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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
You're a good guy, but you take all these "escort things/world" too seriously, Panthere.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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You're a good guy, but you take all these "escort things/world" too seriously, Panthere.

THANKS...i return the compliment to you too,,,,yeah you are probably right...but even in my life...or my work...if i didnt do it...i am going bizeurk...that i didnt do it...i hate to be accuse of something i didnt doooo...and it is getting too me reallll bad....since i am a teenager that doing that to me....i am too much of a good guy in a sense....and take to much thing to heart....should forget about it....and say fuck the people who dont believe me.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Dutchbag lmao. That's a good one. I'll keep that one in mind if I ever meet a Dutch.

sorry for my spelling... i mean (douchebag)=it is a piece of shit=like a asshole :thumb:... , english is not perfect...


Jan 7, 2014
Bro no need to apologise. I was just saying I might use it in the future. That's some xpert name calling right there


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

This is why I don't get how guys are comfortable using texts for all their escort business unless they are using throw aways all of the time.

Please guys...could you help me on this one....reallyyy appreciate....

bottom lines...sorry nooooooooo time to read back my post right now...cause i am typing like shaking at the same time....

a girl said that i said something on HER CELL PHONE..that i donttttttttttt have....tabarnacle....and now the person is thinking that i did it...and he is piss....wtfffffffffffff...i neverrrrrrr did that...and the person that the girl complain too....doooooooooo have my cell phone...soooo why accusing me ciboire....

"the girl is complaining that you send her a text and said....hi it is panthere from merb...heard that you gonna be at the party ...cant wait too see you there...!!"

So the issue is this makes it look like you may have invaded her privacy by seeming to have a number you shouldn't? You think it's better not to go to the party because of this? IMHO you should go to explain what you know...calmly. Let her hear it from you. Then be more careful about who you trust. You know, people tend to get too comfortable around others with common interests and meeting them at parties makes it seem like you're all one big happy family, I guess to the point where some guy gets two ladies for himself and puts on a show for others. Its all very cozy feeling like you are all un de ces gars (one of the boys) having fun and partying it up. But despite sharing naughty fun it would much wiser to be more careful and to keep your personal information to yourself.

Personally there are only two people in this business I ever let have access to minimal precise personal information. Both keep their trusts extremely limited in this business, like me.

BTW: what is "tabarnacle"??? Is that a good curse word? I have plenty but one more wouldn't hurt. :D

Good luck,


Lily from Montreal

Merlot: not that I am an expert in the field (!) but ''tabernak is the swearing version of '' tabernacle ''which is the sacred place in church that hold the ''Hostie'' (swearing version :eek:sti) who represents the Christ body...
It is mild as far as curse goes as it lost its impact with the decrease of religion...

And back to the program:panthere relax...once the lady will know it is a mistaken identity she won't stay mad at you...

Just a thought: is it common practice to share an Merb handle? I never ask when I meet?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut Panthere
Situation deplorable et déplaisantes mes pour le moment ce son des allegations sans fondement de preuve documenté .
A ce stade c'est a prendre avec un grain de sel ,garder ton calme est important .
Tu as le numero de telephone de l'autre merbiste qui ta appeler ou as tu reconnus ca voix ?
J'ai été moi même menacé a plusieurs reprises plus souvent sans consequence ,il y a une expression qui dit qu'un chien qui jape ne mord pas !
Laisse les japer .



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Quand je disais que sa m'etonnerais que tu sois exclu pour sa je voulais dire que Iggy te connais, t'aprecie, je pense qu'il serais asser correct pour voir sa avec toi avant en privé, et pas t'exclure big bang comme sa. Au pire tu peut aussi contacté la SP en question et lui expliquer que se n'etait pas toi. D'apres ce que j'ai vu tu la fait et elle te croyais pas au debut ces sa? Bon je peut comprendre qu'elle sois un peu "nerveuse" de la situation mais comment le fautif a eu se numero in the first place? Elle dois le donner a certain client "privilégié" et donc son numero n'est pas 100% personel. Ou alors le gars est tout un detective d'avoir trouver sa. En tout cas personally i tell you all right away, i would never text an SP on her personal phone number unless she gave it to me and she said its ok to do so.

Also i would never send any trash talk messages for any reasons. :D


Tabarnak (common quebec version to spell it) is like "Criss" wich come from Christ (Jesus Christ) , they are word we use MOSTLY for filling sentences. For exemple if i say "That fucking hammer hit me right on the thumb, god damnit" it would become in french "Se criss de marteau la ma frapper direct sur le pouce, tabarnak" You switch fucking by criss and god damnit by tabarnak. Just like in english they can also be used to say "FUCK" loud when something bad happen.

