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Hunnysnak wants your input! ;)

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New Member
Dec 23, 2010
Ok boys, I've been hearing from clients that a lot of gentlemen are unhappy with the quality and service in the industry. So, please read & send me your thoughts / considerations!

I am opening a massage parlor and would love to hear feedback on what you would like to see or change. I am going to start small and concentrate on quality, and i want you to know that I plan on taking your suggestions and implementing them (ok maybe not all;) )
*I want to create a service geared towards the client, & believe proper training and ettiquette will create better industry standards. I plan on having a fidelity program in place as well. I've been doing a lot of reading and have seen that there is a demand for parties and I plan on offering that as well. As soon as I have everything set up, I will organize a special soiree to let all my favorite gentlemen meet all my future proteges. So let's get this party started and who knows maybe I just might get motivated enough to offer free sessions to the best ideas ;)


Nominem meum Nemo est
What to avoid

Hi Hunnysnak
Read this poll taken on merb last spring, you will get a good idea of what to avoid.
best of luck with your venture

Which do you think is the deadliest sin of all for a Massage Parlor ?
I think it is time to wrap up this poll.
With 60 answers, it is quite representative of the clientele wishes and desires.
All you massage parlor owners, managers and operators sould know what will keep us away, and will keep us from returning to your place of pleasure:

Deadly sin No.1 @ 33% : Filth, dirt, odors

Keep the towels clean and showers sparkling,
and we will be back, for more drooling
Do the opposite, it'll make us sick,
and keep you away from our dick

Deadly sin No. 2 @ 22% : Hidden cams

Second only to our cleanliness,
We value our privacy, more than your business
And some of us dread being exposed butt naked,
Flagpole up on the Web, to be seen by wify & kid

Deadly sin No. 3 @ 17% : Bait & switch

WYSYWYG should be your rule.
Lure us in showing bonita Juanita,
And then try to sell us Aunt Jemima,
Will make us puke, and cry fowl

Deadly sin No. 4 @ 12 % : Overcharging

Greed may be the way to fast bucks,
But it makes us feel like schmucks
And it will keep you from getting repeat customers,
The ones that make you the real money with their boners

Deadly sin No. 5 @ 10 % : Shorting on time

This hour has 22 minutes is funny for a TV show.
But in a parlor, for a massage, an hour has 60 minutes,
with the girl, in the room, any wich way you spin it
Anything else is tantamount to stealing our dough.

Deadly sin No. 6 @ 5% : Male receptionist
Most of us don't find this so repulsive as to stay oudoor
But we do prefer a hot looking lady to greet us at the door
and fantacise of getting a massage
from her, even if it is only a mirage

Deadly sin No. 7 @ 2% : Rapid turn over of the girls

We do not mind new girls everytime we come in
For a parlor to do so, will make most of us grin
But going back to a regular favorite,
Is, for some, the best way to do it.


New Member
Nov 10, 2011
Ladies that can actually give a massage.
ISIS would be a good place to mimic.


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
I am by far more of an SP guy than MP guy. When I am in the mood for a massage, I almost exclusively look for Indy's as I like the private atmosphere, the more personal feel and the generally lower rates. Here is my take:

1. A nice looking place goes a long way. Old, cold, skanky looking places won't bring me back. Nice lighting and modern atmosphere is good. Nice showers too. Depending on obvious factors, a mattress option is always nice. And a good one, not one that was taken out of the garbage. Relaxing, meditative music is always good.

2. The girls are friendly and smile, chatty at beginning, but not too much during massage. Trying to make men feel comfortable. People like to go where they feel welcomed.

3. Skills. I mean that's what really will create regulars. Good strong massage skills and for me HJ skills are very important. Not mechanical, or too rough and fast :nono: Good teasing and erotic build-up. Good variation of technique. Ball play. And a sense that she is turned on by what she is doing. Here is an excellent free site on some good techniques. It should be mandatory for all MPs

I like when there is a massage for 30 mins, then a 15 min or so HJ, followed by a 15 min cool down massage. This allows me to have a nice drawn out finish, without worrying about the clock.

