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Google says yes to porn


Sep 19, 2005
Google launched its new open source browser this afternoon. It is called Chrome browser. Google has been very secretive about this project for the past couple of years. I downloaded the browser today, and I am actually using it right now. First thing to notice is the astonishing speed of this browser. It is even faster that the late Firefox 3. Also, Chrome has a feature called Incognito browsing (also called the porn tab) that could be very handy for those who visit some of those video sites and who share their PC with some other people.

There are no extensions for Chrome now, it is only available for Windows for the time being, though I really love it. On the other hand, I am not willing to switch to Chrome yet because of the aforementioned drawbacks.

You can learn more about the browser and download it here.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
At the moment I'm running the Beta 2 version of IE8 which I find much faster than Firefox 3 and more stable. It also has all of the features that Google's Chrome seems to have. Works great for a beta software. But the fact that it's still in beta means that it's not ready for the average user who isn't used to beta software or expects it to be perfect. Haven't had any problems with it yet though.

I know that people love Firefox for the add-ons but I prefer to run a browser that has just about everything I need already integrated instead of depending on third party developers to add what should have been there in the first place.

I may install Chrome on one of my spare systems or my laptop just to check it out. But I won't really use it much until the security reviews come in. Don't want to take the chance that it is full of security holes like Safari for Windows was when it first came out.


Sep 19, 2005
Techman said:
At the moment I'm running the Beta 2 version of IE8 which I find much faster than Firefox 3 and more stable.

Of course, and we all know here how much objective you are when it comes to Microsoft products :D

It also has all of the features that Google's Chrome seems to have. Works great for a beta software. But the fact that it's still in beta means that it's not ready for the average user who isn't used to beta software or expects it to be perfect. Haven't had any problems with it yet though.

Beta is unstable right? But we are talking about Google/Open source here and not about Microsoft :D How many times did MS release a product that was not even ready for release? FYI, Google used an innovative and smart technology to validate their product on a sample of 1 million popular web sites and their tests were pretty aggressive. I spent some time playing with Chrome and it is very stable and perfectly suitable for the average users. On the contrary, it is not suitable for the advanced users because there are no implementations for Mac and Linux yet.

I know that people love Firefox for the add-ons but I prefer to run a browser that has just about everything I need already integrated instead of depending on third party developers to add what should have been there in the first place.

Again radical claims as usual. Do you know how many FF extensions are there? Do you think that IE embeds all these? Yes, it is true that one of the big assets of Firefox is its flexibility and Chrome will not fly until Google implements its extensions API. That' s the whole idea about free software, the freedom to choose instead of relying on some hard-wired features whose source code is being hidden under the carpet. Natural selection plays a significant role when it comes to open source software. Poor products get bad reviews and a low number of downloads and they end up being forgotten. A much better scheme than having a company impose its products to users.

I may install Chrome on one of my spare systems or my laptop just to check it out. But I won't really use it much until the security reviews come in. Don't want to take the chance that it is full of security holes like Safari for Windows was when it first came out.

Nooo, stay with IE Techman it is the most secure browser on this planet and maybe in our galaxy all-together. You make some strong claims about certain things without even knowing what you are talking about, if you did not test the browser how could you make any claims about it. You will only appreciate it when you learn more about Chrome' s architecture. It does not come with all the bells and average-user-luring whistles, but Chrome' s architects did a great job.

More info on Matt Cutts' blog


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
What claims did I make about anything in my post? I did nothing of the sort. All I did was put forth my own opinion, something people seem to have problems with around here lately.

I did not claim that IE has all the possible extensions that FF has available, I said that it has everything that I need. That's all I care about.

So please show me where I made any claims at all in my post. I'm really interested to see them.

Besides...how many damn browsers do I need on my system?

Between Mac Fanboys and separatists on the board I just might end up pulling all my hair out.:cool:

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I agree with Techman here, HFE, seems to me, you're really out of line in your response to Tech. All he did was offer his opinion on what he prefers and you dissected and turned it into a "shit on everything not IE" view when from what I read was completely not his intention.

People really need to get laid around here lately.



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Techman said:
What claims did I make about anything in my post? I did nothing of the sort. All I did was put forth my own opinion, something people seem to have problems with around here lately.

I did not claim that IE has all the possible extensions that FF has available, I said that it has everything that I need. That's all I care about.

So please show me where I made any claims at all in my post. I'm really interested to see them.

Besides...how many damn browsers do I need on my system?

