Special K ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› May 3, 2003 5,074 4 38 Red Sox Nation Visit site Nov 4, 2013 #21 Happy Birthday, Miss Sidney Enjoy.
J Justforfun New Member Aug 29, 2004 194 1 0 60 Rive-Sud de Montréal Visit site Nov 4, 2013 #22 Bon anniversaire chère Sidney. Espérant que tu as passé une superbe journée avec tes proches.
lgna69xxx New Member Oct 3, 2008 10,413 11 0 Nov 4, 2013 #23 Bonne Fête Sidney, hope it was a great one
M Merlot Banned Nov 13, 2008 4,110 0 0 Visiting Planet Earth Nov 4, 2013 #24 Joyeux Anniversaire Sidney Un grand merci pour tout ce que vous faites pour les membres, et meilleurs vœux pour un avenir merveilleux. :thumb: Merlot
Joyeux Anniversaire Sidney Un grand merci pour tout ce que vous faites pour les membres, et meilleurs vœux pour un avenir merveilleux. :thumb: Merlot
G gugu Active Member Feb 11, 2009 1,741 18 38 Nov 4, 2013 #25 Je ne saurais dire mieux qu'Orgone. Passion, sagesse, intelligence. Bon 25e anniversaire!
R rumpleforeskiin It's a whole new ballgame Jan 20, 2007 6,559 28 48 49 Where I belong. Nov 5, 2013 #26 Joe.t said: I propose that we all get together for a big group hug at the next GT.:smile: Click to expand... Splendid idea, Joe. Hope you had a fabulous day, my dear Ms. LaFlamme.
Joe.t said: I propose that we all get together for a big group hug at the next GT.:smile: Click to expand... Splendid idea, Joe. Hope you had a fabulous day, my dear Ms. LaFlamme.
tiannas Relocated May 24, 2013 740 16 18 47 Las Vegas, NV Nov 5, 2013 #27 Sorry I missed this yesterday, happy birthday girl! I shall buy you a celebratory drink very soon.
S sweetwater New Member Nov 6, 2009 744 2 0 Western USA Nov 5, 2013 #28 Bonne Fete, Sidney. Sweetwater