4. Obviously, nice looking girls, young and mature, with nice bodies are great for thai or just visual stimulation.

5. If the quality is good and rates are kept lower, word will get out. Don't underestimate the power of your place being labelled best value, whenever a random newbie posts where can I go for the best massage/HJ at a reasonable rate.

6. People like to feel special and you should reward regulars and loyal customers with some sort of promotion. There is a hell of a lot of competition to go to, so let guys know you appreciate their business.

7. Unfortuneately you retired just before I knew of you, but if you were to work as well, now that's an incentive right there lol :nod:

Good luck!


Aug 30, 2009
The poll mentioned by Nemo is here: SEVEN DEADLY SINS for an MP -

The following thread also has lots of good info: What Do you Men Like During A Massage? -

These two threads along with ManApart`s post above pretty well covers it. The only things I can think of to add, if they have not already been mentioned are:

- The possibility to shower together prior to the massage, possibly after having undressed each other
- Reverse massages
- Specialty massages available, such as Nuru and Tantra

Regarding the fee structure, a salon usually has 1 of 3 possible fee structures:
1. Room fee + menu options
2. All-inclusive fee, no options available
3. Room fee + discretionary tipping (no discussion of tips)

I prefer fee structures 2 and 3.

With respect to models to emulate and aspire to, I would suggest The 2214 and Maison Massage.


Active Member
May 27, 2009
I think that once you find good reliable providers that are popular with many regulares, you need to treat those providers well. Make the work environment comfortable and safe. Their lounge area should be pleasnt and well equiped with good TVs and sound system and comfortable couches, a nice kitchen. Give your girls good bonuses so they want to stay for a long time. Schedule social events for the work group. If the good ones feel the family atmosphere they are likely to be solid workers. Building a regulare client base will bring in extra business. The key to this is a happy staff. Their satisfaction with working there will translate to a satisfied client who will be a repeat client. Basically "Spend money to make money".

Best of luck.....


New Member
Dec 23, 2010
Thank you so much for the responses so far.
These suggestions are all great! I want to make sure that both the client and the girl feel respected and appreciated. I really believe that the men I have met on merb deserve the best, and the women I am hiring deserve the best clients. ;)


Nov 23, 2007
Haha.....when I saw the thread's title, I immediately thought of how much I would love to give Jaime some input, in all of her sexy little orifices!........:) I have never had the pleasure of seeing her, but would have loved to when she was taking appointments.

Best of luck with your new endeavor, Jaime.

My advice would be;
-make sure pics on website are accurate and current.
-cleanliness and amenities really make an impression. A place like Maison Mulan really impressed me in this category.
-reasonable and competitive rates. I used to go to Kama, but no longer do because of how expensive they are.
-make it a per-requisite that all of your girls actually take some massage classes. When a girl is clueless in this department, and you've signed up for an hour long session, the finish is the only thing I end up enjoying. A girl who knows how to massage makes the entire session enjoyable.
-listen to clients' feedback and take it as constructive criticism instead of taking a defensive stance, like some advertisers do on here.

PS: If you would ever consider seeing anyone again for FS, please let me know. You can certainly PM me if you don't want to make that common knowledge.


Sep 8, 2004
I had the pleasure to meet with you in the past and one of the thing you did well was to greet me warmly and making me feel comfortable. At the time, you offered me some wine and we discussed a bit to break the ice. It was a nice touch and offering your clients something to drink (water, tea, wine) could be a nice introduction to your salon.

As far as other tips, previous posters have alluded to it already but making sure your staff is comfortable and feel good about the environment is paramount. The service is also very important of course, both the massage & after massage so I would suggest you seek out feedback from your clients. You could do that directly with them after the session or for more discretion, you could have them fill a quick paper survey that they can put in a box for your future review.

Last but not least, the place should be discreet and clean with lots of large and small towels. Obviously, the area should be arranged so that the customers don't bump into each others for more discretion and finally, parking is always welcomed.
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