Montreal Escorts

Haunted Hotel ?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
EagerBeaver said:
You guys have basically pronounced Nick and Amanda as liars, yet you were not in the suite they were in and don't know what they experienced.

I never called them liars. I only got Nick's side of the story & it's quite possible that he firmly believes that the room he was in was haunted. This isn't lying. It's just someone having a vivid imagination & possibly acting very paranoid.

EagerBeaver said:
I am open minded as to supernatural phenomena and I believe the story that Nick has related. Also, it is not Nick's problem when he pays for a suite (and presumably a lot of money), that he should be greeted by a supernatural presence of some kind. If it was well accepted that this was "mumbo jumbo" and nonsense, then the whole genre that exists of horror in fact would not exist because it would be predetermined as unbelievable and unworthy of attention.

You really are serious about this, are you? Are there nights where you feel a tad paranoid about others, suspect they're not their usual selves, and then you have trouble falling asleep since you don't know if you'll be turned into a zombie by next morning? When you see a bat, do you immediately imagine that it's Dracula flying by? :D

EagerBeaver said:
That is obviously not the case, and if we look at the incredible gross revenue of certain recent horror films, a lot of people obviously do believe that this phenomena does exist.

People who go to the movies to watch horror movies want to be entertained & nothing else. They don't go to the movies because they believe in ghosts or that Jason Vorhees & Michael Myers really exist! Come on man! Stop watching all those horror movies.....they're all about fantasy, not reality! You're getting both of them confused with one another. :rolleyes:
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New Member
Apr 6, 2004
EagerBeaver said:

By the ways, has anyone noticed that the Omni has no 13th floor? Does anyone know the reason for this?

The former Manhattan New York Newsday building lacks both 13th and 4th floor. This is in following with both western and oriental superstition/tradition. As far as I know the building was never owned by an oriental person. I am told that this is stipulated in contract by a certain German born architect(name escapes me), and strangely enough, none of his buildings had any major building-related accidents.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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intergalactic said:
I don't know who the guy who started this is and I am not going to say who I am. But I am here to tell you the truth about this and he is here to lie to you and use this as a marketing gimmick.

If you don't know who the guy is, how do you know it's a marketing gimmick? If I was interested in marketing a hotel I don't think I would do so by coming out and saying its rooms are haunted to the point where I had to switch rooms. Rather, I would talk about how great the rooms are.

That being said, I will agree that it's unusual to include a hotel's name in your handle on this Board, and it is fair to accuse Nick of shilling for the hotel on that basis. That and the fact that Nick said he used the hotel regularly were 2 things that did give me pause about his original post. However, I concluded that if he was intending to shill, that review was a damn strange way to go about doing it. Also, it should be noted he did not identify the hotel he was talking about until questioned by Maxima. It was only AFTER Maxima questioned him about what hotel it was that he said it was Hotel Square Phillips, and that he stayed there regularly for business.

The only way to know for sure is to ask Amanda about it. I was hoping to be in Montreal this weekend just to do that (and to have sex with her). Unfortunately could not make it so did someone else ask Amanda what her experience was in that room? If Amanda backs Nick up, then he is no shill. If she doesn't, then intergalactic is right. It's that simple. And I am pretty sure if Amanda is asked, "were you in a haunted room at Hotel Square Phillips?" she would give a straight answer. I fully intended to ask her this weekend. Someone else please do this and get back to us?
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Jul 11, 2003
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nick_squarephillips said:
Here is the interesting thing that happened on friday nite : the room that i was in was a bit spooky or wierd since when i checked in, I sensed that there is something or some presence in the room. I ignored it but when amanda entered and we went into the bedroom she told me that she is sensing some funny thing in the room as well so we left the bedroom and went back to the living room. (note, it was a suite so the bedroom was separate than the living room). That said, we had our session on the couch and it was very nice, although she told me that she was seeing things in the bedroom. I think the spirits were excited to see her naked so they were hanging around. I agree with her that there was some spooky stuff since i thought i saw somethng moving as well. Anyway a bit wierd nite but at the end I had to leave the room since I did not want to be alone there ! The next nite she visited me and it was excellent again since the room was normal since I had changed rooms, and we had a wonderful time. I will miss her when I go back to my home. Oh yes, she smokes but I don't mind that since I find it sexy watching a women smoke.

Here is the relevant quote from Nick's original post. There is no mention of where he stayed. He never elaborated on where it happened until he was pressed by Maxima and others to do. If that is shilling it's the worst shill job ever.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
You can always ask the hotel you're staying in to move you to another room (of the same class), if for some reason, you're dissatisfied with your current room, and the hotel has empty rooms available.

