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how much would you tip


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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You go to a nice sit down restaurant, the waitress brings you over some water, fills your coffee, brings you a drink. Then brings out an appitizer. Refills your coffee, water etc. Takes your order. Brings out your food. Comes back, cleans off your plates. Brings out dessert. Brings out final check. Say your looking at 20 bucks. I'd tip easily 15 to 20%.

Other option, I order a pizza by phone. Person takes the call, person makes the pizza. Then they hand it off to you to deliver. Do you give them a cut of your tips? Doubtfull. If I order one pie you probably get a buck, if I order 2 i'd probably give you 2 bucks. If you want 15% come back after the game and clean up the mess, then i'll give you a fiver.


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
I always tip $5 or 15% whichever is higher. For me there must be a good reason to order any kind of food delivery. I have worked for tips most of my life. If I don't have the extra money for a tip, I get off my fat ass and I go out and get it myself.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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UHGL said:
I always tip $5 or 15% whichever is higher. For me there must be a good reason to order any kind of food delivery. I have worked for tips most of my life. If I don't have the extra money for a tip, I get off my fat ass and I go out and get it myself.

So your saying if you order a $10 dollar pizza your going to tip $5 on top of that? Just how much do you guys pay for a pizza anyway? Where I live, they don't run more than 13 for a delux pizza. And with the way things are going now, can't see an increase in pizza ordering.


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
breadman said:
So your saying if you order a $10 dollar pizza your going to tip $5 on top of that? Just how much do you guys pay for a pizza anyway? Where I live, they don't run more than 13 for a delux pizza. And with the way things are going now, can't see an increase in pizza ordering.

Las Vegas, in general is a horrible Pizza town. To make any kind of bread, you first need great water...... Vegas has the nastiest water in America! The Pizza that I order, a large with 2 toppings(Pepperoni & Mushroom), runs $16. I normally give the guy $21. It is not even close to the best pizza ever, but I do live in BFE, and there are only a few Pizza places that even delivery to my part of town.

For the most part, if I feel like having pizza, I make a drive to either Costco(they use frozen crust & best low priced pizza) or BJ's Brewery(a California chain, that makes a nice thick, almost raw crusted pizza) or the new New York Pizza place that has lines out the door & a large will run $20.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
breadman said:
with the way things are going now, can't see an increase in pizza ordering.

I'm good friends with a pizza parlor owner and he says despite the failing

economy his business has surprisingly gone up! Pizza is a cheap alternative

to going out to a restaurant.


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
I tip about $3 on a $20 Pizza. I usualy call and order then pick it up myself on the way home. Nothing worse than getting a pizza that has been on a 30 minute tour of the city street. The difference in taste of a 10 minute old pizza and a 30 - 40 minute old pizza is immense.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
Visit site
UNIVAC said:
I tip about $3 on a $20 Pizza. I usualy call and order then pick it up myself on the way home.

Tipping on take out? Never throw good money after a bad habit. This just goes to show that there's too much tipping going on...and expected from people whose job doesn't warrant a tip (not the delivery drivers). Its the people who put out the tip jars that say "tips are appreciated"...and they're the owners of the establishment taking your $20 bucks that cost them 3 bucks to make...then taking that 3 dollar tip you threw on top of that.
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