The difference is i feel the quebec curse(btw not used in france at all) are more varied and diversified than there english counterparts. They are also more accepted overall. Fuck and its derivate are still censored in english songs on tv or in some videos i see on youtube. Quebecois actually use tabarnak and other "sacre" as there cultural image and are proud of it. Of course they are not used for official stuff or in work too much, but in there personal life.

We have tabarnak, criss, colisse, ciboire, calvert, sacrament, ostie(esti also used) and many more.

And as they mention in bon cop bad cop(really recommand this movie) , you can make combinations, like "criss de tarbarnak" wich could be your version of "holy fucking shit" if i can say. If your really feeling hardcore it goes like that "criss de colisse de ciboire de tabarnak... ostie" wich is a nice combo.

So that was my quebec french cursing 101 :p


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
it goes like that "criss de colisse de ciboire de tabarnak... ostie" wich is a nice combo.
criss que tu m'a fait rire sur celle là ! :thumb:
Thanks a lot for the good laugh lol


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Tabarnak (common quebec version to spell it) is like "Criss" wich come from Christ (Jesus Christ) , they are word we use MOSTLY for filling sentences. For exemple if i say "That fucking hammer hit me right on the thumb, god damnit" it would become in french "Se criss de marteau la ma frapper direct sur le pouce, tabarnak" You switch fucking by criss and god damnit by tabarnak. Just like in english they can also be used to say "FUCK" loud when something bad happen.

The people who are very bilingual and good in both French and English tell me that there are words that are similar, but the translation is different or difficult to give with precision from French to English. For example one time I was with very bilingual HDH SP who spoke King's English and French that I presume was just as perfect, from what I overheard (I could only evaluate her English, but her French sounded good to me). Anyway this lady was very ticklish and she had a very funny reaction to being tickled, so I started tickling her and she was laughing so hard I thought she would choke and I had to stop for fear she might. I then started tickling her again once she caught her breath, and she eventually started talking to me in French between giggles (not because I would understand it, but by force of habit, because I think that is probably her primary language although very bilingual). She started saying to me, "tannant, tannant." I asked her , "tannant, what does this mean?" She told me that there was no really good perfect equivalent English word to "tannant", but "rascal" or "pest" were closest. She said they were close but not 100% so I never really knew what she meant to say.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Thanks for the cursing lesson 101 in Quebec bonne et j'aime :thumb:...le bottom line HM es que iggy ne peut justement sans mêlé car ça le regarde pas et je le comprend....j'ai juste hâte d’arrêté de tourné a l'entour du pot et de donné la personne qui ma faussement ACCUSÉ...Car ces loin d’être drôle et le bon respect vis a vis cette sp es vivement disparue!!!!...Je dois admettre que je suis très rancunier..en tout cas...on verra le tout...mais semble t'il les dernières infos reçu...MÊME PAS DE L'ACCUSATRICE OU DE L’ENQUÊTEUR ...serait qu'il y a eu erreur....dah je le sais bien bordel de criss de colisse de ciboire de tabarnak que je disais LA VÉRITÉ!!!...
Mais l'affaire qui me déçoit aussi es que la personne ne ma même pas revenue via PM...pour s'excusé ou autres....vraiment une déception tout de mê cette personne était hyper fru que j'avais faite ça...ce qui savere que le résultat n'est pas le cas...grrrrr

P.S.Aussi je ne peut contacté la sp en elle n'est pas sur merb du moins je crois et j'ai PAS SON criss de NUMÉRO oestie grrrrr....MAIS l’enquêteur lui il es sur merb...même je sais son handle et tous presque le sais et a même une fois fait des éloges sur lui...du moins le résultat final fut une bonne enquête...mais lui il doit se dire .....ahhhhh ces good tout es réglé...euhhh dsl mais moi je la trouve toujoursssssssssss pas drôle ....surtout avoir aucune excuse ou autres vis a vis le dénouement...mais ça m'enrage de pas dire ces qui encore!!!....que je fais tout de même par RESPECT!!!...MAIS qu'en plus on me le redonne pas :confused:...en ce moment du moins...grrr


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Panthere - Can I make one observation?

This is the eve of GG5. This is the time of year when SPs, Hobbyists, and Agency owners rejoice. Can't you feel it in the air? This is time to let bygones be bygones. Forgive and forget . Let it go brother.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Eager : Tannant is i think only quebecois. There is 2 way to use it, it could be for a kid. A kid is tannant would mean is being turbulant, we have to constantly watch him. On the other hand like your meeting she used it the "kinky way" , when used like its more hard to translate... i got to admit i choke a bit on that one...

