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Montreal Escorts

How much money do the girls and the agencies make?

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Oct 20, 2011
Kind of curious. Montreal is a big city with plenty of tourists coming in for the strip clubs and escort scene here. Obviously, big events will see a much bigger dough. But during the normal days, what would a decent looking girl with decent service hope to earn? Do many girls leave because they didn't earn as much as they expected OR do they leave because they got what they wanted?


Aug 25, 2013
Depends what girl, depends what agency but the bottom line is the overwhelming majority of girls leave the business with nothing to show for it because they blow all the money as quickly as they make it..

Lily from Montreal

I agree, and I would add,how is that a concern of yours?


Oct 20, 2011
LOL I am not trying to start an agency. I was just curious with no harm intended for the girls or the agencies. It's okay if you guys don't want to disclose this information for safety reasons.


New Member
Apr 4, 2013
Hahahahahaha!!!!!! XD Average $140/hr?!? I don't know what planet that might be on, but try more like $100/hr .... And some agencies (NOT ALL) require a mandatory tip for the driver so that's already starting off with a negative amount before a girl even has her first call...

Do you guys honestly think that if an agency is charging average $160/hr, they would stay in buisness pocketing $20?

Come on... :/

Many of us don't seem to realize that many of the agencies in Montreal require the girls to sit in cars for God knows how many hours until she gets a call? And who's knows if she will be that lucky, what with average about 10 girls per agency, some girls' will be forced to sit for the whole night without earning a penny...
Plus consider the political aspect of many agencies. If the owner decides to favor a certain girl, they have the control over making sure she is well spoken for and often booked solid. However; if the owner decides that another girl deserves to be punished (sadly many times due to refusal to give any freebies to said owner) they will make damn sure to say to us clients that she is "fully booked" or "unavailable"...

And another thing that many of us often take for granted... BBBJ is considered a standard practice here; many girls who start at agencies are often told they have to perform this service or they will make no money. All things considered, I don't think anyone here honestly believes that this is the safest standard for both clients and SP's, but it is what it is... Point being that for the amount of service many of these girls' are performing, vs. how much they have at the end of the day, we ought to feel verrrrrry luck indeed...

Just wanted to clear up any misconceptions that girls' are making astronomical amounts per encounter. Montreal is known for many wonderful things; but as for SP's (at least many that are with agencies) it is by no means a good place to earn money. All of us should consider how lucky we are to have such amazing SP's at such a ridiculously low price available to us, and appreciate this gift rather that make assumptions of "how much they are worth..."

Just my 2 cents....


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I think the question is very pertinent but really, this thread can degenerate and be dangerous if names are given (Agency, SP's).

So I believe this thread should be watched closely my mods...

Why this question is of some interest to us, johns?
For me, this question came to my mind from day one, after I had an amazing GFE session by a pretty young girl...
After the session I told myself, I hope this girl has a good pay and does not give her whole money to a pimp...
When I meet a wonderfull SP that gives us so much great time, I just hope they are not exploit...

So yes, I asked this question many times to SP's, mostly to indies, who are often SP previously from agencies...

So basically you will find agencies that takes more than HALF of the amount we pay to the SP.
Some cheap Agencies that ask 140/h, leave 70/h to the girls... I know an amazing young girl that finaly left one of these crappy agencies for a bigger agency and she is now doing minimum 140/h in her pocket.

There are small agencies and pimps that profit of young new comers and junkies.

But I also saw small agencies that ask 140-180/hr for their SP's and take only 20-40 per hour. But this is very unusual.

So it really depends on many factors.

There is also a good difference in the big agencies... They usually take in average 60-80$ + Driver cover... It is quite a lot...
I believe that SP's should do some shopping among available agencies to get the best $$.


New Member
May 8, 2008
i don`t think that should be talk publique !

vous pouvez sans le vouloir mettre certaines filles
en danger avec ce genre de thread

c est pas tous le monde qui est gentil ici
ça pourrait donnera de mauvaises idées a
certaines personnes .

gan you should erase your post . you can
put some girls in danger .

I`m in total disagreement with you.

We`re in 2014 ! Companions are entitled to know how their money is invested ! I have long disclosed that I pay $150.00 + an hour and everyone
can go into the Hotel website to see how much we paid the rooms that day . It becomes an easy math . Please !
Don`t you think people haven`t figured that one out ?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Finaly, it may become an interesting thread... :D
Some price war between agencies... Who's paying better their girls...


New Member
May 8, 2008
Finaly, it may become an interesting thread... :D
Some price war between agencies... Who's paying better their girls...

UncleBob there is no war . It's a choice . And when I'm reading comments like this "" well it could be dangerous "" for self preservation ?
Simply don't leave the money in the room !!! We don't !!!
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New Member
May 8, 2008
Not to mention the fact that, chances are, this thread will reveal that the income for escorts is less than what many guys may think it is. After all, guys only see the girl for that hour -- the hour that they've paid $150-200 for. They don't see the hours that the girl doesn't have a client, or how that money is broken down. I really see no correlation between this thread and potential danger. Anyone reading the thread would already be aware of the $150-200 rate, but they wouldn't know how much of that is kept by the girl...

I concur . And also anyone alluding to "" danger "" is using a false pretense . Last year I elected to disclose how much we pay. And several others also have long before I did .


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Bin ça Mike, pas besoin de ce thread pour exposer ce danger...

On sait très bien que peu importe combien les filles font de $, elles ont une bonne paye. Certaines plus que d'autres...
Puis je crois que le danger se situe moins au niveau des SP d'agences connues que pour les SP indies des sites d'annonces.
Il s'agit de pas nommer ni d'agence, ni de filles, ni d'endroit... Garder ça général...

