrained from any sexual activity at all, including masturbation. I wanted my penis to heal completely and didn't want to take any chances.

This has yet to happen. Why did it happen? Who knows. Maybe getting a blow job for over one hour isn't good for the penis, who knows. B

By the way, i wound up missing three-quarters of the game and i believe Green Bay won the game. :D


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
i got injure twise during encounters a long time ago. once was with the legendry jasmine/lilylove and the other time was with tamara from tamara&friends/xxxtase.

with jasmine/lilylove, i was lying on top of her and jr was on her leg wile i was either fk or licking her breasts. she ajusted her leg quickly and b/c of the way i was on her, wen she moved her leg abruply, she tore about less then .5cm from frenlum and i was bleeding so we imediately stoped action just was we were starting. she offered to let me keep donation since we just started but to be fair, i mention i would pay for time allready used.

with tamara, she was wild during cg and she bruisd me. im not sure how i got bruis but it because the head was hiting somthing repeatdly.

i had minor injury if you can call hicky injury from alyssa and sunshine from eleganza seperate times/meetings. told them my neck was sexualy sensitive so her kissing there gave me a large bruise/hicky.


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Jan 28, 2004
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Yes and it involved alcohol :( go figure ! We were at a well known east end Motel and once we had consumed quite a bit of alcohol we were in bed and had an idea that she would hop up on the top of the headboard and I would fuck her there, up against the wall. Lo and behold it wasn't a real headboard but just a piece of wood screwed into the wall and not very solid :( she came crashing down onto the bed scraping all the skin off of the center of her back with the headboard crashing onto us both. At first I was laughing my ass of as was the girl but then I saw the blood, holy fuck was she going to bleed to death ? I crossed the street to the pharmacy and got disinfectant and bandages and together we stopped the bleeding and bandaged her back after which I drove her to the hospital and waited while she was treated. We must have looked like a couple of idiots, laughing in the waiting area as we sobered up. In the end all was ok and she healed and we remain friends to this day but I will never forget how scared I was at the time.
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