However, I don't think the presence of undead spirits will hold up in court, if it goes to that level.


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Jul 11, 2003
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bond_james_bond said:
However, I don't think the presence of undead spirits will hold up in court, if it goes to that level.

It might if you have a corroborating witness. Cases are decided by evidence in the form of witness testimony all the time. Here, Amanda is the identified corroborating witness. If it was just Nick you may be right, but if Amanda came in and backed him up, and was compelling in doing so, then what is the evidence to rebut that testimony?

By the ways, have you ever tried a case in Court? Whacky cases like this get litigated in small claims courts all the time. Decisions in most states are by magistrates, and they are final and non-appealable and they can do whatever the fuck they want. The question of jurisdiction is a thorny one but don't assume the case would have to be brought in Montreal.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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intergalactic said:
My dear friend. Don't kid yourself. There is no "Amanda" there is no "Nick".

I have met Amanda of Montreal Geisha. She very definitely does exist. Whether or not she met Nick and Nick exists, insofar as he was a client she saw in a haunted room at the Hotel Square Phillips, is an open question. Someone will ask her and get back to us, and then we will have our answer.

I find it a bit hard to believe that someone would stage a fraud so easily exposed by someone identifiable (Amanda) answering a simple question: "did you go to a haunted room at Hotel Square Phillips?"

intergalactic said:
By the way, I am currently employed by the Crystal Montreal as an assistant manager. That is as much as I am going to say about who I am. However, if you call the hotel and ask for the assistant manager use the code name "swarma" to talk to me directly. Then I'll tell you the details, also let you know of a few girls that like our hotel and offer discounts to guys who come visit our hotel.

You accuse Nick of being a shill for Hotel Square Phillips but you do a nice job shilling for Crystal Montreal.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Intercontinental really seems to have balls to have a 13th floor. There was nobody on it when I stayed there early February. I wonder if these hotel chains have done studies on occupancy rates on 13th floor vs. other floors? If so wonder why the Intercon seems to be one of the few superstitiousless hotels.


Jul 25, 2003
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nesposo said:
Seems to be a Montreal thing - superstition only - many office buildings downtown don't have a 13th floor.

Not just a Montreal thing. I travel for business all over North America and stay in hotels almost every week. Skipping the 13th floor is very common and something I see a lot.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
I didn't like 1408.

I was expecting a good old-fashioned ghost story, and instead got a soap opera about life's regrets. :rolleyes: :(


New Member
Apr 6, 2004
EagerBeaver said:

The Intercontinental really seems to have balls to have a 13th floor. There was nobody on it when I stayed there early February. I wonder if these hotel chains have done studies on occupancy rates on 13th floor vs. other floors? If so wonder why the Intercon seems to be one of the few superstitiousless hotels.

Another tangential post: Air lines cancel some regularly scheduled flights on Friday 13th, presumably due to reduced ridership. If it doesn't, you can get good priced ticket through Expedia. Most big travel web sites uses dynamic pricing to some degree, but I have seen the most dramatic difference on Expedia. I was able to get American Airline JFK-SJO ticket for $179 (tax and fees included) by departing on July 13, 2007. OTOH, Continental cancelled their daily EWR-SJO flight for that date.
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New Member
Jul 28, 2005
These accounts of ghostly wanderings at certain hotels has been great marketing gimmicks for tourism. In order to appeal to interested travellers who actually want to sleep in a haunted hotel room you have to wonder if these accounts are fabricated intentinally or worse, create "events" like manually move curtains, footprints etc.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You are right, but it appeals to a certain type of niche traveller that is into the "Halloween culture." I know someone who is basically a "Halloween zombie". He got married on Halloween and throws Halloween parties more elaborate than anything you have ever seen. He and his wife travel to places like this during "the season."

A few years back, I stayed in Salem, Massachussetts for a long weekend right before Halloween. That little town is overrun by tourists during the Halloween season and seasonal businesses there, like ice cream parlors, don't close until Halloween is over. There is too much money to be made from ghost and witch-crazed tourists. I think I was told they get 100,000 Halloween tourists every year, or something like that. Hotels sell out and it's hard to get a seat at the Witch Trial reenactments.

While I was there I watched a Witch Trial reenacted with professional actors. They used actual transcripts from the Salem Witch Trials. Absolutely fascinating, although so much hearsay evidence was allowed it was fucking ridiculous. Trials like that don't happen in the modern USA, obviously.
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