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Health Care in Canada for non-Canadians?


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
If an American gets sick while in Montreal, what to do?

I don't think a Canadian medical facility will accept Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Can you pay cash? What would the prices be?

Not necessarily life-threatening ERs, but for example, something like an emergency prescription of antibiotics for cold, flu-type stuff.
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Membre émérite.
Feb 10, 2006
bond_james_bond said:
If an American gets sick while in Montreal, what to do?

I don't think a Canadian medical facility will accept Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Can you pay cash? What would the prices be?

Not necessarily life-threatening ERs, but for something like an emergency prescription of antibiotics for cold, flu-type stuff.

Very easy, most hospitals will accept Blue Cross Blue Shield, credit cards, cash, etc. That will cover the hospital fees like paying non physician personel, facility fees, etc. All physician in Québec are not hospital employee and are indepentant. Physicians are to be pay separately from the hospital fees. Most will accept Blue Cross Blue Shield or cash.

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