Montreal Escorts

Hanging out in public? Fun or bad idea?


Jul 16, 2006
Miami Beach
Star-Man said:

She comes into my hotel room and we are planning on going out to eat, she has on a mini skirt and a nice pink little sweater,.............................., we get to the elevator and make our way down to the lobby, doors open, the lobby is PACKED!!!! There must be 100 people in there, fuck, I feel like a dirty old man ..........................

This quote from another thread highlights something I have been thinking about quite a bit.
If the difference between a SP and a client is significant (ages, looks, whatever) does it attract such unwanted attention that it spoils the fun of being out in public at a restaurant or theatre. If you want to take a SP to dinner before you have your time alone, do you (and she) even give a hoot about the attention you attract, or do you feel that sometime it might be better to spend all your time in private to avoid making your situation obvious.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
personally, doesnt bother me one bit, im not old or look old but still wouldnt bother me one tiny bit, are you gonna be kissing and holding hands in public? if not then is it a big deal? people might think your with your daughter or grandaughter, so be it, besides, does it really matter to you what total strangers on the street think? heck, be happy to have a hot woman on your arm..... time passes by to quickly, just enjoy and dont worry about others views of you

freezin said:
This quote from another thread highlights something I have been thinking about quite a bit.
If the difference between a SP and a client is significant (ages, looks, whatever) does it attract such unwanted attention that it spoils the fun of being out in public at a restaurant or theatre. If you want to take a SP to dinner before you have your time alone, do you (and she) even give a hoot about the attention you attract, or do you feel that sometime it might be better to spend all your time in private to avoid making your situation obvious.


Jul 16, 2006
Miami Beach
OMG...johnmbot... we should double date. Then people can assume, I am with your date and that you are with mine. :)

If there is one thing I am learning on this board, it is that maybe I need to worry less and do more!!
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
as the song goes ......... "dont worry ma'an......beeee happy"

freezin said:
OMG...johnmbot... we should double date. Then people can assume, I am with your date and that you are with mine. :)

If there is one thing I am learning on this board, it is that maybe I need to worry less and do more!!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
freezin said:
This quote from another thread highlights something I have been thinking about quite a bit.
If the difference between a SP and a client is significant (ages, looks, whatever) does it attract such unwanted attention that it spoils the fun of being out in public at a restaurant or theatre. If you want to take a SP to dinner before you have your time alone, do you (and she) even give a hoot about the attention you attract, or do you feel that sometime it might be better to spend all your time in private to avoid making your situation obvious.

Hello Freezin,

I said goodbye to Maria Divina with some sexy brief kissing on the street corner outside the hotel on a very busy street in the center of Montreal. I have had lunch and/or dinner alone with Lilly of Montreal several times and kissed her goodbye out on the street. I have also shopped in a "sexe shoppe" with Lilly a couple of times with the attendants and customers watching. IT FEELS GRRRRRRRREAT!!! Hehehehehehe. Let the upstanding decent people and the hypocrites who cheat on their wives think what they want when I'm having so much FUN! Yeah, we had sex...don't be jealous. :p :D




New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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If you don't mind the stares and the whispers that your date will attract then all the power to you!

Guys always notice good looking girls and if she's with a guy, they will size up the competition and then realize "WTF I think she's paid for".

Waiters in restaurants will notice there's something wrong with this picture? He'll ask the other waiters, busboys, and kitchen staff what they think the couple at table 9 is up to.

I say this because I notice this at the restaurants and casino. But I'm not out to ruin a guys fun I just say to myself "lucky bastard!". But there are losers out there who will make stupid comments!


The Don

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
It can be a very fun and very good idea! My only suggestions would be :

1- Go with a woman you are comfortable with (maybe on the second date) because if the way she dresses makes you feel like you would be uncomfortabe in public with her then it's not a good idea or it could be the way she acts that would make you feel bad.

2- Only do what YOU are comfortable doing with the woman in public. If only diners and some nice smiles and looks, little discreet affection signs OR heavy petting...

It is your time and you do what makes YOU comfortable. ;)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I spend a lot of time in public with a beautiful young woman, once an SP, less than half my age and I never get the sense that people are looking at us.

I also spend a lot of time in public with another very attractive young woman less than half my age, my daughter, and I never get the sense that people are looking at us.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Whether it's a fun or a bad idea is entirely up to you. Personally, if I am out with a hot young lady in public, the absolute last thing I am thinking about is what other people think.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
You have to say "" doesn't matter""

Hello, first of all I have to say to you that you are made for nothing. Only you, I indeed say only you, know. You have the right to be with whom you want, the question you do not have them settle(arise)..... Anyway, say you, please, that all the world speak about all about the world...Don't prevent yourself to do what you have to do........


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Hanging out in public? Fun or bad idea?

Naturally a bad idea if you're in a relationship, but largely something that the most would seek for --- mainly if the girl is very hot. :p


Jul 16, 2006
Miami Beach
Merlot said:
Hello Freezin,

I said goodbye to Maria Divina with some sexy brief kissing on the street corner outside the hotel on a very busy street in the center of Montreal. I have had lunch and/or dinner alone with Lilly of Montreal several times and kissed her goodbye out on the street. I have also shopped in a "sexe shoppe" with Lilly a couple of times with the attendants and customers watching. IT FEELS GRRRRRRRREAT!!! Hehehehehehe. Let the upstanding decent people and the hypocrites who cheat on their wives think what they want when I'm having so much FUN! Yeah, we had sex...don't be jealous. :p :D



NEW YEARS Resolution: I wanna be like Merlot --- come to think of it.... almost exactly like Merlot (hehe)


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
I don't have a problem being seen in public with a female companion as long as they are conservatively dressed and act mature. I've been to dinner and hockey games with Lilly, Mora, and a few others and they have always behaved extremely proper when I've wanted them to be.

