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How to Report a Website to their Host Server


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
The last time I communicated with Fred about issues with a website/blog, he suggested that I contact their host server.

When you have legitimate legal issues with an Industry Website or Blog, the first step is to try contacting the Administrator to resolve the problem.

All legitimate Escort Ad websites and Review Boards provide a method for you to contact them, so look through the site links to find an email, PM or contact form. Some forums also have a ‘Report Post’ feature that you can use to report problematic content.

Check to see if they have a ‘Terms of Use’ policy or ‘Site Guidelines’ posted, so you can refer to the exact text that applies to your situation and ask them to abide by their own rules, if your legal rights have been violated.

For websites where the offenses have been committed by the Administrators and Moderators you would normally report to, or when dealing with bogus websites that steal content from legit sites, you can report those websites to their host server.

To find the Host Server:



New Member
Mar 15, 2012
0 is a popular host for Industry websites, so I’ll explain their Reporting Process.

To Report Problematic Content on websites hosted by

You can contact them by Email, and use the online report forms provided.

Registrar Abuse Contact Email: [email protected]

They have a Support Center page where you can report things like Inappropriate Content, Phishing, Spam, Copyright/Trademark Infringement, Abuse/Harassment or a Blocked IP Address.

Please submit issues regarding the abuse of our services including, but not limited to; illegal activity, the exploitation of children, spam, phishing and malware. We also have zero tolerance for spam activity as outlined in our Anti-Spam Policy. We review all complaints for validity and will take appropriate action, and as part of our investigation it may also be necessary for us to corroborate your complaint with our customer.

Inappropriate Content

Please select the option that best describes what you would like to report.

  • I have found material on a site that promotes, encourages or engages in child exploitation or abuse of children
  • Disturbing Imagery, Violence, etc.
  • I wish to report questionable pharmacy content on a website
  • I have come across content that displays personal information such as a social security number or credit card number

Please select the option that best describes what you would like to report. If you are unsure of what selection you should make, please review our What is Phishing help article before proceeding.

  • I have received an email requesting personal information
  • I wish to report a website that is posing as another website

Please select the option that best describes what you would like to report. If you are unsure of what selection you should make, please review our What is Spam help article before proceeding.

  • I received unsolicited email
  • I received an unsolicited text or SMS message
  • I wish to report unsolicited comments on a forum, blog or in an instant message

Copyright/Trademark Infringement
Someone copied your content

To review our Trademark Policy policy and access a form for submitting a complaint concerning Copyright/Trademark Infringement, please click here.

Report slander, libel, defamation, etc.

GoDaddy does not allow illegal content on our customer's websites. However, as a hosting provider, it is not our place to determine if the site you have mentioned is actually engaging in illegal activities. If you suspect any of our customers are using their website to engage in any illegal activities, please help us by contacting your local law enforcement agency, and request them to investigate this situation. Please refer to our Universal Terms of Service Agreement for specifics on our policies.

Blocked IP
You Need an IP Address Unblocked

Click here to access the IP Address Unblock Request form.


You acknowledge and agree that:1. Your use of this Site and the Services , including any content you submit, will comply with this Agreement and all applicable local, state, national and international laws, rules and regulations.
2. You will not collect or harvest (or permit anyone else to collect or harvest) any User Content (as defined below) or any non-public or personally identifiable information about another User or any other person or entity without their express prior written consent.
3. You will not use this Site or the Services in a manner (as determined by GoDaddy in its sole and absolute discretion) that:
• Is illegal, or promotes or encourages illegal activity;
• Promotes, encourages or engages in child pornography or the exploitation of children;
• Promotes, encourages or engages in terrorism, violence against people, animals, or property;
• Promotes, encourages or engages in any spam or other unsolicited bulk email, or computer or network hacking or cracking;
• Violates the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008 or similar legislation, or promotes, encourages or engages in the sale or distribution of prescription medication without a valid prescription;
• Infringes on the intellectual property rights of another User or any other person or entity;
• Violates the privacy or publicity rights of another User or any other person or entity, or breaches any duty of confidentiality that you owe to another User or any other person or entity;

GoDaddy generally does not pre-screen User Content (whether posted to a website hosted by GoDaddy or posted to this Site). However, GoDaddy reserves the right (but undertakes no duty) to do so and decide whether any item of User Content is appropriate and/or complies with this Agreement. GoDaddy may remove any item of User Content (whether posted to a website hosted by GoDaddy or posted to this Site) and/or terminate a User’s access to this Site or the Services found at this Site for posting or publishing any material in violation of this Agreement, or for otherwise violating this Agreement (as determined by GoDaddy in its sole and absolute discretion), at any time and without prior notice. GoDaddy may also terminate a User’s access to this Site or the Services found at this Site if GoDaddy has reason to believe the User is a repeat offender. If GoDaddy terminates your access to this Site or the Services found at this Site, GoDaddy may, in its sole and absolute discretion, remove and destroy any data and files stored by you on its servers.


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
I've ***** board and Admin names in this post but I'm sure some of you know which one I'm referring to.

Are you tired of being used and abused by the administrators, moderators & members on *****?

Do you want to report what ***** and/or his members have done to you, or to someone else?

If you have screenshots or Word files containing evidence of offensive content/activity on *****, you can report it by sending an email to, their host server located in the Netherlands.

***** has already been reported, and WorldStream has investigated and contacted him about the offensive content. The more people that report him, the more likely they will take action.

This is the email address to send your report:

[email protected]

This is an example of the type of email a lawyer would send, and similar to the email that WorldStream already responded to.

You can edit it to suit your situation.


