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Ever met a stage 7 clinger?


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Stage 1

I am divorced (arabs do divorce, right?) doing my shit, not down for starting fresh with another woman. I get sometimes these random friend requests on social networks, deleting them as they come in. I much prefer social integration over another significant other who will cost me another expensive divorce. I don't do Tinder, I don't do EliteSingles and whatnot. This shit is not for me.

That said I have a follower on FB whom I don't know in real life (a friend of a friend of a friend kind of thing). She's a late 30s, early 40s woman with a young child from what I can tell. I don't post much on FB and when I do it's mostly memes too funny not to share. I get a few likes here and there. I can't help noticing that the FB friend of a friend of a friend "like" pretty much everything I post and leaves comments like she wants to chat or something. I'm not a rude person but, frankly, I wasn't interested much in exchanging extensively on Facebook so I would limit myself to like back and post polite yet short comments that didn't leave much room for conversations. That was before FB mobile apps started redirecting pms on FB Messenger automatically. The woman (let's call her "Amel") is a little intense, I find, but nothing to make me lose sleep. That said, she appears like she's on FB 24/7, posting non-stop. She tags me randomly. I sometimes ignore it. I check FB from time to time and sometimes I don't look at it for weeks but she's there the second I come back to post something...


New Member
Nov 12, 2017

My dear, it's too late for that as there are another 6 stages I will narrate soon and yes, she is for real. Stay tuned. The juicy parts are coming lol.

p.s. The sex was awesome, like unreal, yet not worth the pain she brought with her.

Vicky Lopez

Active Member
Oct 29, 2017
Stage 1

I get sometimes these random friend requests on social networks, deleting them as they come in. I much prefer social integration over another significant other who will cost me another expensive divorce.

Yep. Makes sense. Keep listening to your instincts. It feels nice to get constant attention from someone, but she’s still online, so you’re not only getting her online persona, she’s also showing some red flags for you. And it’s just not real time.

As far as what I’ve read, in relationships, there’s the “fuser” (clinging type) and the “isolator” (values independence). Very hard to match the two.


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Hello Vicky Lopez. Fusers and isolators are a good way to put it. What's disconcerting with Amel is she showed characteristics of both at different moments. I will get to that later.


Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
Not too familiar with the characteristics of a stage 7 clinger, but it sounds like this must have been quite an adventure with this woman from facebook. I did watch the wedding crashers movie with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. Love watching that red headed firecracker Isla Fisher play the role of the stage 5 virgin clinger, lol


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Not too familiar with the characteristics of a stage 7 clinger, but it sounds like this must have been quite an adventure with this woman from facebook. I did watch the wedding crashers movie with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. Love watching that red headed firecracker Isla Fisher play the role of the stage 5 virgin clinger, lol
Stage 7 would equate to over 750 daddy-issues-filled text messages within a 12-hour period. True story. Stay tuned.


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Stage 2

End of 2014 / Beginning of 2015 the procedures for divorce are underway. Those are very difficult times, obviously. The need to take breaks from the grief and sorrow of all this leads me to close myself in reading (not a bad thing) and social networks (not a very good thing). My presence on social networks has increased significantly but not to the point of impact on my work and daily activities. Still, one hour a day and maybe a bit more on weekends was too much but enough for Amel to intensify her attention to me. She would compliment me over things I wrote and made innuendos here and there. I wasn't in a state of mind to follow suit back then but I realized at least she had something for me (or, more precisely, on the image of me she projected)...


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Jan 28, 2004
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Time to shut down your social media. The best thing I ever did was shut mine down and then rebuild it from zero. It took a while but while I was off ( about a month ) I actually enjoyed the time away. When I re-built my FB account I was careful to only add those people who were friends, real friends. I do not add friends of friends and will delete these immediately. It has led to a much smaller list of "Facebook friends " but it also means I'm not reading a bunch of useless information

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I deleted my FB account almost 2years ago and my life has been so much better since !


New Member
May 12, 2010
By definition a clinger is a woman on the side. I have met a parasitic blood sucker that attached herself to someone I know and bled him dry. Getting all her living expenses paid, car with gas, everything she needed and she was stepping out on him. When she was caught she just shrugged and moved on to the next victim. Now 20 years after the fact she is dried up and can no longer attract the type of sugar daddy to her liking and has to settle for any meal ticket she can get.
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