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Hal's Goodbye

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Apr 13, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:
Correct, and the posters you mentioned didn't give a rat's ass about you or anyone else when they deleted their posts. They post not to share, but rather they post in order to boost their ego (presumably due to it being badly in need of a boost). When that ego is brought down to size by whatever board they are posting on, the response is a childish tantrum, flaming and deletion of the posts. The fact that there is a loss of information to you or anyone else is something they don't give two shits about, so please stop deifying these selfish posters. If they really wanted to share their info, their posts would still be up for all to see. They are not up for all to see, so we can all see these posters for what they really are, which is childish and selfish and egotistical, and certainly not giving a rat's ass about you or anyone else on this Board.

By the ways, I agree with you that posts should not be allowed to be deleted. Most other Boards have this policy.

The proper way to express one's disagreement with Board management is to criticize it on the Board. And move on.

Eager Beaver, this irks me, I have not deleted all my info posted from the web, just deleted it from merb. I may return if the time and attitudes are right, but for now, I wont post HERE, elsewhere, but not here. I am still in action.


Apr 20, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:
...the posters you mentioned didn't give a rat's ass about you or anyone else when they deleted their posts. They post not to share, but rather they post in order to boost their ego (presumably due to it being badly in need of a boost). When that ego is brought down to size by whatever board they are posting on, the response is a childish tantrum, flaming and deletion of the posts. The fact that there is a loss of information to you or anyone else is something they don't give two shits about, so please stop deifying these selfish posters. If they really wanted to share their info, their posts would still be up for all to see. They are not up for all to see, so we can all see these posters for what they really are, which is childish and selfish and egotistical, and certainly not giving a rat's ass about you or anyone else on this Board.

By the ways, I agree with you that posts should not be allowed to be deleted. Most other Boards have this policy.

The proper way to express one's disagreement with Board management is to criticize it on the Board. And move on.

IMHO, this has a lot to do with the $ sign here. Hal surely wants to drive traffic to his blog/forum/site so he can get more advertising revenues from SPs/Agencies. Devilish and Magnetic already have banners on Hal's site. Not like most of us, Hal posted reviews for business reasons. His reviews may be unbiased as he claimed...but they were written for business purposes.
Btw, you don't see Tom here anymore since he started the blue board.
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New Member
Apr 13, 2004
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MAxima, you can post on my blog too, its not just me and "biased" reviews!

Just share the info as you choose, stop just sucking up to the establishment, the more information out there the better!

In fact, I am independant and have always been unbiased here and on the other board. There are some posters here that are affiliated to the board management (or at least profess to be) and they are posters in the 500+ post ranges.

So please, just share the info and stop the attacks... you seem like you have an agenda.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
There are some posters here that are affiliated to the board management (or at least profess to be) and they are posters in the 500+ post ranges.

Really??? Could you give us some examples of who these posters are? If not, I suggest you remove this statement from your post. Sounds like you are trying to do nothing more than make people here distrust each other.

And why should merb posters share their info with you on your site when you refuse to share your information here? And why are you even posting here? Didn't you say goodbye already? Or are you here looking for some more free traffic to your site? :confused:


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006


With respect to your tremendous contribution at this hobby, please understand that following concerns raised by Maxima are fairly justified and shared by lots of us:
you might have the best intentions, but the fact that your blog seems to be sponsored by some agencies (banners..etc) makes it hard to believe in total neutrality. Not that we do not want to trust you, far from that, but how will your sponsors accept encouraging you while dealing with your potential bad reviews on their sps.

Thanks for your comprehension


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I agree with the posts of Montreal Monk, Techman and Maxima on this matter. Just because someone asks a legitimate question or raises a legitimate criticism does not mean that they are "sucking up" to the establishment or anyone else. This also seems to be the tired, boilerplate response of another poster whenever he is legitimately and appropriately criticized - the critic is "hiding behind" someone, or else is somehow, some way beholden to MERB management or some other unseen entity or force.

Some times legitimate criticism or questioning is just that.

You want to be an Internet personality and have a blog, then it goes with the turf that you will possibly invite scrutiny and criticism, and you will have to learn to live with it and deal with it when that happens.
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Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
Well, I think we should all just drop this. The more attention is given, the more you are just helping Hal out. Honestly, if ya wanna discuss this further you should just post on his site :D.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Rook01 said:
Honestly, if ya wanna discuss this further you should just post on his site :D.
Great point.
And that would actually stop him from coming back here, hence materializing/
making effective his goodbye to us. So Hal, here we come :D (Just kidding)
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