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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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My buddy has a second date with the girl he met on SA tonight. He will incur usual date costs (dinner, gift, drinks etc.) but not hotel. If he fucks her it will be at his place or hers. These girls actually want to be treated like girlfriends and if he tried to go to a hotel it would likely "hookerize" the girl in her eyes.

My buddy and I are planning to chat tomorrow morning and then meet at his place so I can surf the website some more and then decide if I want to pay the $70. And just to clarify it is $70 for one month not per month- it is a non recurring transaction. He told me you can purchase 3 or 6 months at lower monthly rates but $70 is the fee for one month.

I may do it but not til the end of October because I have something planned in NYC next weekend and then I will be in Montreal in a few weeks. The current roster in Connecticut has 5-6 girls who look like interesting prospects. Stefano a big advantage is seeing actual pics of the girls and reading their bios. It cuts down substantially on the research. Reading those bios I feel like I have very good reads on these girls. It is a real smorgasbord of women mostly in their 20s but also 30s and Cougars. Looks like something for everyone and again the notion that you need to be a millionaire is bullshit. You need a good income and the ability to negotiate and talk to women and nothing else. Me and my friend are just regular guys, although we are both smart and make solid incomes and know how to talk with these confident young women who are aggressively seeking financial security in a society which somewhat beats women down as far as financial opportunity. I look at it as a challenge and the "I don't make enough money" attitude is a cop out for those who do not have good social and communicating skills. And that is a fact.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Seems lie it is worth a shot anyway? Paying all the extras for dinner and gifts would not be too bad if you like her company? I don't see how a hotel hookerizes anything. In fact, it may be a good thing to meet on neutral turf.

You have a lot of something that she needs She has something that you want...a match made in heaven I think.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hungry I suppose it would depend on the girl but I know for a fact that all 3 girls my friend fucked were at his place. If you were on a real date would you go to a hotel? If the girl knows you are single and not sneaking around on a wife I think that is a tough call. You could make up a wife but then if the relationship goes well and you get close your lie eventually gets exposed. You have to really think it through but I think a hotel in most cases would hookerize the girl. These girls do not want to be made to feel like they are pros ever.


Nov 12, 2007
It almost sounds like the site would work fine if you are reasonably attractive and are willing to throw cash around... the sort of person who should have no problem getting laid without the site.

Not so much for the person who wants to trade money for an ongoing relationship though, who might lack the looks, charm and status to get some on his own.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Hungry I suppose it would depend on the girl but I know for a fact that all 3 girls my friend fucked were at his place. If you were on a real date would you go to a hotel? If the girl knows you are single and not sneaking around on a wife I think that is a tough call. You could make up a wife but then if the relationship goes well and you get close your lie eventually gets exposed. You have to really think it through but I think a hotel in most cases would hookerize the girl. These girls do not want to be made to feel like they are pros ever.

Beav, why don't you try out the site since you are a bachelor and tell us your experiences?

It would be interesting to know exactly what you find. I have a feeling that girls are all over the map with these sort of websites and so are their demands and expectations.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I intend to try it but not to the end of October as I am busy until then.

My buddy had a great second date last night. Kissing and foreplay etc., to be continued.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Before becoming an escort I tried, but did not have any luck finding anyone serious. Most of the guys seemed to think it was just another dating site and did not understand the sugardaddie concept.

My best ever example of a bad date - went for drinks downtown with this one guy, he actually seemed decent, so when he offered me a ride home i accepted. He pulled over in an alley halfway there and demanded a blowjob. When I refused he insisted on jerking off, I ended up leaving and having to walk 3 blocks until I could find a cab to get home. Class act, lol.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think what you say is true of all sugar daddy websites. My friend's date told him last night she was disappointed with who she met prior to my friend. She said there were a lot of creepy guys, poor social skills, demanding nude photos. In other words a lack of class and social skills. Also there are likely guys who register for that site who don't have a pot to piss in. I think the Sugar Babies figure out who the fakers are after one date. As we discussed if you make a lady feel cheap or like a tramp she will back off. For many guys it is difficult to present themselves as normal and not in a hurry to have sex. They want to push the envelope and that is not what the ladies want. They want this to be a slow progression like actual dates are. My friend is using this "organic" approach (his word) and it is working.

To be continued.......I will report back in early November or so. I already have things lined up the next 3 weekends so SA will have to wait.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I saw that Ling show on the CNN website but did not watch. I assumed it was the usual judgmental BS and you confirmed this perception.

I think the guys on Seeking Arrangement know that it is quasi prostitution. My friend told me that the website has a built in censoring function which edits the word sex out of any postings on the site. My friend told me he had several posts rejected due to using language or terms that were sexual.

However he knows that it is quasi prostitution and in the end it is money for sexual favors. I think the women know it too but the website allows the illusion of seeking a more permanent relationship with men of means.

My friend and I both like the social aspect of women. There are many hobbyists here on MERB that are essentially "wham bam and thank you Ma'am" types. They book one hour and they want to be fucked one hour. Ok nothing wrong with that, but that is just not who I am CR. I like dinner dates and I like conversation and wine and maybe a movie. I enjoy the social aspect of being with women. I enjoy banter and flirting and teasing. SA offers the opportunity to do all of this at rates that do not reach what market HDH would cost. It is some time but I been on this website and I am telling you I honed all of Connecticut down to 5 or 6 prospects I would email in 30 minutes. That is less time than I would spend researching reviews on MERB. Have you been on the SA website?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Regrettably there is much truth in what you say. However, you are generalizing a bit and it is very clear from my friend's experience that if you watch the registration dates on SA and catch girls that are young and new, they don't know the value of their ass, and you will pay exactly what you used to (or less!) for the action. It's just going to take a little more time and effort.

But there is one HUGE advantage in SA which is this: instead of calling an outcall agency and getting a girl you haven't seen real pics of and no fuck all about, on SA you can see exactly what you are getting in pics and in the girl's own words. As I mentioned previously, due to my experience level in the hobby, I perused 50-60 profiles of women and had culled out 5 or 6 legit prospects who I know I can negotiate with based on pic's and girls' own bios, in 30 minutes. That is less time than I would search for an escort on MERB, whom I won't know what she looks or talks like. The advantage is HUGE. Again, based on experience level, I can read between the lines on the girls's bios and what they are looking for and I know a girl who is open to negotiation from what she has written. With all due respect to Reverdy that $1000-$3000 per month stuff is probably a few girls on the site but it is a starting, not ending point in negotiations. The vast amount of girls are nowhere near that territory. You guys are making generalizations and conclusions which are simply not correct in some, and maybe most cases.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Just an update: my buddy who you guys met at GG3 had full service his 3rd and 4th dates for $200 each date. The girl is hot college coed here in Connecticut on full academic scholly. Black girl, very attractive, GND, sexually inexperienced he tells me but really open and comfortable with him. My buddy has me over every Christmas and he and the girl are already talking about preparing dinner together for Christmas. So I will probably meet her soon.

My buddy let me on SA through his account again. Lots of other good prospects in Connecticut. I will join but not right now as I have too much planned the next few weekends.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I wonder if you go into it with a line like "I will help you with your rent" ... you are committing yourself to the entire rent, or she may live in an area where rent is not expensive, like under $1000 per month, you can hold the expenses down. You could also float the idea she can share herself between a few guys, no more than 3 at one time ever and they need to be respectable guys, no drugs, etc.
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