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Alexandre Le Grand

New Member
Dec 25, 2008
Looks to me like the client inquired for a booking with Nadya VIPs and just answered you the answer that was supose to go to the Nadya Booker. That could explain the "salut a Nadia" :lol:
Vraiment ton sens de l'humour ne cessera jamais d'impressionner
la galerie.
Il est très vrai que la jeune femme n'a rien a voir avec le probleme de communication entre lui et Mike. Mais James par contre a tres bien repondu a la question du thread starter.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Is there an actual review of Shanaya in this jibberish posted above? My translator practically blew up trying to decipher it.

This may be the problem. The French writers who are known to write well translate well. The Google translation in this case is a serious mess. Put what looks like a lack of clarity of what is being said together with what James himself told me is his inadequate or poor French skills and a misunderstanding on the whole issue would be likely in either language. That's all besides James' ability to keep things clear and organized. This is probably about an original lack of understanding in part on both sides, though probably more one than the other and James' reputation speaks for itself.

So anyways, sometimes misunderstandings happen and I apologise if that was one of those occasions. Sometimes when you are really busy and you get an awkward communication situation, you kind of figure it's not serious and focus on other things. Again, it might have been my error.

The 2nd portion of his post, describing a 2nd conversation, I have no idea what it's about.

best regards,

I hadn't read everything before I wrote the first part, but yes, I've had some bad communication issues with customers at work, especially when things are very busy. Sometimes I can't understand why things were not clear to the other person since when I speak I try to be precisely to the point. But then I have found some people impose a viewpoint on what was said that either didn't fit or was a misunderstanding. At other times some people just don't want to hear the answer. Some customers want answers to questions that are not available at the time or try to impose unpredictable conditions such as...what if this possibility or that possibility...they want something too badly to be realistic and move on.

Put it down to a complete misunderstanding and put it behind you.

Good luck,


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Vraiment ton sens de l'humour ne cessera jamais d'impressionner
la galerie.
Il est très vrai que la jeune femme n'a rien a voir avec le probleme de communication entre lui et Mike. Mais James par contre a tres bien repondu a la question du thread starter.

J'etait pas la fin novembre j'avais pas internet, je vien de voir le thread puis selon ce que James a ecris justement sa donne cette impression que le gars a confondu les 2 conversations.
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