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How about those moderators?

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Jun 6, 2005

10-19 said:
That's it, from now on GG is to be renamed DD. :D

No go. Creates confusion with the description of physical attributes of providers.


Mar 26, 2004
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Joe.t said:
I also believe that some people do take pleasure in provoking him, just my two cents.

A classic case of "blame the victim".

Has Board life been better without him? Very much so.

I give GG full marks full being able to get under peoples' skin just as I give full marks to Clifford Olson for being so capable in his field. That doesn't mean we are better off with them.

It genuinely is most unfortunate that the relative peace and friendliness of the Board will again be upset.

Again it's just a matter of time till the GG cycle repeats fully.

Tick, tick, tick....


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Making My Point

Dee said:
A classic case of "blame the victim".

Has Board life been better without him? Very much so.

I give GG full marks full being able to get under peoples' skin just as I give full marks to Clifford Olson for being so capable in his field. That doesn't mean we are better off with them.

It genuinely is most unfortunate that the relative peace and friendliness of the Board will again be upset.

Again it's just a matter of time till the GG cycle repeats fully.

Tick, tick, tick....

Again making my point. The Clifford Olson analogy is way out of line.

Trying to provoke a confrontation under the guise of peace and friendliness is rather transparent.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

GG is subject to the same rules as everyone else and if he breaks them, he will pay the price for it. If anyone goes out of their way to provoke a flame war with him, or with any other poster, they will not enjoy the consequences.

If you have a problem with GG or any other member's posts I suggest you use the ignore function.

I will not allow this thread to become a 'let's take shots at GG' thread and if it continues to focus on this subject, it will be closed.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
brutal, just brutal....


Thanks but let me take over from here. The regular onslaught of characters have scribbled their notes and gathered together to try and "irritate" me. They are so predictable, it's beyond laughable and just grossly pathetic.:rolleyes:

I love it when I hear crap like "GG can't live without Merb". Really? I was doing fine, if not better without Merb.:p (Ok, I will admit that I missed Reggie the most.:D)

These boards are not "better off" without me or posters like me. After all, don't we need people who actually experience sex with an escort or an erotic massage so that they can relay their experience here? Isn't that the reason for being here?:confused:

I put my money where my mouth is. If I "quit" hobbying, there would be no reason to hang around here just like if an SP really retired, there would be no reason for her to hang around here.:rolleyes:

As far as what many of you call my "provocative posts," open your eyes and stop spreading total nonsense on the boards. I have become so cynical that every time I see an SP posting here, I think "there she goes, she needs money and attention".

I am honest about what I see and about how my experience has affected me and warped my views. I think it's a fresh perspective from all the sugar coated crap I continuously read here.:rolleyes:

But I also accept that most people here are incapable of deep internal reflection, fearing to confront their inner demons. This goes for clients and SPs.

So superficiality rules the day. This includes the GFE alphabet soup, reading about how SPs "love" this job and how they truly care about us and we truly care about them.:rolleyes:

By the way, the Donald Duck analogy wasn't too far off.:p


P.S. Enough about me, let the Mods do their job.:mad:
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Mod 8 said:
Hello everyone,

GG is subject to the same rules as everyone else and if he breaks them, he will pay the price for it. If anyone goes out of their way to provoke a flame war with him, or with any other poster, they will not enjoy the consequences.

If you have a problem with GG or any other member's posts I suggest you use the ignore function.

I will not allow this thread to become a 'let's take shots at GG' thread and if it continues to focus on this subject, it will be closed.

Hello Mod8,

"Recovering Reggieholic"

Do you actually see this under his name? Do you understand this is blatant provocation from the start? My statement is for the MODS of this board. I don't care who is here and who isn't. If someone can behave it's just fine with me. But given the history of certain individuals there should have been an uncompromising firmness about provocation and avoiding any confrontation concerning past well-known feuds. The fact that someone failed from the start to clean up his act in both areas should have brought an immediate "time out" at the very least. YOU...the mods have kept things in good order for a long time now. But, YOU...the mods have failed here. This person deserves no leeway. With his record it is his burden to behave. If other parties still want to feud with him then they can be dealt with accordingly. But, the onus is on one party to show HE has changed and the mods should have laid down very strict no-confrontation rules as a condition for any return, and they have clearly failed to foresee this need when it was so damn obvious. Otherwise, this battle was inevitable and the fact that it is the mods fault.


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
But, the onus is on one party to show HE has changed and the mods should have laid down very strict no-confrontation rules as a condition for any return, and they have clearly failed to foresee this need when it was so damn obvious.
All very well put, Korbel. Two things I find interesting:

1. The act that stimulated mod5's lifting GG's ban 18 months early was GG's violation of the rule prohibiting multiple handles. Is that how we punish breaking of the rules?
2. His first act upon his return was his attempt to provoke me by changing his user title to include my name.

