@Sexy Nadya: I agree with what you say 1000%! And kudos to you for being a fair owner and paying your employees somewhat better than I have heard of most...
My main objective in posting on this thread (my first post no less) is to shed some light on matters that some clientele may or may not be aware of ... Just because a booker seems "friendly" or they've convinced the more slow-witted of us that they are our best buddy, does not mean that good attitude will extend to to those under his or her power once the phone is hung up...
As life can prove to be full of unknown destinies; I am in a situation now, relationship-wise, with a wonderful lady... A lady that just so happened to be an active SP on the montreal scene some time ago... Being together, she no longer works in the industry and I see no other women. Period.
***And before anyone asks or sends me stupid messages asking the who/what/when... save your energy because I am saying nothing else on the subject... And NO, I will NOT name ANY agencies or refer to any of their specific incidents***
Back on topic... Some questionable practices, apparently committed by MANY agencies have come to my attention as of late. And some of these stories, I am truly disgusted and horrified... It is astounding that humans, capable of so much kindness and love, can be so easily consumed with greedy ideals and power. So much that some would put others in direct danger or exploit them to a point where they become completely broken... And all for-what I think we can all agree on-a pretty paltry sum of money all around. So unfortunately, looking the other way and dismissing any sort of ill treatment a girl may be subject to as "part of the job" or "at least she's making SOOO much $$$..." Sadly is not quite the reality many agency girls have to face...
I am very fortunate right now to be privy to an inside source. One who has educated me on some of the many foibles that these so called "big agencies" operate on. It's a bit of a sad irony; quite a few of these places that I have been told some particularly nasty stories of-seem to have made it to your guys' "Best Agency of the Year" poll ... :/
By NO means, am I accusing ALL agencies of mistreating girls. Many owners are perfectly honourable I have no doubt ...
But there those who have perhaps forgotten the correct way to treat their fellow human beings, regardless of what the work detail involves, know exactly who they are... And it will likely (hopefully) be only a matter of time before any funny buisness that an owner may find his/herself conducting will be exposed for all to see... I, for one have ZERO tolerance for anyone being mistreated in this buisness. And I certainly will not give my buisness or money to any places that I feel, will merely take it as an "A-OK, everything's still working, as long as people are still giving us money..."
I couldn't, with all conscience, place a call that could potentially lead to the continuation of any ill practices that may be going on within the agency against the girls and/or others... And, ultimately, give the perpetrator(s) no great reason to change their ways whatsoever ... Very sad and disappointing indeed...