But there is the real meaning of the word wich come from the word "tanner". Again not sure if a quebec word only, but i think so. For exemple "Je suis tanner" , i have enough. Tu me tanne could be " you bother me too much" . Tu est tannant could be "you are really annoying. Of course just by how you mention it she didn't meant it that way.

In any case good if i made some of you laugh, for good measure here is a classic... Fast forward to 1:40 for the fun part...

and what i was talking about

Panther :

Bin ces Iggy qui choisie les guest non? Je parlais pour ta place au party...

Pour la SP non ces sur, sa , sa te regarde et elle et le monde meler.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Nothing to do with the episode above but with the French language ( being discussed also ). English = Chicken.... French = Poulet...... For the anglos DO NOT PRONOUNCE THE T ( Why is it there? ).... I was ordering in a restaurant and the waitress was a cute female and I ordered the PouleT pronouncing the T. I got a very nasty look and she replied Quoi bluntly, the person I was with explained I was an Anglo and all was good. Found out pronouncing the T at the end means whore.
Ok, continue on.


Aug 7, 2003
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The people who are very bilingual and good in both French and English tell me that there are words that are similar, but the translation is different or difficult to give with precision from French to English. For example one time I was with very bilingual HDH SP who spoke King's English and French that I presume was just as perfect, from what I overheard (I could only evaluate her English, but her French sounded good to me). Anyway this lady was very ticklish and she had a very funny reaction to being tickled, so I started tickling her and she was laughing so hard I thought she would choke and I had to stop for fear she might. I then started tickling her again once she caught her breath, and she eventually started talking to me in French between giggles (not because I would understand it, but by force of habit, because I think that is probably her primary language although very bilingual). She started saying to me, "tannant, tannant." I asked her , "tannant, what does this mean?" She told me that there was no really good perfect equivalent English word to "tannant", but "rascal" or "pest" were closest. She said they were close but not 100% so I never really knew what she meant to say.

eagerbeaver, after examining all the evidence, what is your opinion? I'm not sure we are getting all the facts here. If anyone can she any light on this, its definitely you.


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013
On the original topic, agree with the feedback you got today panthere, completely understand it's frustrating but limit your trust in general, but even more now with that provider and the guy who talked to you. Something is obviously off there. Just breathe easy, your friends know who you are and avid readers like myself will know also your true character.

EB, I'd interpret that way tannant was used in your story best with a UK expression of "bugger", like, "you little bugger!". To Mike's point it has different meanings depending on context but in that one it's really playful.

On the French swearing overall (of the QC variety), the origin of all the religious-based swear words is really about the catholic church running people's live in the 1800s and early 1900s. It was a statement of spite against the church forcing a way of life on the people.

For funny ones, an old girlfriend didn't speak French but I was teaching her bits, and one word I taught her was the word full, like this box is full, which translates to pleine. Was out to dinner with the family and she came with, and as we were wrapping up she said "Je suis pleine". Seems innocent enough, it should translate to "I am full", but funny how French context works, my grandmother interpreted it as though she was pregnant (as the word is also used to talk about livestock who are pregnant). That was not a fun end to an evening, g-ma was pissed! :)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Found out pronouncing the T at the end means whore

LOL no not whore, more like hottie... If you say in french "wow as tu vu la belle poulette(with this writing) it means "damn did you saw this hottie". Poulet as chicken is also used to describe the police force, equivalent to pigs in english, but we also use pigs too(cochon) , actually i think every animals is used to describe the police.. pigs, beef, dogs, chicken.. lol Funny fact we never use "flic" , the equivalent of cop in quebec yet in our movies they also say that.

But to get back on your story i totally understand the waitress was surprise, if she tough you called her a poulette... :p As for the T why is there? Well why sabre is actually pronounce saber in english? Every language has its thing. But the T is not a muted letter... ET actually is a sound for words in quebec, not just a movie lol. I do not think you use that sound for words in english. Thats like sabre wich i put above, we write it the same way, yet pronounce it way different. Actually even ER wich is use like in MONSTER in english mean a total different sound in french, and is used in lots of verbs like dancer (to dance) wich for you a dancer is the person doing the did, for us its danseur... we put a U to make the same sound. Anyway lots of complicated stuff to explain with writing... lol

"Je suis pleine". Seems innocent enough, it should translate to "I am full"

Well for any quebec person "je suis plein" or "chui plain" as we would say it (we use orally chui to abreviate je suis) would mean he can't eat anything else... I constantly say it after diner, colisse chui plein or colisse chui bourrer (wich mean nearly the same thing)
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