Between Mac Fanboys and separatists on the board I just might end up pulling all my hair out.:cool:

We can't really compare the political situation in Québec and the choice of an OS/browser, right? Play nice guys! :p :rolleyes: :D ;)

What I think of Techman's political opinion have nothing to do here since we kind-of-agree on disagreeing. Here, I have to agree on one thing: HFE, your "all-out" attack on Techman is unwarranted and unnecessary. All he did was expose his opinion without making any claim as what's best and, without trying to force anything into anybody's throat. Damn! Some peoples still think Ford cars are the best in the world! It's their choice, isn't it? :p :D (No,no, let's not hijack the thread! LOL!! )


Sep 19, 2005
LeGuy said:
And YOU HFE are you objective about Microsoft?

I have started this thread because I thought that some members would be interested in the private tab that Chrome offers and to be fair this feature is already offered in Safari and will be in IE8, if not yet available in IE8 beta. Otherwise, I would have not bothered to start a thread in an Escort's review board about a new web browser!

I admit that my reply to Techman's post was harsh. I misinterpreted the first paragraph of his post and that set the tone for the rest of my reply. I like reading Techman's posts, except when it comes to politics and technology, his opinions simply turn into feelings and I can hardly call them objective.

The user who was looking for the "any key" on the keyboard?

Wasn't that Homer Simpson? One of my Windows boxes greets me with "To start press any key, where is the any key?".

I agree that MS did a lot to bring computers to the mass. Was that out of charity, certainly not. I just love progmmiing and the technology that goes along, if one day I will have to stop programming then I will just die.

HFE, take it from a guy who learned VLSI design and wrote micro-code, computers of today no longer run on vacuum tubes. Consequently as long as someone is happy with the platform they use why bother ?

HFE, are YOU objective about current Microsoft products ?

I did not only learn about VLSI design and micro-programming but I actually taught computer architechure/VLSI design for many years and these were advanced courses. I also supervised many projects and published research papers in this field. Please, don't brag about your academic credentials here, you will never be able to compete with me in that field.

No one can contest that Techman has a lot of experience, therefore he his entitled to express his views without having a Linux evangelist sermonizing him
Finally, I hope that you were not referring to me when you nwere talking about Linux Evangelists. Where did you see me advocating the use of Linux/Mac OS or any other operating system? My OS is better than yours is a teenager thing no? Unfortunately, it seems that we have so many 50 years plus teenagers on board.

I thought that MERB was a board about sex and information sharing. If bored members (like metoo4, and special k) having too much time on their hands and who do not even bother to post a review once in a while have to decide what MERB should be like then I am out of here and if you want to find me, then just google my handle, if I am still alive. I am so tired of all this board-hypocrisy and I wonder what are some members doing here .
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

Let's not turn this thread into another flame war please. No one will be happy with the end result. If you have some on topic information on the latest Internet browsers available, please feel free to share it. But let's keep things civilized and avoid attacking each other.

Thank you,

Mod 8


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Jun 20, 2003
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Holy crap is chrome ever fast, very impressed with its speed, much faster than any other browser that I have used, I noticed that on the second day after downloading chrome it became super slow just like all the other browsers, it was suggested to install www.ccleaner.com which seems to have solved the problem.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
HFE, why do you resort in bashing anybody who you don't agree with?
HornyForEver said:
...bored members (like metoo4, and special k) having too much time on their hands...
This seems to be a growing habit for you and it's not very productive. As I recall, you opened the hostilities in this thread by attacking Techman, instead of attacking his opinion (again) and now, you're blaming others (again) for not supporting you and leaving you in your corner. THis was raised before and my suggestion is still the same, IGNORE! You don't like views of peoples in the Lounge? Don't read the lounge if you can't accept peoples have a right not to agree and NOT YOU OR ANYBODY have any rights to bash them for disagreeing.

HornyForEver said:
...what MERB should be like then I am out of here and if you want to find me, then just google my handle, if I am still alive. I am so tired of all this board-hypocrisy...
And you are doing what exactly? Posting reviews doesn't grant you rights to decide what the board look like either and, apparently you didn't noticed, this is exactly what you're trying to do by jumping on anybody who dare to disagree with you. Maybe you're right, you should stop visiting MERB since you can't make others think the way you are thinking. Sadly, my guess is your quest for a suitable board will be endless.

There's a HUGE difference between attacking somebody's idea and attacking the person's personality and you don't seem to understand or be willing to make that difference and, this is what a lot of members seem to have against you.

This ends here for me.

About Chrome, I just reloaded a "test hard drive" on my laptop! Now downloading! :)

Special K

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HornyForEver said:
I thought that MERB was a board about sex and information sharing. If bored members (like metoo4, and special k) having too much time on their hands and who do not even bother to post a review once in a while have to decide what MERB should be like then I am out of hereand if you want to find me, then just google my handle, if I am still alive. I am so tired of all this board-hypocrisy and I wonder what are some members doing here .

