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Gainey gone! Boivin calls press conference for 4 PM...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
hey Doc, what about my scapegoat team? your leaving me out :mad::mad::mad:!

ahhh heck, who am i kidding, i forgot who my scapegoat team was and dont feel like looking it up, i dont make a very good bandwagon fan i guess, but Mrs.C and His Very VERY close friend, GSG sure make up for it! :D
You forgot to add our scapegoat teams:

San Jose: 59 games played, 87 points, 39-11-9 record, 1st in the Western Conference, 8-1-1 in their last 10.
Detroit: 58 games played, 64 points, 27-21-10 record, 9th in the Western Conference, 3-5-2 in their last 10.

Go Sharks!! :D


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
sounds more like you Ms. Cairo, but you forgot a few things, so add to that, puppet, lame, clueless, dense, blowhard, and most importantly one who has less hockey sense than Bob Gainey did, now thats bad my man.,, really bad , HA!

Oh no lg, I'm sad to see you've relapsed! I thought you were trying to conquer your "little" problem with sexual confusion, but I see it's back. Of course, since most of the players on your beloved team play like women, that might be a cause of your "little" problem. But cheer up - Andy Dick shares your problem and he's famous, so maybe there's hope for you too. Besides, like the old joke goes, I guess it doubles your chances of getting a date. Stay positive and maybe things will one day turn in your favor. Good luck!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Excellent post Doc! ... Cairos real team just lost their GM and will be lucky to even make the playoffs, and as anon_vlad points out, the scabs are crippled for the next several years by the salary cap, but hey, Mrs. C still has his "other" team ....wink wink

What a surprise - not! You start by praising your hero and you end by throwing him some adoring winks. Oh well, makes sense I guess - after all, Valentine's Day is almost here. Enjoy yourself - your preferences are your business and no one else's.

By the way, my real team (the only team I have ever claimed) still has Kenny Holland as GM, so I'm afraid you're swimming against the current one more time. Good luck to you in maybe ONE day getting something right. Stay positive: it WILL happen - probably not for many years, but if you keep believing you will at least always have hope.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
all your posts sound the same as of late, WELL, since you have tried to debate anything about hockey, it is hard to watch your meltdown on a daily basis, hang in there tho buddy, you just might come out of your funk one day :)
Oh no lg, I'm sad to see you've relapsed! I thought you were trying to conquer your "little" problem with sexual confusion, but I see it's back. Of course, since most of the players on your beloved team play like women, that might be a cause of your "little" problem. But cheer up - Andy Dick shares your problem and he's famous, so maybe there's hope for you too. Besides, like the old joke goes, I guess it doubles your chances of getting a date. Stay positive and maybe things will one day turn in your favor. Good luck!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
again, "as usual" :rolleyes: you have no idea what your talking about, you have a scapegoat team for fear of cheering for the scabs as they have sucked horribly when so much hype was for them to be cup winners within the last 6 years of a 5 yr plan, you dont fool anyone but maybe yourself, and since the "dead things" wont win jack this year, are you gonna follow your brothers in here and continue being a bandwagon fan by hiding when the scabs lose? real fans cheer for one team, win or lose and DO NOT HIDE when they lose, unlike the majority of scab fans , including you......try this for size since the "dead things" wont be winning the cup this year, GO CAPS GO!!!! cmon, i know you can root for them, afterall it is so easy to do right? BWHAHAHHA!

Once more, since I know you're quite "slow" (it's not polite to say "retarded"), I will repeat that I root for the Wings. I've only said it about a thousand times so I guess I can understand why someone with your extremely limited intelligence hasn't figured it out yet, just as you haven't yet figured out what the word "scapegoat" means, and just as you haven't figured out the differences between men and women.

I do confess however that I actually AM rooting for two other teams in addition to the Wings. Those two teams are the Canes and the Oilers - because it would serve justice if your stinking Hogtown losers finish in 30th spot. I'd say they belong in 30th, but the truth is that they don't - the truth is that they don't belong ANYWHERE in the NHL. They should be in a swamp somewhere in the Third World.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
again, *lame* i rest my case......... your beginning to bore me, and for the record, "your GM" is the same boring guy who boring bob gainey passed the so called torch to, well, at least you have someone as boring as you to compare yourself to, :rolleyes:
What a surprise - not! You start by praising your hero and you end by throwing him some adoring winks. Oh well, makes sense I guess - after all, Valentine's Day is almost here. Enjoy yourself - your preferences are your business and no one else's.

By the way, my real team (the only team I have ever claimed) still has Kenny Holland as GM, so I'm afraid you're swimming against the current one more time. Good luck to you in maybe ONE day getting something right. Stay positive: it WILL happen - probably not for many years, but if you keep believing you will at least always have hope.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
hey Doc, what about my scapegoat team? your leaving me out :mad::mad::mad:!

No need for jealousy lg - I don't "swing" like you. In fact I don't even want to THINK about your twisted fantasies.

Sorry - I shouldn't be making value judgments - you're entitled to live your life as you see fit, just like Brendan Burke the deceased son of your favorite coach did, and I shouldn't be making fun of the lifestyle you've chosen. I apologize.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
why must you have to repeat it so much? if it REALLY was true that your team was the dead things, one would not get so upset when people doubt you, therefore it is easy and plain to see your a closet habs fan, duh.. let it go bro, you will feel better.. .
I will repeat that I root for the Wings..


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
again, *lame* i rest my case......... your beginning to bore me, and for the record, "your GM" is the same boring guy who boring bob gainey passed the so called torch to, well, at least you have someone as boring as you to compare yourself to, :rolleyes:

You mean Kenny Holland has been hired by the habs? Shit, I missed that - I better put on TSN right now!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
why must you have to repeat it so much? if it REALLY was true that your team was the dead things, one would not get so upset when people doubt you, therefore it is easy and plain to see your a closet habs fan, duh.. let it go bro, you will feel better.. .

You poor guy - victimized at birth! What was the cause - a lack of oxygen? Or did that nasty old doctor drop you on your head when your mother wasn't looking? In any case, I certainly don't blame you - you're trying your best with the tiny little bit you have (sort of like your 29th place losers).


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
rumor going around the team 990 earlier today had Price going to Detroit for Datsyuk? how would you feel if your boy price got traded? personally it would be a dumb trade by the wings as Jimmy Howard is a up and coming young superstar in the making, barring injury of course and as long as he progresses the way he should with more playing time
You mean Kenny Holland has been hired by the habs? Shit, I missed that - I better put on TSN right now!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
rumor going around the team 990 earlier today had Price going to Detroit for Datsyuk? how would you feel if your boy price got traded? personally it would be a dumb trade by the wings as Jimmy Howard is a up and coming young superstar in the making, barring injury of course and as long as he progresses the way he should with more playing time

No team would be crazy enough to trade Pavel Datsyuk.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wrong thread AGAIN , and you say i am slow? bwhahahaha, you just proved me...... RIGHT, AGAIN! ..some people never learn... but your very entertaining none the less :)
You poor guy - victimized at birth! What was the cause - a lack of oxygen? Or did that nasty old doctor drop you on your head when your mother wasn't looking? In any case, I certainly don't blame you - you're trying your best with the tiny little bit you have (sort of like your 29th place losers).


Mar 26, 2004
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