Quand je disais que sa m'etonnerais que tu sois exclu pour sa je voulais dire que Iggy te connais, t'aprecie, je pense qu'il serais asser correct pour voir sa avec toi avant en privé, et pas t'exclure big bang comme sa. Au pire tu peut aussi contacté la SP en question et lui expliquer que se n'etait pas toi. D'apres ce que j'ai vu tu la fait et elle te croyais pas au debut ces sa? Bon je peut comprendre qu'elle sois un peu "nerveuse" de la situation mais comment le fautif a eu se numero in the first place? Elle dois le donner a certain client "privilégié" et donc son numero n'est pas 100% personel. Ou alors le gars est tout un detective d'avoir trouver sa. En tout cas personally i tell you all right away, i would never text an SP on her personal phone number unless she gave it to me and she said its ok to do so.
Also i would never send any trash talk messages for any reasons.
Tabarnak (common quebec version to spell it) is like "Criss" wich come from Christ (Jesus Christ) , they are word we use MOSTLY for filling sentences. For exemple if i say "That fucking hammer hit me right on the thumb, god damnit" it would become in french "Se criss de marteau la ma frapper direct sur le pouce, tabarnak" You switch fucking by criss and god damnit by tabarnak. Just like in english they can also be used to say "FUCK" loud when something bad happen.
The difference is i feel the quebec curse(btw not used in france at all) are more varied and diversified than there english counterparts. They are also more accepted overall. Fuck and its derivate are still censored in english songs on tv or in some videos i see on youtube. Quebecois actually use tabarnak and other "sacre" as there cultural image and are proud of it. Of course they are not used for official stuff or in work too much, but in there personal life.
We have tabarnak, criss, colisse, ciboire, calvert, sacrament, ostie(esti also used) and many more.
And as they mention in bon cop bad cop(really recommand this movie) , you can make combinations, like "criss de tarbarnak" wich could be your version of "holy fucking shit" if i can say. If your really feeling hardcore it goes like that "criss de colisse de ciboire de tabarnak... ostie" wich is a nice combo.
So that was my quebec french cursing 101