Montreal Escorts

How many escorts of you slept with?



Let's have some fun, I know Merb hasn't been as active or fun as he used to be. We had some talented members, such as eager beaver, Montreal monk, nylon lover, Special K and Clavie, to name a few. I used to enjoy visiting Merb and reading the reviews and funny threads. Let's give Merb some flavor. The big question is, how many escorts have you slept with since you began? I'll be the first to respond; I've slept with over 500 escorts in my life. I used to be more active when I was younger. It's too easy to go out and have a one-night stand these days, so I took a break. I'm looking forward to hearing from other members!
Any tips for going out and getting one-night stands lol? I've actually never done it nor my friends lol. When we go out we just stay with each other.


Active Member
Feb 23, 2013
Westmont and Bermude
I started hobying in the early 2000. As far That I can remember, I would say that I saw an average of 7 to 10 different girls every year.
lately, since Covid I saw only 4 diffrent girls since march 2020 but I saw one girl every month

my total would be between 150 to 180 différents girls (MP and SP) over the last 23 years. that‘s a lot of money.

because I love money and I love hobbying, I have a rule. every time I practice this wonderful hobby, I buy some share on yhe TMX market. I am a lot in bank and ETF. So my hobbying is not that much expensive after all for me.

Salut !


New Member
May 16, 2023
Hobbying since 2015, I’ve seen at least 20 girls all in Montreal.
Tried the entire lineup at Oscar between 2016 to 2017, that’s around 7.


New Member
May 22, 2023
Well I started in 1992 so it gives me like 30+ years of experience I started with the strip dancers that were willing to go the extra mile in and out. Then moved to MP with full service, and in the middle car service for the fun, and then to pure incalls. I think that yes the high end escort are the best. I don’t doubt that there are some gems in the Indy field but the best are the highly reviewed. Now a day I’m less active but I keep my yearly quote ☺️

How do you find high end escort ? I am willing to pay big $$$ Thank you


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
How do you find high end escort ? I am willing to pay big $$$ Thank you
The girls who charge a lot of money are considering themselves high end escort. You look and who is asking too much money consider yourself high end.
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Jan 1, 2021
Started in 2010, probably a new girl every month and regulars twice a month since then. Since pandemic only see 7 girls I have known for a few years. Rotate between them about once a week.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Any tips for going out and getting one-night stands lol? I've actually never done it nor my friends lol. When we go out we just stay with each other.
While I may not be as young as I once was, I feel as though I may have lost my skill in courting women due to my absence from the nightlife . However, I would be thrilled to join you for a night out. I know just the right spot for a one stand, my friend.
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While I may not be as young as I once was, I feel as though I may have lost my skill in courting women due to my absence from the nightlife . However, I would be thrilled to join you for a night out. I know just the right spot for a one stand, my friend.
I have 0 skill so anything would be helpful lol. what's the right spot though?


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I have 0 skill so anything would be helpful lol. what's the right spot though?
My friend, having money is more than enough to attract a woman. You don't necessarily need any particular skillset. It's unfortunate, yet it is the truth. The new generation is overly focused on money, cosmetics surgery, botox and having a large derriere. To successfully approach and win over a lady, it's crucial to master the art of effective communication and approach strategies. Essentially, to succeed, you need to possess proficient communication skills and express what women desire to listen to.
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My friend, having money is more than enough to attract a woman. You don't necessarily need any particular skillset. It's unfortunate, yet it is the truth. The new generation is overly focused on money, cosmetics surgery, botox and having a large derriere. To successfully approach and win over a lady, it's crucial to master the art of effective communication and approach strategies. Essentially, to succeed, you need to possess proficient communication skills and express what women desire to listen to.
yeah makes sense. but i still need the approach strategies lol
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