Anyone has any kind of experience with hair trasplant ? Please share.
I am considering this given my hair is falling down, but wanna get some feedback from people who went through the experience....
I have an uncle who had one. Results are pretty good, but it took months of cream on the scar and some weird light on the head for half an hour everyday with a costly machine. Not something I'd consider for myself, I'd rather get a few nice wigs.
Shave the head, if it is a symmetrical head. Some guys who have pumpkin-like or misshapen heads cannot pull it off, but a shaved symmetrical head looks good.
Hair transplantation is a most predictable and successful procedure when done with the correct professional ; it is relatively painless and done under local anaesthetic ; the results are generally wonderful and basically the procedure is risk free; I've done two sessions over 15 years ago and continue to have a full head of natural looking hair at age 69
Hair transplantation is a most predictable and successful procedure when done with the correct professional ; it is relatively painless and done under local anaesthetic ; the results are generally wonderful and basically the procedure is risk free; I've done two sessions over 15 years ago and continue to have a full head of natural looking hair at age 69