I'd be a bit uncomfortable if they where falling out of the top of their shirts and we were out to dinner as I might miss my mouth with my wine glass. :D


Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
Visit site
Some years ago, I attended a friend's birthday dinner party at a mainstream downtown restaurant. We were maybe a dozen at our table. A few tables over there was a "couple" formed of a middle aged man and an extravagantly (lotta cleavage) dressed woman about half his age. They were'nt petting, they just appeared mismatched. Well, guess what we spent a good part of the evening speculating about?

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
misunderstood said:
The worst that can happen is that you make other men jealous...........(not the end of the world).

joeblow said:
Some years ago, I attended a friend's birthday dinner party at a mainstream downtown restaurant. We were maybe a dozen at our table. A few tables over there was a "couple" formed of a middle aged man and an extravagantly (lotta cleavage) dressed woman about half his age. They were'nt petting, they just appeared mismatched. Well, guess what we spent a good part of the evening speculating about?

Sometimes it isn't jealousy the people around are feeling... ;) It's up to the client to decide if he feels good going out in public with a girl who dresses like a skank or not and pick the girl and location accordingly. There are girls for every type in this business... :) Personaly, I've seen cases where a man would bring to a fancy restaurant a girl who comited way worse than just a fashion faux pas (ie : showing too much junk, flashy clothes, metal stuff all over her face) and the result was always the same : people staring in shock / disbelief / speculating. No jealousy whatsoever there. Not necessarily good! :cool:

But then again, I know there are some people who enjoy making it obvious to others that they are paying for a girl to be there...:rolleyes:
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New Member
Apr 24, 2007
For me their is nothing more boring than going to dinner I very much enjoy going to dinner with a lady. In my business it's not uncommon for me to go out to dinner with a collegue or client and many of them are younger than me, and female as well. I also bring them to hockey games but I don't bring them home with me or to a hotel afterwards...

It depends on how they dress and act that will determine the looks that you get... and yes some men do enjoy the feeling of having eye candy on their arm... for me I prefer some discretion and invite those more appropriate for this type of date. I also request that the lady dress accordingly and they always have.
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New Member
Nov 19, 2004
It's interesting to note that this stigma society places on age difference doesn't exist, or exists to a far lesser extent in other countries. I was in Colombia last year (twice) and routinely went out with 20-25 y/o women and I'm in my mid fourties. A number of them will even approach you, whether it's at a bar or cafe, or even at the grocery store or at the mall. At first I though hmmm, I must have the "free ticket out of the country" stamped on my forehead. Of course if you're a foreigner that possibility exists, but I found out that most genuinely don't care about age difference. Everytime I tried to explain the question of age difference to one of these young women, i.e. that in my country I need to seek women roughly my age, etc... I got the puzzled look followed by "but why?". There are a lot of factors involved of course: cultural differences, structure of the family unit, place of women in society, etc... But it sure feels good to have all these young, hot women interested in you and not having to pay them $200 an hour. :)


Sep 4, 2006
I don't go out with SPs during a session mainly because that is the sort of thing I would seek in a real date, not an encounter I am paying for on the clock. That being said, there was once where I stayed at a hotel that had its entrance over a dark alleyway. I walked the SP to her car because I felt it was the prudent thing to do. She wouldn't stop kissing the whole time while the garage attendant was getting her car. I am not a fan of PDA's (whether with an SP or not), so I never extended that courtesy again.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
JustBob said:
It's interesting to note that this stigma society places on age difference doesn't exist, or exists to a far lesser extent in other countries. I was in Colombia last year (twice) and routinely went out with 20-25 y/o women and I'm in my mid fourties. A number of them will even approach you, whether it's at a bar or cafe, or even at the grocery store or at the mall. At first I though hmmm, I must have the "free ticket out of the country" stamped on my forehead. Of course if you're a foreigner that possibility exists, but I found out that most genuinely don't care about age difference. Everytime I tried to explain the question of age difference to one of these young women, i.e. that in my country I need to seek women roughly my age, etc... I got the puzzled look followed by "but why?". There are a lot of factors involved of course: cultural differences, structure of the family unit, place of women in society, etc... But it sure feels good to have all these young, hot women interested in you and not having to pay them $200 an hour. :)

Hello JB,

In a dating or sexual attraction situation it's really no body's business what two adults do. Typically this does not involve building a life together and the more likely advantages of two people being of the same generation. What does it matter if two legitimate adults with an age gap have sex. Is the act of having sex more purposeful, decent, and noble between two people of the same age. It might seem to make more sense and be more natural, but in the end it's sex...a frivolous activity with no more value between people of the same age than people with a wide age difference.

Even in a life-mate situation, why is it that a significant age difference brings a stigma. Is it inherently perverted for love to exist between two adult people 10, 15, 20, 25 years apart. With all the social expectations, personal fears and hang-ups there can be real love in these matches, and more often than the uptight folk projecting their own inner "quirks" would ever admit. The same people offended by such matches also will say that even well-matched middle-aged parents having a child after the age of 40 is some kind of perversion. Well...I am not so well adjusted that these matches and seemingly illogical decisions don't disturb me a bit too. But, why should anyone change what works just because you or I or society doesn't think it's right??? Do I or anyone have the right to impose my standards on others. If so please send me your story and let me correct your life. Ridiculous isn't it. Remember, those living politically and socially correct fail very often enough. Worry about the failures, not the successes.


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