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Father Catches, Beats 18 Year Old Abusing His 11 Year Old Son


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
That's a great scene. I wish to see the full movie (even after being spoiled).

Just because a criminal says he can't help it, doesn't mean it's true. People have no control over what they want, but whether they act on it or not is a completely different matter. That's what separates us from lower animals: control. Some people want something and can control themselves. Some people want something and can't control themselves. Some people want something and are happy to take it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
No it isn't. It's only easy to get rid of the few that get caught. There's no way to know how many are out there. Also, children who get abused have a higher probability of becoming abusers themselves. What are you going to do? Shoot them too?

Yes it is, 1 at a time, and from the recent arrests made by multiple police forces on different continents they are being caught by the hundreds. I've never heard of a dead pedophile ever re-offending.

It is quite easy for those who have been fortunate enough to not have had to deal with something like this to plead for "treatment" or "therapy". Try having to piece together, ever so slowly, the mental and emotional feelings (without mentioning the physical scars) of a 9, 10, 12 year old child (with little chance of complete success) only to watch the predator walk out of jail 4 years later. Deal with that and then come talk to me about treatment when you know full well they WILL do it again.

There is a greater chance a child of sexual abuse becoming depressed and committing suicide than it is for them to become an abuser themselves.

As far as I'm concerned the father in the OP's original thread should have finished the job considering how understanding the police officers in his area were. Even if they were to press charges against him I find it hard to believe a jury of 12 reasonable people would convict him. Now THAT would be true justice in my eyes.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I'm not saying offenders could necessarily be saved with therapy; especially not serial criminals. I'm saying therapy could help those who haven't hurt anyone yet before they do.
When it's time to decide what to do with an offender, it's already too late. No matter how hard you step on a few cockroaches it's not going to solve the vermin problem; there are hundreds more behind the walls. If we can convince more of them to seek help before they commit a crime that would be more helpful.


Oct 20, 2011
How about offering free desexualization therappies for people with pedophilic tendecies?

I am sure there must be chemicals that can completely kill your sex drive - or some brain operation.

So, if a person has pedophilic tendencies, they can get this treatment. Of course, if they act on their impulses and commit any crime on children, they should be severely punished as we already do.

But this way those people that know they have pedophilic tendencies can just get the treatment and still continue to live a decent life - I mean it's better than committing a crime and rotting in jail.


Nov 12, 2007
The question is how can you find out someone has pedo tendencies before they get arrested. It isn't as if anyone is going to come forward and admit to it. Maybe a few but not many and not those who would resort to rape to express their sexuality.
It isn't as if there is some sort of blood test and screening everybody by attaching measuing devices to their genitals and showing them pics of kids seems a bit excessive and costly.

Also it isn't the tendency that is the problem it is the acting on it.

Lots of people have all sorts of kink that they for whatever reason don't act on and I'd suspect it is the same if not more so for pedos. After all getting caught taking brown showers or cross dressing can be awkward enough but you don't get sent to prison and probably prison rape over it. Also more so in that you can generally find someone for just about any legal kink without you know... resorting to rape.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Of course, if they act on their impulses and commit any crime on children, they should be severely punished as we already do.

Pardon. Our judicial system severely punishes people :lol: The only real punishment they get is by the people who catch them ( parent in this case ) and in jail ( inmates ). And if the Liberals gain power next election they want to reduce prison terms and rehabilitate sooner. I would love to see capitol punishment in Canada, let it be known what crimes get the death penalty and when you commit those crimes... YOU DIE.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
The punishment of pedophilia in this country is a joke.

A young man who used to work for me a few years ago spent 9 years in prison for killing his sister's rapist. This rapist was having his way with this little girl for 3 years (age 6-8) before he was stopped (mom's boyfriend). I'll admit I was not privy to all the information at that time, I only met my employee once he left prison but would you like to know what this rapist was sentences to? He got 52 weekends in jail, do you know how many her served? 20!! He only served 20 because when he would show up at the prison Friday evenings if the prison was full he would be sent home and his weekend would count as time served!! Wonderful ain't it?

Now this little girls is dead (suicide), her brother lost a good part of his life doing time the rapist should have if only our justice system had done it's job.

BTW, the brother killed him in a subway car with a hammer in front of a car full of people. Turned himself in. When he came looking for a job and we looked into his record I hired him on the spot. One of the few people in this world I admire.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Your employee killed the guy in front of many witnesses, possibly some of them children and traumatizing them in the process. It would be very hard to get off lightly with that. That’s 1st degree murder with premeditation and possibly public endangerment. I agree the sentences for rapists are often ridiculous and I understand the guys feeling. I'm just saying his sentence is not that far fetched, especially if he couldn't afford a good lawyer or if he had prior records. That's another problem. Money and background make a huge difference.

In the case of the present news the dad caught the offender in the act and it can be considered to be legitimate violence to rescue his son. It’s a good thing he didn’t kill him, because the offender admitted his crime so it helps the father’s case.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
Your employee killed the guy in front of many witnesses, possibly some of them children and traumatizing them in the process. It would be very hard to get off lightly with that. That’s 1st degree murder with premeditation and possibly public endangerment. I agree the sentences for rapists are often ridiculous and I understand the guys feeling. I'm just saying his sentence is not that far fetched, especially if he couldn't afford a good lawyer or if he had prior records. That's another problem. Money and background make a huge difference.

In the case of the present news the dad caught the offender in the act and it can be considered to be legitimate violence to rescue his son. It’s a good thing he didn’t kill him, because the offender admitted his crime so it helps the father’s case.

To give a little context to the situation, he killed the guys in front of I think it was 19 people but it wasn't premeditated. He was on his way home from working construction (that's how he had his hammer & tools with him). The rapist just walked into the wrong train car, my employee was going home the same way every day. When he saw the guy he just went into something like a trans he said. He didn't attack him for like 5 or 6 stops. He just snapped! The man was not a danger to society, he was only a danger to the rapist, which it why I had to qualms about hiring him.

This will be my last post on this, talking about this subject gets me riled up.

Have a nice day everyone.
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