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How do you know when you are on a agencies favs list or sp or indy ?


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
this hapen to me resently & is very unusual so i thought i would post it.

i bumped into one of my favs from a few years back at a restaurant (she was a serveur) resently & we imedately recognize each other. we just exchange usual plesantrys like how are u doing, ect. at thend, she gave me the bill & after i payd & left tip she wrote her phone numbr on the rcept & ask me to text her.

i textd her & i was intrested in seeing her agan but didnt no if she was still in hobyist busness so i avoid the topic. she allso avoid topic not nowing if i was still seeing ladys as hobyist. i then text her to say u work in a restaurant now. thats good. she replyd back to say she works on her own & at resto. i then ask wat she does on her own & then she mension escort. she ask if i still see ladys as hobyist & i mension yes but manly incall. she then ask abut wat is incall & outcall. she telld me that she still does outcall only. i then ask her for the donasion rate & she gave me a rate wich was in the market range per hour. i took the hour rate that she gave me & since in pass i scene her for 3hours plus, i multiple it by 3 & subtrack $40 from it and ask if she was comfortabel with seeeing me at 3 hours for abit less ($40) then 3x hour rate. she mesage me back & instead of saying for me, she would do it or she wont do it, she said for me, 3 hours is and subtracted an aditional $60 from wat i ask her for the 3x hour rate! i was shocked! it was not only a full $100 less than the 3x hourly rate but more importently it was lower then the longer multihour rate i ask if she was comfortabel with.

makng plans to try to see her.


New Member
May 31, 2011
anywhere and everywhere
Here is my story,

You could say I am a favorite, when a sp hosts in her own home, once our session is over, she needs to rush to do an errand, however I need to take a shower, so she trust me well enough, to leave me in her home for me to take a shower while she needs to do her errand, and she instructed how to lock the door while I leave, once I am done, I am all alone in her home and leave by locking the door, while I texted her stating that I locked the door and she texted back a thank you. So yeah, I suppose after 7 years, she learned to trust me lol.

That was my story.




Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Here is my story,

You could say I am a favorite, when a sp hosts in her own home, once our session is over, she needs to rush to do an errand, however I need to take a shower, so she trust me well enough, to leave me in her home for me to take a shower while she needs to do her errand, and she instructed how to lock the door while I leave, once I am done, I am all alone in her home and leave by locking the door, while I texted her stating that I locked the door and she texted back a thank you. So yeah, I suppose after 7 years, she learned to trust me lol.

That was my story.



This is certainly trust for sure SAM :thumb:

Best Regards



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Here is my story,

You could say I am a favorite, when a sp hosts in her own home, once our session is over, she needs to rush to do an errand, however I need to take a shower, so she trust me well enough, to leave me in her home for me to take a shower while she needs to do her errand, and she instructed how to lock the door while I leave, once I am done, I am all alone in her home and leave by locking the door, while I texted her stating that I locked the door and she texted back a thank you. So yeah, I suppose after 7 years, she learned to trust me lol.

That was my story.


Hello S.A.M.

This is more then being a favs between SP and Patron its a high level of trust ,which I have also experience recently the SP letting me sleep at her place while she was away ,more then fav again




Aug 2, 2004
Visit site
I've had an Indy text me a week later asking to see me again. I guess I was good. Another time an Sp from an agency gave me her number to call her direct to skip the middle man.She agreed because I gave her an orgasm that she never had before on the job. That went on for a year until I realized she was contacting me because she need to put food on the table. So much for my ego boost.
Another SP also allowed me to tie her up because of trust. She said she never did that with any one before. It was alas 9 & a Half weeks steamy play. That was really fun.
But then there could be the ones that are great actresses & make u believe anything so u r a repeat client.

so far we only heard from "LilyforYou" on this topic any other women care to join in on the conversation?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Just be nice to the girls, have good hygiene, make them laugh and be fun and do not get too attached. Pay-up and tip for good service. Be true to your word and do not back out of appointments. Write a nice review for the girl and the agency when they deserve a good review. I think any agency or Indy will be glad to have you as a customer. There is no secret here. Oh yes, shave your pubes and make sure your johnson doesn't smell like dead fish.

I stood up James and one of his girls last trip. I felt bad but I got caught up in a work engagement. This was the first time ever, anywhere, where I could not make an appointment. I called James and I explained and he understood. In this case the girl was able to get another last second appointment. This made me feel a lot better. I am a big fan if James and Chloe.


Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
But every agency does that with everyone no?

These with great service customer, I personnaly get that and trust me im far from being a fav..


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
But every agency does that with everyone no?

These with great service customer, I personnaly get that and trust me im far from being a fav..

Not necessarily,but I should of added with VIP care( shuffling the schedule ) ,you where to quick to respond .Not all agencies will do it .And preparing a big surprise for the guess !;)




Oct 21, 2016
I don't know if it is common or normal but I find that many of the ladies I have frequented have been eager to text or phone me and have been very open to spending time together away from the office. I've basically boiled things down to 3 SPs now with only occasional forays into the unknown. The 3 seem to like me a lot but I really cant be sure how personal that attachment is versus ordinary cultivation of a client who they see a lot, who obviously likes and respects them and who is generous/appreciative of them.
One recently gave me a relatively expensive gift which was quite unexpected but I had previously given her some nice presents too. So I really dont know for sure but I can tell you that I find some SPs to be very interesting people and trying to get to fully understand them to be a fascinating passtime. I guess maybe I just like women a lot.

MTL Expos

Oct 15, 2010
A SP that I see often told me she was going to wine and dine me on my B day. My choice to stay in or go out. I chose in. She had food sent in and i even got a freeby and a present.

Being on a SPs prefered client list.................priceless.
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