Ce qui m'intéresse, c'est pas combien elle font, c'est combien de ce que je paye vont réellement à elles... D'ailleurs, de le savoir, ça nous permet de guider la fille vers des agences plus "Respectueuses" de leur talent...
Moi je me gêne pas... Si je rencontre une fille qui donne un service incroyable et qui est une beauté rare et qu'elle est pour une petite agence sans nom, je lui demande combien il lui reste. Question de voir si elle est exploité un peu trop fort... Si je vois que son agence lui retient 60$ sur les 160$ que je lui donne, je vais lui dire qu'il existe d'autres agences qui garde 20 ou 40... Des fois je me fait répondre qu'elle sait qu'elle pourrait avoir mieux ailleurs mais qu'elle est satisfaite comme ça... Pour d'autres, bien, ça les intéresse...
C'est certains qu'il faut que j'aie une idée de ce que les différentes agences offrent aux filles...
Tu vas me dire que les filles ont juste à appeler les divers agences... Mais souvent elle y vont par référence d'amis(ies)... Elle ne prenne pas le temps de chercher...
Je suis certains que tu as eu des filles qui t'on appelé suite à des conseils qu'elles ont reçu de leur clients...

Alors pour moi, oui ça me regarde, car je n'aime pas qu'on exploite des filles qui nous donne du GFE et nous font sentir spécial...
J'admire Nadya qui ne cache pas cette information.
Je n'aime pas encourager les agences qui sont trop gourmandes. C'est pas un scoup. Je privilégie les agences qui sont raisonables et surout les indies des sites d'annonces...

Le seul danger selon moi, cest que des filles qui lisent merb et tombent sur ce thread, se rendent compte qu'elles se font un peu trop exploiter et aillent voir ailleur ou re-négocie avec leur employeur lol... Dans l'fond ça peut juste remettre les pendules à l'heure...

Mais de toute façon, pour répondre au OP, Ça dépend des Agences, ça dépend des filles (Qualité du service, Beauté etc...)...
Mais on peut je crois s'attendre qu'une belle fille GFE dont on demande 180 aux clients, va faire entre 90 et 140 dans ses poches dépendant des agences...


New Member
Apr 4, 2013
@Sexy Nadya: I agree with what you say 1000%! And kudos to you for being a fair owner and paying your employees somewhat better than I have heard of most...

My main objective in posting on this thread (my first post no less) is to shed some light on matters that some clientele may or may not be aware of ... Just because a booker seems "friendly" or they've convinced the more slow-witted of us that they are our best buddy, does not mean that good attitude will extend to to those under his or her power once the phone is hung up...

As life can prove to be full of unknown destinies; I am in a situation now, relationship-wise, with a wonderful lady... A lady that just so happened to be an active SP on the montreal scene some time ago... Being together, she no longer works in the industry and I see no other women. Period.

***And before anyone asks or sends me stupid messages asking the who/what/when... save your energy because I am saying nothing else on the subject... And NO, I will NOT name ANY agencies or refer to any of their specific incidents***

Back on topic... Some questionable practices, apparently committed by MANY agencies have come to my attention as of late. And some of these stories, I am truly disgusted and horrified... It is astounding that humans, capable of so much kindness and love, can be so easily consumed with greedy ideals and power. So much that some would put others in direct danger or exploit them to a point where they become completely broken... And all for-what I think we can all agree on-a pretty paltry sum of money all around. So unfortunately, looking the other way and dismissing any sort of ill treatment a girl may be subject to as "part of the job" or "at least she's making SOOO much $$$..." Sadly is not quite the reality many agency girls have to face...

I am very fortunate right now to be privy to an inside source. One who has educated me on some of the many foibles that these so called "big agencies" operate on. It's a bit of a sad irony; quite a few of these places that I have been told some particularly nasty stories of-seem to have made it to your guys' "Best Agency of the Year" poll ... :/

By NO means, am I accusing ALL agencies of mistreating girls. Many owners are perfectly honourable I have no doubt ...
But there those who have perhaps forgotten the correct way to treat their fellow human beings, regardless of what the work detail involves, know exactly who they are... And it will likely (hopefully) be only a matter of time before any funny buisness that an owner may find his/herself conducting will be exposed for all to see... I, for one have ZERO tolerance for anyone being mistreated in this buisness. And I certainly will not give my buisness or money to any places that I feel, will merely take it as an "A-OK, everything's still working, as long as people are still giving us money..."
I couldn't, with all conscience, place a call that could potentially lead to the continuation of any ill practices that may be going on within the agency against the girls and/or others... And, ultimately, give the perpetrator(s) no great reason to change their ways whatsoever ... Very sad and disappointing indeed... :(


New Member
Apr 4, 2013
Ahhh reading through some responses now, I see a few people have already made some of the points that I touched on in my last post ... Well I agree wholeheartedly with anyone who already stated them and seeing this certainly does give one hope... :)


Apr 29, 2012
on the border
"Point being that for the amount of service many of these girls' are performing, vs. how much they have at the end of the day, we ought to feel verrrrrry luck indeed..."

You open my yes LDD... yes we are so lucky, the SP price in Montreal is a borderline charity. Consider this, today I paid my dentist $300 for ½ hour job and not even CBJ in return, nothing! And these ugly girls in the burger place don’t even show tits and you have to tip them! I am even ashamed of myself charging $100 per hour for the technical service without even proposing to blow my clients (oh wait, sometimes I kiss them in the ass but this really personal :)). The lawyers are the worst, ask EB, his clients are ready to suck his dick and he charges them over the roof...
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