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how the law enforcement near NYC treat johns in a prostitution sting


Dec 15, 2013
He's right.... only amateur or fools fall for these things ..... kinda like the guy that buys a 2013 Benz S500 for 10K .... its impossible.....

And the sting was in Nassau NY ... NYC made up of Kings Queens..Richmond New York Bronx

Nassau is its own ... NYC vice rarely does stings as rare as hailey comet.

NYC market is higher but not that extreme. hahahaha

**give you a perfect example if i'm in Montreal and some HOT chick off street offers me sex/ street action/ hints at me id tell her "I don't do such things" and tell her " get thee to a nunnery" 1 I aint a local 2 . this is how people get robbed and killed 3. I aint a local ***** so much fucking downside


Dec 15, 2013
not 3 days.. its constant showing up..
I have never been arrested mind you but I have had people arrested or knew people that got arrested . DWI ... guys dumb polish fool

They rrest you. book you... see a judge next day hopefully and you plea not guilty.... 1 day
you go back and talk to to DA ... DA goes plea guilty you'll get probation .. you go no i'm a dr i'll lose my license ... you go i'll get an attorney ... DA goes I can't deny you council come back 3 months later day 2
hire attorney for like 1500.00 , go back and hash out a deal but they stall day 3 (9mths later)
go back you get a good deal ... 3K in lawyer fees up in smoke day 4 (1 year later)
I can drag this thing on for 2 years if you want .... go back to sign deal and you tell DA you changed attorneys DAY 5 (50 years later )

wheels of justice moves but very slow.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This is an issue outside the criminal realm as well. Although I am licensed in New York I am not a criminal attorney and not sure exactly of the procedure, but usually one can file post trial motions like motions for articulation to get a Judge to explain his or her reasoning. It's a also possible to file, I believe, a motion to set aside the verdict based on the evidence, and when that is denied, request articulation for the denial. There are also various motions that can be filed to preserve or create a record for appeal. These can all be done under Connecticut practice.

The DA is a political animal and is just trying to get her name out in the press. There was another DA in New York, ultimately disgraced because her husband was a crook, by the name of Jeannine Pirro. Alan Dershowitz called her a "media whore." Unfortunately this is the culture of the DAs in NYC. In the US Attorney's office it is very similar. They are all posturing for high paying jobs at white collar defense firms. One of my best friends is an FBI agent in NYC and he said all the young US attorneys are pussies who are afraid to try cases. Instead they strike deals with the top white collar defense firms rather than piss them off and lose lucrative, 6 figure job opportunities. You guys have to understand a bit the behind the scenes politics of this milieu. Personal agendas are at work much of the time.

In my civil practice it happens all the time that I give an opposing attorney a break on one case and he returns the favor on the next case. In one case my firm blew the deadline on filing a jury claim and the case was assigned to a courtside trial with a Judge. I happen to know the attorney on the other side and had many cases with him and asked him as a favor to consent to a motion to put the case on the jury docket. He consented and I got someone at my firm off the hook for a bad mistake, because the client gave us marching orders to file a jury claim and the jury claim deadline was missed, plus it was 100% a case that should have been before a jury from our side. This is how it works in our community. What goes around comes around in the legal profession and everyone in it knows it.
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