All because of the law that favors them (fake escorts/pimps) putting up the fake ads and criminalizing/scamming the John.
Backpage is full of them...fakesters...fraudsters..
So are dozens of other sites..too many..!!
Hard to find any legit escorts .. like in Europe.
So..what's the reason?.
Is the Canadian govt too dumb to enact such a law?...Yes.
Do they even have a clue what's going on?. No.
Do they care about the safety of the escorts?..No
Backpage is full of them...fakesters...fraudsters..
So are dozens of other sites..too many..!!
Hard to find any legit escorts .. like in Europe.
So..what's the reason?.
Is the Canadian govt too dumb to enact such a law?...Yes.
Do they even have a clue what's going on?. No.
Do they care about the safety of the escorts?..No