Montreal Escorts

Grossed out by another Merbite / Dégouté par un autre Merbiste

Are you grossed out by a Merbite and will it influence your choice to NOT see a lady

  • Yes another Merbites grossses me out and yes I will not see a lady he saw first

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • Yes another Merbites grossses me out but I will see the lady anyway

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • It leaves me indifferent either way

    Votes: 15 41.7%

  • Total voters

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
Lilly Lombard said:
Huh, from the little Polish I still understand, it doesn't seem like this text is the translation of the previous one.
HornyForEver said:
That is normal, because it is not Polish :)

It's Croatian.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
thebitchelor said:
im pretty sure that you will recognize yourself in what im going to write)..but i cant see a animal get killed...i go fucking nuts!!!and im soft when i say see lil puppies in "chenilles"..all sick and dirty drive me insane...i just can change the channel..or the way they kill the duck (holymel i think)...i cant even just take a look for a second...cuz a second of seeing this, its enough to make me sad,angry..whatever..for a minimum of a few hours...

I even surprised myself to change channel when they showed the thing about the duck that i was talking listen a kind of documentary about true murder and what scientis, cops, etc did to find out who`s the murder..and they was talking about a 13years old boy who was "decapité" and the murder hide him in 3hockey (pacsac)...then i was thinking that i was really going crazy

Somehow, I do feel the pain watching animals being slaughtered but I find myself having the same compassion towards human beings. I couldn`t have watched the documentary about a boy being killed.

There are these days where I wake up and hate the world for being so disgusting and cruel (most of the time without facts) but I still believe there has to be some good people left out there who are as compassionate and caring as I am. People who are unbiased, objective, not very judgemental and observe before they actually believe just everything they are being fed.

Maybe that is just me being naive. But this part should actually be part of the campagne de salissage thread by Parfumdisabelle. ;)
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Sep 4, 2006
I really don't think anyone who does not want to meet an SP for any reason what so ever can be called a jerk. Its not like I am asking this woman out for a date and I am holding her past relationships against her (that would make me a jerk), I am person who is paying for a service. I wasted so much money on women that were sub-par and I couldn't get into my comfort zone with. It does not matter if I am not seeing an SP because of what another poster said, if I am not comfortable then I am better off seeing someone else. You cannot police or judge someone's personal comfort zone when they are paying for the pleasure of an SPs company.

An SP could ask for a MERB handle, but that is far more difficult than a background check (home phone number, place of work...etc). The potential client could just say "MERB? what's MERB?". Is the SP going to ask to check his computer? The only alternative is a No-Review policy, and I can't see why someone who pays to advertise would request that!

I feel for the SP that got snubbed because she was reviewed by an unpopular MERBite. If this is the same "unpopular MERBite" I am thinking of, I had one SP who spent quite a bit of time talking about him and what a great guy he was. I was thinking to myself "Excuse me? I thought this was my time!". After that I made it a point to not see anyone he reviewed, and mostly avoid mentioning MERB at all in my encounters.

On the flip-side, if I have already met an SP and had an amazing time, reviews that follow do not affect my decision to repeat. I think an SP who distinguishes herself with great service will eventually get all the bookings she wants.
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Sep 4, 2006
Maxima said:
Regardless of her being an HDH or LDL? Regardless of her being an Indy or working for an agency?
Would the saying "best value for your money" applies here?

Curious mind wants to know.:D

I would say yes, regardless of whether she is an HDH or LDL. A great LDL will get the bookings she wants because she is great and affordable to more people. An amazing HDH will get the bookings she wants because she (generally speaking) wants to see fewer people.

"Best value for Money" is a whole other topic. Its entirely subjective and differs from person to person, since we all want different things from SPs (besides the SOGs). I spent heaps of money on agency LDL's and would only be satisfied occasionally. Some were duo's that only spoke to me in english and to each other in French (quite rude if you ask me), some had poor hygiene, but most just left me unsatisfied . I kept spending and spending to find a real gem occasionally. I was like a man lost at sea who kept drinking seawater that never quenched my thirst. Most of these LDL's had positive or glowing reviews.

