In french about street gang and sex businesses
I cant read French but thats OK. I watch Joy Behart today and they were talking about under aged prostitution and how the pimps trick youn girls into prostitution by nowing exactly what to say. And the John's will will exploit them for 400$/hour. These woman are exploaited at every turn. Oh bullshit. Is there no personal responsibility? Sure these guys are silver tounge devils but come on. The last girl I was with is 26 and does this to make money. We actually went out on a date-date with no maney involved. She told me her life story. She's been working for a few years and even tried to put together an agency. She said she likes meeting people and she likes the $$$. She said some girls like the money but not the sex and they don't last. It's about making the maximum amount of cash for the least amount of work so they can buy stuff.
I still say I'm the one's that exploited due to my addiction. I will have to work another year or two to make up for all the pussy I have purchased.
Maybe the sponsers of Joy's show and all the commercialism are to blame?