Point 1: Check posting history again stat man. By the way, checking back over a year I don't see one sp review from you here? :rolleyes:

Point 2: Oh, please, don't go HFE, whatever will we do without your vast knowledge of everything, well maybe just computers and your superior intellect, as you so modestly noted earlier...What a f'n joke! Get over yourself.
HornyForEver said:
Please, don't brag about your academic credentials here, you will never be able to compete with me in that field.
One of the funniest lines I've ever read here on Merb.

Point 3: Oh yea, I'll be searching to find you and your almighty know it all attitude where ever you go. :rolleyes:

Tough to admit you're completely wrong in a thread without having to go after other members that point out your insecurities.

As I said earlier, go get laid...then write a review about it
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am not going to get involved in this "my computer cock is bigger than yours" debate, which is kind of pointless. I would be the first one to admit that I am average at best in technical computer savvy, and likely blown away by HFE. HFE also likely blows me away in his ability to understand and speak French. But this is not a competition so it is all kind of silly. We should post to share knowledge and perhaps educate those less enlightened in these areas.

However HFE (I think it was him) used to post some very interesting stats on Board postings trends etc., on both Boards, and at some point stopped doing that. I think he developed a program to measure posting statistics. I recall one of the stats was on most prolific posting and at that time, GG was averaging something like 8 or 9 posts per day which exceeded all posting precedents previously observed on these Boards. It was fairly interesting, although it did not exactly give me an erection to read about GG's posting statistics.:eek:
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Joe.t said:
Holy crap is chrome ever fast, very impressed with its speed, much faster than any other browser that I have used, I noticed that on the second day after downloading chrome it became super slow just like all the other browsers, it was suggested to install www.ccleaner.com which seems to have solved the problem.

Doesn't ccleaner.com just do the same thing as Firefox' "clear private data?"


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
No SK, ccleaner is a program that will do a cleanup on your entire hard drive. It will clean out your temp files and even old log files that take up space that could be better used for other things. Like for storing porn vids! ;)

It can also clean up your registry, dangerous if you don't know what you are doing, and can uninstall programs.

It's a great program when used judiciously. Saves time when running a spyware or virus scan or before a defrag if you clean your system out before hand.

And best of all, it's totally free.



Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Techman said:
No SK, ccleaner is a program that will do a cleanup on your entire hard drive. It will clean out your temp files and even old log files that take up space that could be better used for other things. Like for storing porn vids! ;)

It can also clean up your registry, dangerous if you don't know what you are doing, and can uninstall programs.

It's a great program when used judiciously. Saves time when running a spyware or virus scan or before a defrag if you clean your system out before hand.

And best of all, it's totally free.



So it's Techman recommended? ;)


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Special K said:
So it's Techman recommended? ;)

Sho is! Along with Superantispyware and Spybot Search and Destroy for spyware protection.

For an Antivirus program I recommend Kaspersky Anti-virus or for free programs I would choose either Avast or Avira above AVG. I would avoid anything from Norton or McAfee. Anti-virus only, no real need for an Internet Security Suite.

I don't advise all in one system protection programs as they tend to be very intrusive and more than most users need or can figure out how to use properly. Same thing with firewall programs. All most users need is the Windows firewall along with a router if you have high speed internet access.

For e-mail I prefer to use a web based service such as Live Mail, Yahoo mail or GMail, my favorite, over your ISP based service. Reduced chance of malware/virus infection and ability to access it from anywhere. Although most ISPs also provide web access to your e-mail these days.

And those are Techman's tips for this evening!:p


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
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Techman said:
Sho is! Along with Superantispyware and Spybot Search and Destroy for spyware protection.

For an Antivirus program I recommend Kaspersky Anti-virus or for free programs I would choose either Avast or Avira above AVG. I would avoid anything from Norton or McAfee. Anti-virus only, no real need for an Internet Security Suite.

I don't advise all in one system protection programs as they tend to be very intrusive and more than most users need or can figure out how to use properly. Same thing with firewall programs. All most users need is the Windows firewall along with a router if you have high speed internet access.

For e-mail I prefer to use a web based service such as Live Mail, Yahoo mail or GMail, my favorite, over your ISP based service. Reduced chance of malware/virus infection and ability to access it from anywhere. Although most ISPs also provide web access to your e-mail these days.

And those are Techman's tips for this evening!:p

No doubt you consulted with HornyForEver before posting these tips.:p
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