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How to get Viagra in MTL?


New Member
Apr 22, 2006
Not to be used by those without erectile disfunction

Hi Guys,

One of my buddies is a doctor and basically whats extremely important to remember about these types of drugs is that they should be used by those that CAN NOT get an erection. The problem is that many men in their 20s; 30s & 40s use this drug as a way to be better lovers (the superman complex), to hold an erection longer which this type of drug does. When you can normal get an erection the long term effect of drugs such as Viagra are horrible. Basically as stated early, what this drug does is release a greater blood flow to the tissue in the penis which allows men (usually in their 60s & 70s) whom cannnot get an erection to get one. Now this is the scary part, for men who normally get an erection and take these drugs, the efffect is the same, meaning the drug releases a greater blood flow to the tissue in the penis which gives you an erection, but since there is no erectile disfunction that excess blood eats away at the tissue in the penis and with long term use of these drugs the tissue in the penis of a man without erectile disfunction will cease to exist and render the penis non-functional and unrepairable. Once the tissue in the penis has been eaten up by the excess blood flow, there is no drugs or surgery that can repair the penis, it will be DEAD.


If you feel that you achive orgasms to quickly or have a premature ejaculation, there are natural physical and mental excersises that can help you.

My buddy the doc told me 70% of men that use this drug shouldn't be on it and are mostly men in their 20s & 30s, they simply go see a doctor and lie about their erectal disfunction because they want to stay hard longer, again the "I'm Superman in bed syndrome". The long term side effects of drugs like Viagra are terrible and non-reversable, so think about that b4 popping the blue pill, just to impress some chic and definetly be honest with your doctor and have him explain all the effects of these drugs.

I personally have not and will not take these drugs, I love sex and want to keep having it for a long long time.

New York

Dec 19, 2004
How to order Viagra by mail ? Which site ?


I received dozens of emails about ordering Viagra, Cialis by email. Sites from simple RX, aaameds, aaaRx, etc...

Which site is the most reliable, the best in delivery and pricing ?

Anybody who has experience in this mail ordering please share your experience here.


Not so active long time member
Apr 6, 2005

I ordered generic Viagra (same thing at a cheaper price) there about 4 months ago. It took them about 6 weeks just to process my order. They claimed they’ve had a problem with their system. After the order is processed, it took 7 to 14 business days to be delivered.

The generics I ordered are shipped from India. Their laws do not prevent them from manufacturing generic drugs right away. THEY understood that drug companies are making way too much profit on our behalf.

As it took about 2 months to get the deeds, I didn’t waste time and ordered some more right away but I decided to try another site.

Their prices are higher, but shipping is included so it’s about the same thing as the other one.

The package was delivered much faster.

However, a friend of mine tried ordering from them a little bit after I did and suffered the same delays I had with After numerous emails and calls, they ended up saying that regulations had changed and that they were allowed to ship generics to Canada anymore. My friend cancelled the order, relying on my own supply ;-)

I got worried about this so I contacted to check if they were in the same position. They told me that they still ship generics to Canada so I placed an order. This time, it was processed right on the next day, but it hasn’t been shipped yet. It’s been less than a week so I’m not worried yet.

Also, I might just be an impression, but I think I noticed a slight difference in the efficiency of the medication from my two orders. I have the feeling that the pills from have a slightly weaker effect than those from However, this might just be my imagination.

On a final note, if you decided to try Viagra on your own, without talking about it to your doctor first (as I did), I strongly advice you read all the information you can get before you try it. A good starting point is Wikipedia’s article found here:

I personally don’t need Viagra, but I use it on a recreational basis, when I’m planning to have an especially intense evening. After reading the various articles I found, I decided to start with a 50mg dose, which is just perfect for me. The effects are incredible. It’s like being 20 years old again. Now I have to refrain myself and keep this for special occasions :)

I’m neither a physician nor a pharmacist, so take this with a grain of salt. Neither nor required a prescription to place an order. So read, get as much information as you can to know what you’re getting into and use your judgment. If in doubt, go see your doctor.

Hope this helps.
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Mr President

New Member
Mar 28, 2006
USA, Cali
About me....

Well, I am a young man, 25 yrs old, FULLY functionnal and let me tell you, time is an independant variable with me. I can usually hump for an hour or two straight up without cumming.

Out of curiosity, i wanted to try this viagra thing and wanted to know what the fuss was about.

Conclusion: It never felt so weird: not to be excited and to have a hard on on was a totally....weird feeling.

To repeat? No

To repeat if im 70 and want to hump? Yes.

so if youre in youre 20's and you can still hump.....Just do it(Nike). Dont take any shit. Stay drug free..speed and X included. All drugs are bad even prescription drugs.



New Member
Aug 22, 2006
Surely there must be some enterprising soul in Montreal who could get Viagra, yes? If so please PM me. Thx.


New Member
Aug 22, 2006
Viagra/Cialis Fast in MTL?

I've read a few post on the availability of ED drugs in Canada. What they seem to imply is that there is no fast (next day) way to get pills in Canada, is this true? All the websites I went to were weeks+ for delivery. PM me if you prefer.



New Member
Aug 22, 2006
Mod 6 said:
How many times do you need to ask the same question? in so many threads?
Mod 6

I asked in the Lounge because that seemed the obvious place to ask. The topic does not seem to be appropriate for the Escort 411 forum since it is not a request for information on a particular escort. No need to be disrespectful.



Feb 24, 2005
kkelso said:
The topic does not seem to be appropriate for the Escort 411 forum since it is not a request for information on a particular escort.

He have a point! this topic is not related to the escort business in general.

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