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Here's The Average Number Of Sexual Partners A Person Has In A Lifetime


Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
I’m counting how much Steve spends... let’s say 3 times a week with top notch girls, that would be minimum 660 per week or 34000 a year approximately . I have to make 70000 to pay for that. I’ll have to ask an increase from the Bien être social..

It's true that last year I did spend not that much but a lot (remember, agency girls were at 200/h).
This year I was home only one month thrue all year so I saved a bundle plus I met a couples girls in other countries.
For me It pay's to travel because, I saved a lot in escorting this year lol
And no, I don't make 70,000 a year (2 years ago I was at the minimum salary), but I don't have a family to support either.

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