While I understand that the emotion that moves his life more than any other is his jealousy of my continuing relationship with a certain former SP, I, frankly, would prefer to have nothing to do with him and would prefer to have him, if not banned from this board, prohibited from making any reference or allusion to me. Sadly, he is incapable.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Personally, i've never had a problem with GG. From what i've read on the boards, he has a lot to bring to the boards & has tons of good info, but he also comes with a considerable amount of baggage. If the mods feel that they can deal with this & are willing to, i'm not the one to say that they should or shouldn't.

But one thing the mods will have to understand is that they won't win any popularity contests with the decision they've made & it gives the impression that they've thrown in the white towel & admitted that they can't control the fact he's been able to successfully return to the board under various other handles ever since his latest banishment.

GG is possibly the most controversial board poster ever & this is a fact. Love him or hate him, there is only one GG.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
Personally, i've never had a problem with GG. From what i've read on the boards, he has a lot to bring to the boards & has tons of good info, but he also comes with a considerable amount of baggage. If the mods feel that they can deal with this & are willing to, i'm not the one to say that they should or shouldn't.

But one thing the mods will have to understand is that they won't win any popularity contests with the decision they've made & it gives the impression that they've thrown in the white towel & admitted that they can't control the fact he's been able to successfully return to the board under various other handles ever since his latest banishment.

GG is possibly the most controversial board poster ever & this is a fact. Love him or hate him, there is only one GG.
Hello Doc,

Maybe like him we should all go and train under the ultimate clown Tony, so we can all learn how to infiltrate the boards at will and paralyze the mods into submission. Then we will all rule here and not the mods.

Right boys,


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Korbel said:
Maybe like him we should all go and train under the ultimate clown Tony, so we can all learn how to infiltrate the boards at will and paralyze the mods into submission.

It's actually quite easy to learn. But i haven't done it in quite a long time since i now have better things to do with my life.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
It's actually quite easy to learn. But i haven't done it in quite a long time since i now have better things to do with my life.

Well Doc,

You mean you aren't psycho.



General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:
1. The act that stimulated mod5's lifting GG's ban 18 months early was GG's violation of the rule prohibiting multiple handles. Is that how we punish breaking of the rules?
2. His first act upon his return was his attempt to provoke me by changing his user title to include my name.

While I understand that the emotion that moves his life more than any other is his jealousy of my continuing relationship with a certain former SP, I, frankly, would prefer to have nothing to do with him and would prefer to have him, if not banned from this board, prohibited from making any reference or allusion to me. Sadly, he is incapable.


Let's get a few things clear. My signature was there prior to me getting banned and unlike your stupid signature, it isn't malicious in any way.

The Mods banned me for a long time, but they were gracious enough to let me back in. They have their reasons so let them live with their decision.

I keep hearing you and Korbie whine like bitches. You are beyond pathetic. Get over it and focus on your life.

As far as being jealous of "continuing relationship with a certain former SP," if you really believe that, you are beyond delusional.:rolleyes:

In my experiences of hobbying, I never met someone as troubled as this former SP and while your intentions may have been right, I fear that you contributed to her problems. Moreover, I seriously question whether you ever had any relationship with this lady, apart from a financial relationship.:rolleyes:

Face the ugly facts, you are only as good as your last buck.:eek:


P.S. To all the whining bitches,please let the Mods do their job.:mad:


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
General Gonad said:

I keep hearing you and Korbie whine like bitches. You are beyond pathetic. get over it and focus on your life.

Face the ugly facts, you are only as good as your last buck.:eek:


P.S. To all the whining bitches, please let the Mods do their job.:mad:

Hey Mods,

Good job.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Korbel said:
Hey Mods,

Good job.


Are you afraid of me? Perhaps you and your buddies feel deep insecurities when I am around. Suck it up brother, I am here to stay.:cool:



Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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Posted on Sept. 28th 2008.
General Gonad said:
I am here to stay.:cool:

Just thought I'd quote you on that so we can all laugh about it later when you (eventualy) get banned again.:D

Said it before, I'll say it again, GG is fine with me when he sticks to reviews... unfortunatly he doesn't! That's when the trouble begins. Anyways, it's only a question of time, relax guys.

"Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop"
Is there an english equivalent to this?

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
General Gonad said:

Are you afraid of me? Perhaps you and your buddies feel deep insecurities when I am around. Suck it up brother, I am here to stay.:cool:


Hello GG,

That is a very presumptuous statement. You, like every member, are here to stay as long as you follow the rules. Participating in this argument and baiting other members is not the way to ensure your survival. Mod 5 may have been feeling generous and lifted your ban but that does not give you any immunity from being banned again. Remember that as you write your posts.

And as it seems that no one is paying any attention to my earlier post about the direction of this thread...

Thread closed!

Mod 8
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