WorldStream Internet Solutions


Rick Vollebregt

Abuse Department - WorldStream B.V

I am writing in regards to offensive/illegal content on a website that is hosted by your company.

The website is ***** , owned and Administrated by a man known as ‘*****’.

After researching your Terms of Service, I believe this is the clause that applies to the content I’m reporting:

5. Without prejudice to the specification in Article 4.4, WorldStream B.V. is entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect and without judicial intervention if:

- The client makes improper use of the Internet

- The client disseminates information that conflicts with national or international laws and regulations

- The client disseminates information that conflicts with generally accepted standards and values

- The client disseminates information that is discriminatory with regard to appearance, race, religion, gender, culture, or ethnicity, or that can be deemed offensive in any other way.

I have included evidence of recent offensive content posted in their public discussion forum/chat box. Some of the content has already been deleted, but screenshots/copies are included to demonstrate a repeated pattern of unacceptable behaviour by the owner and his members.

I have evidence suggesting/proving that ***** administrators, moderators and members have engaged in the following on their public forum:

  • Uttering threats, threats of bodily harm, and death threats
  • Mocking the abduction of a toddler and the amber alert issued by the RCMP
  • Encouraging and counseling someone to kill themselves
  • Making accusations of members luring, raping, pimping and trafficking young girls
  • Setting up fake appointments, making fake hotel reservations, placing fake food orders, etc. to intentionally cause personal/business, financial/legal difficulties for their members
  • Threatening to post confidential member info on if suspected of multiple handles
  • Outing/posting personal confidential information of their members including real names, email and IP addresses
  • Posting members private messages, confidential emails and reported posts publicly
  • Cyberbullying and harassment
  • Making malicious defamatory statements about members
  • Hacking into member accounts to access private messages and impersonate them when posting
  • Extorting and threatening to ‘out’ member’s personal information and deliberately harm their personal or business reputation, if they don’t pay money and agree to their demands
  • Intentionally and frequently violating their own site rules, with malicious intent towards their members

I respectfully request that you investigate my complaint.

I request that this website be taken offline as it is clearly in violation of your Terms of Service.

I request that he be reported to the proper authorities if you think there’s enough evidence to warrant having serious crimes investigated.

I have been personally victimized by the owner of this website and am contemplating legal action.


(you can use a fake name or your work/board handle)

NOTE: Copy and paste your evidence into the body of your email, or use a file transfer service to send it, by including the link to the uploaded files in your email.

WorldStream can't accept email attachments, so they recommend this easy-to-use file transfer service:

If you wish to take legal action against *****, give WorldStream's contact info to your lawyer:

There’s a contact form on this webpage:

If you want to send them a letter by post, or call them:

WorldStream Internet Solutions

P.O. Box 223


The Netherlands

Datacenter / Office

Industriestraat 24


The Netherlands

Call: +31 (0) 174 - 712 117 (mo-fr 10.00 - 17.00 CEST)

Abuse: [email protected]

Their Terms of Service:

This is the clause that applies to the content you're reporting:

5. Without prejudice to the specification in Article 4.4, WorldStream B.V. is entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect and without judicial intervention if:
- The client makes improper use of the Internet

- The client disseminates information that conflicts with national or international laws and regulations

- The client disseminates information that conflicts with generally accepted standards and values

- The client disseminates information that is discriminatory with regard to appearance, race, religion, gender, culture, or ethnicity, or that can be deemed offensive in any other way.


This means if you can provide sufficient evidence to prove that an online crime has been committed, they will require him to delete the content, or risk having his website taken offline. If he doesn’t comply, they can immediately remove the website without requiring a court order, cease and desist letter, or the involvement of Law Enforcement.

Spread the word and ask others to report the content. The more reports the Host Server receives, the more likely they are to take you seriously and act quickly.

Please share this information with anyone you think might be interested.


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
I won't mention names here either, but the next time you see an inappropriate blog link posted/spammed on the boards, follow these instructions:

How to Report Inappropriate Content on Blogger

Click on 'More' at the top left corner of the Blog page.

Select 'Report Abuse' from the dropdown menu.

Report inappropriate content

Report a blog violation

If you believe that you've found a blog that violates our
Terms of Service and/or
Blogger Content Policy, select the abuse type below to access the relevant contact form.

  • Legal issues
  • Regulated drugs
  • Hate speech, violent or crude content
  • Harassment
  • Spam, phishing, or malware
  • Nudity
  • Posting of private information (credit card numbers, private nude images, etc.)
  • Impersonation

Please note that although Blogger provides content-creation tools, we don't mediate content.

  • We allow our users to create blogs, but we don't make any claims about the content of these pages.
  • We believe strongly in freedom of expression, even if a blog contains unappealing or distasteful content or presents unpopular viewpoints.
  • In cases where contact information for the author is listed on the blog, we recommend that you work directly with this person to have the content in question removed or changed.

We won't remove the following types of posts unless we have a court order:

  • Parody or satire of individuals
  • Distasteful imagery or language
  • Political or social commentary

Blogger takes violations seriously

After careful review, Blogger may take these steps:

  • Remove content
  • Place a content warning page before content deemed offensive, harmful, or dangerous
  • Notify the authors and admins by email, a message on their Blogger dashboard, or both
  • Post a message that the content has been removed
  • Provide a link to a copy of the removal notice


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
I recently found out that the attorney I consulted with several years ago about how Internet Law could be applied to our industry forums, now works as legal counsel for the city of Vancouver and co-authored a book about Canada's anti-spam laws mentioned in the post above.

Way to go Andrew! :clap2: (He gave me permission to post his name here.)
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