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HBK vs. Hogan


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Apr 23, 2004
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Techman said:
I would not be surprised if Bret Hart does a run in. Hogan brought up the Brett Hart screwjob at Raw last night. (Didn't watch it, just checked the results on the web) It wouldn't surprise me if Hogan gets HBK in the sharpshooter and Bret runs (hobbles) down and rings the bell before HBK gives up. Or at the very least, HBK is set up for the win and Bret just comes out to the top of the ramp and HBK gets distracted and Hogan nails him, gets the win, and holds HBK for Hart to put him in the sharpshooter until he submits. Man that would almost get me to start watching wrestling again. :D

You, my friend, should be a WWE story writer :D


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Jul 16, 2004
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i want to see bret hart come back and kick the living hell of hbk :p

damn it will be soooooooooooooo good to see that :D


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
dudemtl said:
ok....interesting theory of course, but it doesn't make that much sense.

Why would Bret HELP Hulk Hogan anyway? Hogan screwed Bret back in 1993 and later on in WCW almost as badly as Shawn did.

Besides, there can't be a payoff, because BRET CAN'T WRESTLE.

That's why you don't see Stone Cold on TV as the GM anymore. He can't get into any feuds because he CAN'T WRESTLE.

on top of THAT, they're not gonna bring back Bret unnancounced. They're gonna hype his return over many weeks in order to make as much money as possible on it. He's not just gonna pop up out of nowhere. Bret coming back will be the biggest story in years. It won't be done with him hobbling down the aisle with a chair. There will be a formality to it, as Bret deserves.

Nothing can compare to the Montreal Screwjob. Second, the payoff would come with sales of the ppv re-broadcast which would be unusually high as well as the upcoming Bret Hart dvd that WWE will soon be releasing. Third, if Bret does come back it will be for just such a one shot deal, it would be the biggest surprise in WWE history and would be a fitting end to the dvd...Hart finally gets his revenge. The formality will come when he is inducted into the WWE hall of fame, where Michaels will finally apologize for the screwjob as he does the induction. :D

Damn, I should write for these guys! :p


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Apr 23, 2004
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dudemtl said:
ok....interesting theory of course, but it doesn't make that much sense.

Why would Bret HELP Hulk Hogan anyway? Hogan screwed Bret back in 1993 and later on in WCW almost as badly as Shawn did.

Besides, there can't be a payoff, because BRET CAN'T WRESTLE.

That's why you don't see Stone Cold on TV as the GM anymore. He can't get into any feuds because he CAN'T WRESTLE.

on top of THAT, they're not gonna bring back Bret unnancounced. They're gonna hype his return over many weeks in order to make as much money as possible on it. He's not just gonna pop up out of nowhere. Bret coming back will be the biggest story in years. It won't be done with him hobbling down the aisle with a chair. There will be a formality to it, as Bret deserves.

Stop being such a party poop :D

The Hogan "screwjob " was not the HBK/Vince screwjob....not the same at all!

Plus why would Hogan mention Bret on TV like that? There must be something more to it...

Bret won't run in and beat HBK most probably....nothing hurts with a little distraction of Bret walking down the ramp and Hogan pinning the distracted HBK


New Member
Feb 2, 2005
Hogan will NOT be pinned then RETIRE. That will not happen. He will retire in the next year or so for sure, his body is so broken down (Hip Replacement, knee replacement etc...) But he won't be pinned and retire.....His last match whenever it is, he will WIN.
As for Summerslam, it will be a DQ.
Both of these guys have too much of an ego to be pinned cleanly.
My prediction??
Hogan wins by DQ.
Anyone going to RAW in Montreal August 15th???


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Bret Hart

The main reason that I considered a guest appearance by Hart is that this is Summerslam. Seeing as how he was screwed over at Summerslam it would be fitting to let him get his revenge at the same event. I never suggested that he would get physically involved in the match in any major way as since his stroke that is virtually impossible. However, just having him make an appearance on the ramp would be enough of a distraction to cost HBK the match. Seeing him put HBK in the sharpshooter is more of a fantastic wish than anything else but as I said, this would be at the end of the match after Michaels has lost and would not involve any risk to Bret. Of course this would require Michaels to go along with the idea which I doubt would ever happen. Like I said, it's a fantasy. Kind of like calling for an escort and having Monica Sweetheart or Sylvia Saint showing up at your door :p

PS: As many people pointed out the screw job was at Survivor Series not Summerslam. I will let this post stand as a monument to my ignorance and to avoid invalidating the posts that so kindly corrected me :p
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The Dogg
Feb 24, 2005
guys correct me if im wrong...........wasnt the screw job in Montreal in November.......thus not a SummerSlam ppv.......but a Survivor Series ppv....with that said I'd still love to see him on the ramp.......once HBK has lost the match bret can walk down and put on the SharpShooter.....then a few poses with the HBK lays on the ring.......


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Ok, Ok...yup, I'm an idiot :eek: It was Survivor series. Ignore the stupid Summerslam context of my last post. Apart from that, it would still be nice to see. I'll shutup now. :D
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