Since I switched to mostly seeing HDH's I've had far more blissful encounters, see fewer women and actually spend less than I used to.


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
If I am feeling down on myself, I will book a SP that has great reviews from MERBites that I find repulsive.........

The rest of the time, I will book my favorites regardless who reviews them, or a SP with bad service reviews from a MERBite that I find repulsive.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Lilly Lombard said:
Version Française plus bas.

Hello all,

I was chatting today with an old friend from Merb and we started exchanging our thoughts on reviews. Then, he brought something up that I had actually alos thought before. He told me that there are some Merbites who he finds are (or seem to be) gross. Just by the way those people are reviewing the ladies, he has a bad feeling of them. So much that it might influence his choice to not see the lady after this other Merbite did.

It made me wonder, how many of you are grossed out by some other Merbites and will not see a lady those men have seen?

Hello Lilly,

Yes, I enjoyed our chat and the rest was MAGNIFICENT too. :rolleyes: :D Some like The B may think that basing a decision of who to meet in part on the odious behavior of her prevous clients is someting that only real jerks would do. Well, that's fine for you B. But in certain extreme cases I am very concerned. In the case of members who habitually chase the most down and out drug addicted street girls, and regularly ply them for sex by exploiting their drugs habits I am extremely concerned. Such hobbyists don't care about the street walker, themselves or anyone eslem and if they are so frivolous about this then how much worse is it really. No one said this was the fault of any escort at any level such members see. But you have to be pretty darn frivolous yourself not to have any concern about what you might be sharing from such guys through the women he has met. If only there was some sort of list I would be much more careful about who I was sharing with.



Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Special K said:
Maybe even longer ;) Still, nothing will take away the memories I have of the immense pleasure of meeting the Lovely Lilly in person, or stop me from meeting you again for that matter :) Not even Korbie.

I am blushing. BTW, want to take the offer on my ad to marry for a Canadian citizenship? I am very open minded, I'll let you see all the ladies you want if you share! ;) :p

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
Lilly Lombard said:
I am blushing. BTW, want to take the offer on my ad to marry for a Canadian citizenship? I am very open minded, I'll let you see all the ladies you want if you share! ;) :p

Open minded might be an understatement ;) Which ad is this?


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Special K said:
Say it isn't so...Korbel's seen Lilly? That's it, she's off my list now. :p

Hello Special K,

Yes, I have seen Lilly since 2002, and what and incredible time of ecstatic fantasy I had with her on Friday. If you could have seen her as I did that day...MY GOD...I have a little story about that...woooohooooooooooooooo! She was never hotter looking and was never better. DAMN! Definitely one of the premier GFE+++ in Montreal. Many many thanks Lilly.

Hot Kisses,

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GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
People are people.

Do not take it personaly, if you have ever worked in the service industry you will know what I am talking about. You could be an SP or MP or a stripper in strip club, or you could be a cab driver, waitress, store sales clerk or work behind the counter at a bank. There will always be people who think that you are there to serve them and that they are superior to you. Just as someone can trat a waitress badly they can also treat a SP badly. They could say nasty things behind your back if your a MP or a cab driver.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
What about someone like myself who prefers not to see more than 1 client in a day? What if that client happens to be someone who you do not like their attitude in general? Does this mean you would not consider me as a potential SP?


P.S. I am not available before the 24th of this month.

Classy Angel

Supporting Member
Sep 5, 2008
There are pros and cons to everything

Any review, whether positive or negative will generate interest in you and cause click throughs to your website and other inquiries. However, it really depends on what and who your target demographic is.

A number of Vancouver escorts choose not to be reviewed for that very reason. While a review is free advertising and does generate interest, it may deter those who you are actually most interested in meeting from calling you. On the other hand, there are a number of gentlemen who get turned on by that fact.

There is no real or solid answer for what the right route is. If you find that the gentlemen whom you most enjoy spending time with are turned off by reviews, then perhaps it is best to request that you not have them written. On the other hand, if you enjoy the company of gentlemen who prefer to thoroughly research a lady based on other peoples opinions, reviews are invaluable.
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