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Friendship with SPs


New Member
Nov 15, 2004
I don't know what to say other than: Thank you all for your generous contributions in answering my questions. I will try and apply some of the ideas exposed here, but now I definitely have hope that a real and genuine friendship can occur between SP's and clients. For some reason I have a feeling Jackie and Ronnie are two of those ladies I would really have appreciated knowing. Too bad it' s too late now for Jackie ;)



New Member
Jan 10, 2005
when u become a friend

Even if u do not pay a SP anymore (i mean stop paying)does not mean anything...
Maybe u are her favorite F%?K Friend and that's it
The ultimate question is when are u sure that' s she is really in love with you
It is very difficult to tell if when a professional coutisan is hurt
I have had many... client- friend - boyfriend-pole position f%&k friend with
HDH and i can tell u: There is no rule

The SP will ask herself what do u want more than seeing her and have sex...
Some will understand the triangle sex-money-affection more quickly than other
To tell u the truth I am in a serious relatioship with a VHDH (V for very...)
but all the experience i have , I still don't know yet if i am her favorite F&?K Friend or she really starts to like me
Ok it's just a game but u can lose your shirt
YMMV even in affection and fake love

Big Daddy

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Mar 16, 2003
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One thing to keep in mind is that even something like this works out in the beginning, it may have problems in a long run. When a SP is spending time with a guy as "friends with no money involved", she will start thinking about how much money she could be making if she were working. It is an opportunity cost. The philosophy of "Friendship with SP without money" is skewed towards the benefit of men. I don't think that it will hold water in the long run.

If you want to make it work then you almost have to shower her with gifts, even when she says they are not necessary.

Keep us informed about your progress.
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EagerBeaver said:
Platonic relationships are important, both male to male and male to female. I once had a platonic female friend (not an SP, just a lady I met at a Club Med) who introduced me to a friend of hers whom she described as having a problem: the only men she had any kind of a relationship with were the men she had sex with. She had no platonic male friends. My female friend said to me about her, "I don't get it. I have tried to tell her that men are people too." Anyway, this woman was typical of many men. They can't or won't have or seek to have platonic friendships with women. And I don't get that.

I have cultivated some platonic relationships with SPs that I have met. Once a level of trust is established, it is really like any other friendship. I see them as friends just like any other male friend I have.

I think there was a movie where Billy Crystal said, "a friendship between a man and a woman is impossible because the desire for sex gets in the way."

From my perspective it is alot easier for me to see myself having a friendship with an SP than with other women. Why?
1) An SP is usually outside of a stable, long-term relationship. Sorry to those SPs who are offended by this comment, but let's face it... it's true. This is good because a woman in a stable, long-term relationship does not usually want to make friends with a young man like me. :(
2) The typical SP is just a few years younger than me.
3) A typical SP enjoys being flattered by me (if you have a 3 digit IQ, you do not need me to elaborate on this point, if not, go watch "One Night in Paris"). Also, I enjoy flattering an SP that deserves it.
4) No fear of relationship going beyond friendship: SP can't imagine having a baby with a client, I can't imagine having a baby with an SP.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Does it matter if you are her favorite F%?K Friend? I mean lets be honest, as long as she is working she is still getting some else where. What is important is who she wants to spend her time with when she is not working.

If you are her first choice for sex, great, what a good feeling it is to know that out of how many you rank right up there. But if not, but she still wants to spend her free time with you, now that is special.

When you are in a relationship, and the sex is good and regular, sex is not an important part of the relationship. If you are in a relationship and the sex is lacking, then it is a very important, even crucial, part of the relationship; because it indicates that other things are missing.

Just my two cents...



Very interresting thread... But I am puzzled: why do most of us have to relate friendship and sex? Isn't friendship simply this, friendship? And why make such a comotion over those women being SPs, and disregard potential friendship? Aren't they woman in the first place?

I know I will cause some kind of reaction by asking it so bluntly, but when are most of you going to stop considering SPs like aliens? They are women, with everything we like (and sometimes dislike) in women. The deserve to be treated like women, and befriend like anyone else, no more, no less, regardless of their status of SPs. It clicks or it doesn't click. End of story (or more its begining ;))

Just my humble opinion.

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
CoolAmadeus said:
Very interresting thread... But I am puzzled: why do most of us have to relate friendship and sex? Isn't friendship simply this, friendship? And why make such a comotion over those women being SPs, and disregard potential friendship? Aren't they woman in the first place?

I know I will cause some kind of reaction by asking it so bluntly, but when are most of you going to stop considering SPs like aliens? They are women, with everything we like (and sometimes dislike) in women. The deserve to be treated like women, and befriend like anyone else, no more, no less, regardless of their status of SPs. It clicks or it doesn't click.

I couldn't agree with you more. Recently, when i told a couple of my colleagues that two of my Mtl friends happened to be lawyers, i didn't expect the negative reaction that i received. I told them practically the same thing you just posted: that they're just people like me and you, they're two of the nicest people you'll meet, etc. I told my colleagues that they were putting everyone in the same basket and that they might be watching too much tv. That's what i also discovered about the ladies (and hobbyists) in this business: that they actually are more normal and down-to-earth than what we are led to believe prior to discovering this 'hobby', and that the majority of them are very good people.

Maybe i agree with you, CA, because i also regard the world's oldest profession as just what it really is: a profession.


New Member
Jan 10, 2005
Ok Ok

I think that it is easier to accept it as a '' profession''
when your GF is still working as an SP
most guys would keep the relationship
but it si much tougher when the girl retires
and u r never sure if she still has her SP
attitude or not...


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
that they actually are more normal and down-to-earth than what we are led to believe prior to discovering this 'hobby', and that the majority of them are very good people.

nicely said...this is how I feel/felt about clients. The media does not do a good job of portraying what it is really like. For many the media is the only thing they have to turn to to get their information on the subject.

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