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First or last of the day


Oct 20, 2011
First is a must. This is the advantage of seeing upscale indies. They are usually low volume providers and rarely see guys back to back. I don't think many girls take a full clean shower between clients. It's just not feasible. They douche their private parts and gargle with mouth wash and voila.

I am sure many bookers try to get free sex. I am afraid the naive young girls ( 20 yo and younger ) will usually give in to the pressure.

I know of a more experienced (25 yo) girl who told me about this problem. She said she turns away the bookers constantly.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally i used to go for first of the day , and generally had good experiences, i noticed being second does not matter that much either. I always avoided being last mostly because back then shift would finish late (2 am or such) and i didn't want somebody drunk or exhausted. But with girls working noon to 6/8 and such, i feel more "safe" if im to be last of the day especially a well reviewed provider.

Also some services are usually more prone to happen on last shift (cof for instance). But if you are last there always a chance that hygiene will not be at its peak, not nessessarely the girls fault but if she see 6 guys, after a while its natural it could happen. I mean if you masturbate 6 times in a few hours in a day, pretty sure your dick will get sore too.

Anyway nowadays i just try to not fuzz about it. I prefer a booking before 8 for convenience no matter if its the beginning or end of her shift, and 10pm will be my absolute last call personally, but i don't really take too much of a look where im gonna be positioned. I tend to see well reviewed, reputed providers more these days tough.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
First ... when they always look the freshest.

Not always true of course but many girls are in semi-apologetic, wind-down mode in their last session of the day, especially if they've worked more than, say, four or five hours and it's late at night.

But then some girls, if not tired, are more likely to be less restrictive than earlier in the day when they will pace themselves for the clients ahead ....
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